How to choose an orthopedic pillow for a healthy sleep?

Poor health, back pain, osteochondrosis make many people look for different miraculous treatment methods and drugs, although one orthopedic pillow for sleeping can solve all problems. The question arises: why did our great-grandmothers lay tall feather structures under their heads - and they did no harm? Probably the reason is that before all people moved a lot, engaged in physical labor. This natural gymnastics per day corrected all disorders in the spine. Automation of workplaces, elevators, personal cars make people inactive, various types of orthopedic pillows are produced to help their spinal column.

Woman resting on orthopedic pillow

What are orthopedic pillows

There are many orthopedic pillows in stores, but not all models have a name that corresponds to their effect on the spine. Manufacturers noticed the buyer’s interest in the new product and decided to change the shape of products filled with fluff, or sew in a synthetic winterizer. Such pillows do not have any beneficial effect, but thanks to the magic word "orthopedic" they are sold very well.

Only a few fillers can give the head a proper position during sleep:

  • buckwheat husk;
  • latex;
  • gel;
  • memory foam.

Customers especially liked the first option. The husk is evenly distributed throughout the volume, does not stray into one corner and holds its head in the desired position.

Latex is not a chemical compound, but a natural material obtained from rubber processing. Products with it are elastic, well ventilated. Unlike models with buckwheat filling, insects cannot live in such a pillow.

Sometimes a gel is used as a filler, which not only helps to occupy the correct position, but also cools the heated body, has a massage effect.

The body structure is different for everyone, but scientists have solved this problem. They created a model filled with special foam. When you go to bed, under the influence of heat, the material becomes denser and a recess remains on the pillow, exactly following the contours of the head and neck. On this basis, another product was created - a pillow for snoring. It does not allow a person to turn into a position in which breathing is difficult and unpleasant sounds are heard from the throat.

There are many developments; manufacturers take into account all situations that may arise. During sleep, the muscles of the head and neck should be relaxed, but this is not always possible if the person has nowhere to lie or has problems with the spine.

On sale you can find the following products:

  • a pillow for the neck (to make it comfortable for a person to sleep in an airplane or car seat);
  • a model with a notch for the shoulder will provide a quiet sleep with osteochondrosis;
  • a medical product with crankshaft adapts to the irregular shape of the cervical spine.

Girl sleeping on an orthopedic pillow

Which models are the highest quality

It is not easy to make a good orthopedic pillow; competent specialists and modern equipment are required. A small artel producing goods in a rented apartment or in a garage cannot produce high-quality goods. The products of well-known companies are more expensive, but your spine will be protected.

Manufacturers deserved good reviews:

  • Trives
  • Vegas
  • Viva;
  • Vefer;
  • Bedding;
  • Consul;
  • Ascona;

Prices for the products of companies that produce the best orthopedic pillows do not have to scare the abundance of zeros.If you want to buy an economical option, pay attention to Trives, their products can be found from 500 rubles. If you want to buy an expensive luxury product - choose Consul or Bedding. The price of their products can reach 7,000 rubles or more, but some of their models have additional features, such as the ability to fall asleep to your favorite melody.

The developer of the Ascona brand was V.I.Dikul, world famous. He himself suffered a spinal injury, created a system for restoring the motor system, and received the title of academician. All the subtleties of the cervical work were well known to him and were used in the design of orthopedic appliances.

Orthopedic pillow with memory effect

How to choose an orthopedic pillow

You have already decided with which filler you need to buy a pillow, but the trade offers hundreds of different models. Which is better for normal sleep, how not to make a mistake with the choice? For a while, forget about the price and design and determine the necessary products according to 4 main signs:

  1. height;
  2. sizes
  3. rigidity;
  4. the form.

The correct height depends on your favorite sleeping position. The largest - for those who like to sleep on their sides, not lower than 14 cm. For a pose on the back, see models from 10 cm, on the stomach - 6 cm and above. You also need to consider that a broad-shouldered person needs more height, and with a soft mattress you need to choose a pillow below. Let all these conditions not scare you, do not need to make complex calculations - when you lie down, the body itself will tell you. If the head is raised, the chin is near the chest - the model is too tall. When you can’t take a comfortable pose, there is a desire to put your hand under your head - you have chosen too low an option.


The resource recommends that those who like to sleep on their sides measure the distance from the base of the neck to the large tubercle of the humerus. About this height should be an orthopedic pillow for sleeping.

Length and width matter only for those who sleep uneasily, constantly tossing and turning. See that the model is not too narrow and the head does not roll on the mattress. The most common size is 50x70 cm, but you can choose according to your taste and the width of the bed. The same goes for form. Anyone who has a beloved position on their stomach should choose a pillow without rollers, and if you are lying on your back or side, take it with rollers.

The rest depends on your taste, models are:

  • oval;
  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • round.

Stiffness also depends on the posture. The softest pillow required is sleeping on your stomach. To position yourself on the back, you need a little tougher model, and on the side - the toughest.

Have you found several pillows to suit your conditions? Now you can evaluate the color, design, cost and choose the best option.

Girl sleeping on an orthopedic pillow

Pillows for children

It is very important to correctly equip a child's berth so that his spine is formed correctly from the first days. It is advisable to consult with a pediatrician or pediatric orthopedist who will advise the right model in accordance with the structure of the baby's body. Newborns have a flat back, they do not need to raise their heads during sleep. Infants need a pillow only for medical reasons, strictly following the doctor’s instructions.

Up to 2 years old, the child can only sleep on a low inclined pillow. Often pediatricians recommend choosing models with down filling, but this material can cause an allergy in a baby. Do not forget that all baby bedding should be well ventilated and withstand frequent washing. Do not take pillows on the market, buy only the goods of specialized companies: they know what requirements are imposed on children's bedding.

When buying a pillow for a child, you can not pay attention to the durability of the materials. Children grow up quickly, after 2-3 years they will need another model. Some companies understand the problems of parents and produce whole lines of baby pillows for different ages.If a child has any health problems, especially those related to bones and the nervous system, be sure to consult a specialist and find out what your baby should sleep on.

Sleep on an orthopedic pillow

Advantages and disadvantages of different models

The correct form of the cervical spine is very important for all organs and systems. Through this segment, the brain sends nerve impulses that control all the functions of the body. The constricted blood vessels or fibers of the spinal cord cannot fully perform their work, and the person begins to get sick. During the day, muscles maintain the correct position of the head, but at night they relax and the shape of the spinal column may be disturbed. The main advantage of all orthopedic pillows is that they prevent the head and neck from taking the wrong position during sleep.

If the orthopedic pillow for sleeping is filled with buckwheat skin, a sharp husk serves as a kind of point massager. A person does not notice small injections, but this improves the supply of skin with blood, relieves tension from the nervous system. In negative reviews there are complaints of unpleasant rustling of the husk. Some consumers are unhappy that the pillow is heavy, but for an item that does not need to be constantly moved from place to place, weight does not matter much.

Latex and foam fillers retain good elasticity, their service life exceeds 5 years. For the massage effect, models with small tubercles on the surface are produced. One of the disadvantages of these products is the high price, but mostly buyers are unhappy with the unpleasant odor. If your sense of smell is uncomfortable, you will have to air the purchase for 2-3 weeks and only then start using it.

Common complaints about all orthopedic pillows - their high rigidity. We are all accustomed to soft fluff or synthetic winterizer, after it a useful elastic surface in the first days seems stone. It takes about a week to adapt to new sensations. During this time, you will understand that the head should not sink in super-soft material, it needs support.

A whole day, a man struggles with his own muscles: they want to keep their torso straight, and we strive to bend over documents or a computer keyboard, grind on one side. At night, there is no support for the cervical spine, the whole body is relaxed and the head bends forward, then leans back, then turns to one side. Have pity on your spine; it should serve you to a very old age. Now you know how to choose the right orthopedic pillow. Well equip a sleeping place, and you will maintain good posture for a long time.

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