What blanket is better to put in a newborn's crib?

Parents prepare a crib for the newborn, and they are interested in the question: which blanket is better to choose? It must be said right away that the question is incorrect: bedding should be bought in accordance with the season and air temperature in the room. You do not go to the disco in slippers, although they should be present in the wardrobe of any person. In the same way, you need to approach the equipment of a berth: one blanket for the cold, another for the off-season, the third for hot weather. The choice should be taken seriously: the baby should neither sweat nor freeze.

Baby in the crib under the covers

What requirements should be considered when choosing a blanket?

When choosing a baby blanket, you first need to consider the size of the crib. Too large a model will have to be twisted, it will be collected by the hill and will not give the necessary heat. A small product will not cover the baby completely, the arms and legs will protrude into the air and freeze. Measure the frame and take a blanket, the length corresponding to the bed, and the width of 15-20 cm more.

Many parents like only natural materials, and they prefer products from wool and down. Nothing bad can be said about such blankets, but they can cause an allergy attack. Try to put the baby next to an adult blanket of the same material and see how the baby will react to the filler. If you don’t notice any tears, or a runny nose, or a cough, you can shelter the baby. If you notice a manifestation of a negative reaction, it is better to choose a model with a different filler.

There are other requirements for a baby blanket. The baby should neither freeze nor sweat. He needs to sleep comfortably, so that all bedding can pass air well and not absorb foreign odors. The baby can soak several times a day in bed, so the blanket must withstand many washings and dry quickly.

What products are offered for newborns? In stores you can find patterns made of wool or bikes.

Often a blanket is a cover in which a filler is embedded. Usually, parents decide how to choose a heater, and forget that the top layer of material will come into contact with the skin. Pay attention to the material of the top, it should not leave traces of paint on the skin, emit unpleasant odors. It is better to purchase products of cassette assembly, where each fragment is made separately, and then the blocks are sewn into a common fabric. If the filler was simply laid in the cover and then quilted, the threads will tear quickly, the product will deform.

You can purchase filled models from the following materials:

  • fluff;
  • Wool
  • holofiber;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • cotton wool;
  • bamboo.


purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ magazine recommends choosing models with a removable cover when buying a blanket. You can easily remove and wash it if the child burps or spills something on the blanket.

Newborn in a knitted blanket

Is the baby warm?

The blanket in the first place should protect well from the cold. Cotton padded models are often not recommended for children. Such a product cannot be washed, it is difficult to find a dry cleaner that will undertake to put it in order. You can immediately discard this filler, and then bitterly regret your decision.

In many cities, heating problems often arise in winter: either the steam in the batteries is too cold, or the pumping station will break down in severe frosts. It is cold for both adults and children. Here you will be helped out by a cotton blanket.It may be heavy, difficult to care for, but such a model will save the baby from the cold. Get your baby such bedding, and no flaws in the management company will make him freeze.

If the apartment is constantly cold, buy a woolen blanket. It is hygroscopic, absorbs sweat well, but when buying, you need to touch the product and determine its cruelty. Wool should be well-treated so that it does not prick and does not contain chips, spines and other foreign inclusions. If you buy not a woven blanket, but a cover with stitched wool filling, pay attention to the label. The density of the stuffing depends on how warm the baby will be under such a blanket. For apartments with poor operation of the heating system in the winter, you need to stop at 420 g / m2.


When choosing a blanket made of wool, focus only on softness and warmth. All information about radiation protection, therapeutic effect and exposure to the skin of lanolin from the hair of various animals is a common publicity stunt.

Wool is considered a light filler, but if you want the baby to be warm and the weight of the blanket not felt at all, choose a model from holofiber or synthetic winterizer. These materials can be washed, harmful insects do not start in them. If you go on a trip, the product can be packaged compactly, it does not take up much space, and its weight is almost imperceptible. Such things can be safely packed and sent to the mezzanine for the summer period, they will not be eaten.

Sleeping baby under a light blanket

How to shelter a baby so that he is not hot

In a cold apartment, you need to warm your baby, but summer comes, and adults change their woolen coats for light dresses. The kid also needs to free himself from the hot shelter. For a warm period, a baby blanket from a bike is perfect. The big plus of this product is that it can be washed frequently. Natural fabric with a soft fleece does not irritate the baby’s skin, he can play and crawl on such a litter, there will be no harm to his body.

When you go for a walk in the forest or park, take a bike blanket with you. It does not take up much space in the bag, does not burden you with excess weight. In a clearing, spread a blanket on the grass and lay the baby on it. Do not worry that grass and grains of sand will get tangled in the fabric - at home you will throw a blanket into the washing machine, then hang it on the dryer and it will be like new.

If the summer is cool, you will need a woolen blanket, only it should be different from the winter version. Choose a filler density of 200 g / m2, under such a baby it will not be hot. From time to time come up to the child, touch his neck. If you feel sweat, you have wrapped the baby too warmly, remove the blanket and cover it with a duvet cover, a sheet or a light blanket.

The debate about which blanket is best for the baby is useless; the best option is to keep it warm and cold.

Recently, bamboo blankets have appeared on sale. If bamboo was used in the manufacture, then under such shelter the baby will be very comfortable: it is not hot in the summer and not cold in the winter. The material does not cause allergies, easy to care for. There is only one drawback: such products are expensive.

Designer blanket for the newborn

Designer Blankets

Any mother wants her child to have all the best. In stores you can find blankets, which can be equated to works of art both in cost and design. Masters make whole pictures on woolen cloths, create fabulous plots and scenes from popular cartoons from shreds. Handwork is very expensive, but are such things needed for a baby?

A small child constantly gets dirty, spills milk and juices on the bed. You will have to wash the blanket very often, but usually designer clothes do not tolerate such heavy use. Very soon, the pictures will become stained, the seams between the fragments will separate.Mom is nervous, dad swears at a waste of money, and the child doesn’t care, they covered him with the usual production model or the work of a famous master.

Spare your nerves and finances, buy a regular blanket in a crib, from which the baby will be warm and pleasant. You can buy a beautiful expensive item, but you do not need to use it every day. Do you go to the children's clinic or visit? If you want to show off your taste, wrap the child in a beautiful blanket. Nothing will be done from one trip of an elegant thing, and you can amuse your vanity. Constantly using such things is not necessary, they will quickly lose their appearance and become worthless.

When choosing a blanket for a newborn in a crib, consider the temperature in your apartment. Some management companies are ready to burn residents alive and drown so that the room can be steamed. And there are houses where it is constantly cold even in summer, their inhabitants take off their jackets only on the hottest days. Do not let your baby catch a cold, but do not make him languish from the heat, choose bedding in accordance with the microclimate of the children's room.

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