Which mattress is better to choose - spring or springless?

Choosing a mattress is a responsible matter. And lately it has become even more complicated. Even in this area, technology does not stand still, so there are more and more varieties. And basically all of them are aimed at making your rest and sleep more comfortable. However, at first glance, the most comfortable sleeping place can be harmful to health. Too soft materials harm the spine, and this is especially dangerous for children. But the main question that arises when buying is how to choose a mattress, spring or springless. Which is better and how exactly do they differ - let's try to figure it out.

Mattress with independent spring unit

Varieties of spring mattresses

It is not enough just to decide which mattress to choose - spring or springless. There are several varieties of each type.

The types of spring mattresses are determined by the design of the springs themselves.

  • The first variety is products made of blocks. They are also called addicted. And another name - "Bonnel", that is, continuous weaving. The essence of this design is that the springs are connected into a single mesh. This manufacturing technology is the oldest. Such products are inexpensive, but they have a significant drawback - all springs are of the same stiffness. Because of this, mattresses do not have any orthopedic properties. In addition, due to the uneven distribution of the load, they quickly become unusable.
  • Another view is a mattress with independent springs. Details are not interconnected, and each of them is additionally protected by a special coating. And although the springs in this embodiment are made of the same materials as for Bonnel mattresses, they usually have a different diameter (slightly less) and the number of turns. In addition, the springs in these mattresses have different sizes and stiffness - in accordance with the structure of the human body. Depending on the area (head, arms, lower back, etc.), softer or stiffer springs are used.

Sectional spring mattress

Spring mattress design

Of course, if we consider a spring mattress, it is these curls that form its basis. Convenience of a berth and its service life depend on the quality and technology of their manufacture. But also when choosing such a product, it is important to pay attention to its filler and cover.

  • The springs are "hidden" under coverings from a wide variety of materials. But since the advantage of models with a Bonnel spring block is traditionally low cost, they often use inexpensive artificial materials for the upper layers. For example, polyurethane foam. It has several varieties - artificial latex, which is distinguished by its flexibility and softness, and “Memorix” (or “Memoriform”), which can adapt to the human body and “remember” the individual characteristics of its structure.
  • But the stiffness is given by the materials that are used for the upper and lower layers. Since a small amount is required, more expensive natural raw materials can be used. One of the best is coconut coir.
  • Additionally, the mattress can be strengthened with a special frame.
  • The cover is also important - it provides additional protection for the berth. purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ magazine draws attention: it is better if the cover is non-removable - it holds the inner layers of the product more tightly.

The girl lies on the mattress

Positive properties of a spring mattress

So, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of spring models and immediately determine which mattress is the best of these two types.

Positive aspects of Bonnel mattresses

  • Low cost. Compared to all other models, those that consist of dependent springs are not so expensive.
  • They are endowed with natural ventilation, since the springs are not covered with separate covers, as is the case with independent springs.
  • A large selection of models - this design is still the most popular, so it is easy to find mattresses of all sizes.

Positive sides of mattresses with independent springs

  • They can consist of springs of various sizes and densities, distributed over different zones in accordance with the structure of the human body. Due to this, such mattresses are considered orthopedic.
  • All springs in them are packed in separate cases. Therefore, they do not touch each other and do not create a creak that can interfere with a quiet sleep.
  • Due to the uniform distribution of the load on the springs of different sizes, such mattresses last much longer than the Bonnel models.
  • Also in these models are more springs, which provides better body support.

Bonnel spring mattress

Disadvantages of a spring mattress

But, despite all these positive aspects, such products are far from ideal and have a number of disadvantages.

Let's start with the Bonnel design.

  • Due to the equal size of the springs and the fact that they are interconnected, these models are devoid of any orthopedic properties and may even cause back pain. The consequences for preschool and school children are even worse - their posture has not yet formed, and such mattresses can cause damaged posture.
  • Regardless of the quality of workmanship, all these models gradually begin to creak due to the friction of the springs connected together.

There are drawbacks to the design of independent springs.

  • Their cost is higher than that of Bonnel. And some models cost more than springless mattresses.
  • They are very sensitive to stress. It is clear that in no case should they be loaded more than established by the manufacturers. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to jump on such mattresses. Once is enough to significantly reduce the life of the model. But to keep children from such entertainment is quite problematic.
  • Also inside the structure, air exchange is limited.

So, which mattress is better if you consider only spring? In this case, it is worth choosing models with separate springs.

Springless mattress design

Springless mattress design

Now let's try to figure out which mattresses are better - spring or springless. To do this, consider what are solid models. They can be divided into two groups.

Springless mattresses made of artificial materials

The most commonly used polyurethane foam and its individual varieties.

  • Artificial latex. The principle of its design resembles mattresses with independent springs. The cells that make up this material have different sizes. And they are arranged in random order. This distinguishes it from ordinary polyurethane foam, the cells of which are the same in size and ordered. Thanks to this device, the load is evenly distributed on different cells, which increases the wear resistance of the material.
  • Another view is Memorix, or Memorform. A feature of this material is its ability to change shape under the influence of heat and gravity of the human body. At the same time, changes persist longer than with latex.

Springless mattresses made from natural materials

The complete opposite of the models described above can be considered mattresses made from natural materials. They are not so soft, do not change shape, adapting to the human body. Good or bad - consider below. In the meantime, we will study what raw materials are used to make different models.

  • Coconut coir is the most common option.Most often it is used in combination with latex.
  • Seaweed.
  • Horsehair.

The girl lies on a new mattress

Positive properties of springless mattress

And again, to understand which mattress is the best, natural or artificial, we will separately consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

The best sides of non-natural materials:

  • their price is lower than that of natural analogues;
  • a wide variety of models;
  • as a rule, such products are quite soft, and even if you choose a model with a high density, modern technologies give materials the ability to adapt to the human body;
  • it is convenient to transport such mattresses.

Natural materials also have many positive qualities.

  • Perhaps a solid berth will seem uncomfortable to you, but this is what determines orthopedic properties. Hard mattresses prevent you from taking uncomfortable postures that can lead to spinal deformities. Therefore, products with natural fillers are often chosen for children.
  • These materials are the most durable and resistant to stress, the weight limit for them is much higher. They are able to serve for about twenty years.
  • Mattresses from these materials do not creak.
  • Do not absorb unpleasant odors.
  • They are impregnated with special compounds that stop the spread of bacteria.

Latex mattress

The disadvantages of a springless mattress

It is worth noting that springless products are also not without drawbacks.

Cons of fake materials

  • Often they are not tough enough. And the fact that they change their shape only aggravates the problem. Such “convenience” allows you to take the most unnatural poses while lying in bed. And this is bad for posture - back pain can occur over time.
  • The service life of polyurethane foam is reduced by exposure to sunlight.
  • Contact with the liquid also will not benefit him.
  • Some people notice that because of the polyurethane foam filler, they have headaches, nausea and drowsiness. This is due to the possible release of harmful substances from the material.

Cons of Coconut Coir

  • Its price is very high. And finding models that match the parameters you need is not so simple.
  • Due to hardness, difficulties arise when transporting to another place. Although there are thin mattress covers made of this material with which you can cover ordinary mattresses.
  • There may be discomfort that you will feel for a while.


So, you wondered which mattresses (spring, springless) are better to buy - and the authors of purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ tried to help you make the right choice. All products have their advantages and disadvantages. Choose a spring or springless mattress - it depends on your features and preferences.

If we talk about the health benefits, then the undisputed leader is springless models. And not all in a row - but only those that are made from natural raw materials. For example, from coconut coir. But not all adults are ready to give up a soft berth in favor of a hard product. And if you are aware of the possible consequences, then you can buy a mattress with springs. In this case, it is worth giving preference to more modern models.

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  1. Larisa
    10/04/2024 at 10:17 Reply

    Good article. I will share my experience. I won’t exchange my President for anyone else))) That’s the name of the model of my mattress from TM Consul, which I ordered on the official website of the factory. The mattress is so comfortable and comfortable that I even have problems with my back.The quality is insanely happy, as environmentally friendly materials are used. No deformation for six months of use. Purchase pleases.

  2. Eugene
    10/20/2024 at 14:00 Reply

    And we at the “Consul” ordered a children's mattress. The model is called “Teddy Bear”. Filled with batting and coconut coir, eco-friendly, hypoallergenic. We have a very high-quality mattress, we have an adult from this company, we sleep on it for more than five years, it has not bent at all. Therefore, the baby decided to take a mattress from them.


