Choosing the right pillow for a two year old child

Pediatricians recommend that babies simply sleep on a mattress. But the baby is growing, and now the parents are wondering which pillow is best for a 2 year old child. After all, it is from this age that this accessory becomes desirable. There are products from different materials, which allows you to choose the most convenient option.

Baby on an inclined pillow

Pillows for children under one year old

It is often difficult for adults to imagine how it can be comfortable to sleep without a pillow. However, they forget about the physiological characteristics of infants. The head of the newborn is quite large in relation to the body, in adults this proportion is different. Therefore, no matter how the child is lying - on his side, stomach or back - his spine and neck are at the same level.

Moreover, for very young children, a pillow can be dangerous. After all, they still do not know how to turn or do it badly. They can bury themselves in it and suffocate. recommends removing all foreign objects, including soft toys, while you sleep. Instead of a pillow, a folded diaper can be placed under the crumbs head. It absorbs moisture if the child burps or sweats. You can also slightly raise the head of the crib so that the head is slightly higher than body level.

If parents adhere to the point of view that such a product is nevertheless necessary, then options suitable for the smallest should be considered.

  • Tilted pillow. The effect of it is the same as that of a slightly raised mattress. The shoulders and the baby's head should be on the pillow. Such a product is convenient for children who are prone to frequent spitting up, as well as during colds. In such cases, a runny nose interferes with babies less.
  • Special pillow to prevent strangulation. It is made of special materials that allow air to pass through. Even if the baby bury her nose in it, then nothing bad will happen. It also has a form that is absolutely safe for the spine of the newborn.
  • Orthopedic pillow. In appearance it resembles a butterfly, in its center there is a recess for the head. It is necessary for crankshaft and some other problems, in such cases it is prescribed by doctors. It is also used to prevent deformation of the skull bones, for example, when the baby likes to lie in a certain position.

Such products are convenient to use until the child reaches six months. After this age, babies begin to better control their body, they confidently roll over, later - they sit and crawl. Toddlers rarely they sleep in one position, they move throughout the crib. Therefore, the pillow is often out of work.

Girl sleeping on a latex pillow

What to look for when choosing

Very young children do not need a pillow. But at what age should it be used? Pediatricians answer: from 2 years. At this point, the main curves of the spine are forming, and the cervical region needs support. After 6-7 years, you can put your child to sleep on a regular, "adult" product.

But you need to remember the needs of your child. If he does not want to sleep on the pillow, slides off it, or even rolls over in the bed, then he does not need to be forced. When a baby at the age of 1.5 tries to build a pillow from his blanket, then it is time to give it to him.

There are a number of requirements for any products for children. After all, babies are still growing, their bodies are forming, they are more prone to allergies than adults. Therefore, the pillows must be very high quality.

When choosing a pillow for a baby, you need to pay attention to the following nuances.

  • How safe are the materials used for the manufacture.Do not chase the low price. Perhaps the manufacturer saved on fabrics or used toxic dyes.
  • Breathability. This characteristic is important both for newborn babies and for older children. The smallest will be able to breathe, even if they are buried in a pillow. And older adults will have less sweat on their heads.
  • The product should not be too soft. If you put pressure on him, then it should restore its shape.
  • The pillow should be sized according to the age of the baby. The standard option is 40 * 60. It is such pillowcases that are most often provided in sets of children's underwear. If you choose a pillow with other parameters, you should immediately take care of pillowcases. Orthopedic products have other sizes.
  • The acceptable shape is a rectangle or square. Products in the form of cute animals or letters are suitable only for decoration.
  • The pillow for a 2-year-old child must be neatly stitched with straight seams.
  • A product intended for a baby should withstand washing, without losing its original appearance. Well, if he has a zipper that allows you to separately wash the cover.

Sleeping two year old girl

Filler Options

Another important characteristic of any pillow is the material. Natural fabrics, such as cotton, are suitable for the cover. But the filler can be natural or synthetic. And to say which pillow is better is impossible. Sometimes you have to try several options to choose the best one.


The optimal thickness of the baby pillow is equal to the width of the shoulder of the crumbs. On average, it is about 8 cm.

Natural materials include the following.

  • Feather and fluff. Pillows have long been made of them. However, the usual version of the filler cannot be considered ideal. Such products are too soft, which is not good for the spine. In addition, an allergic child may experience a reaction in the form of a rash, runny nose, or other symptoms.
  • Sheep's wool. As with feathers and down, wool can also cause allergies. Another drawback is that this material is prone to clumping. Therefore, it is often combined with synthetic fillers, such a product will retain its shape for a long time. Plus fleece - it is comfortable in any weather. It’s cool to sleep on such a pillow in summer, while in winter it’s warm.
  • Bamboo. Products from this product are very comfortable, they will last a long time. The likelihood of allergies to this material is minimal.
  • Buckwheat husk. Most often used to fill orthopedic pillows. The material provides a gentle head massage. He has a minus - he rustles. Rustling unusual for such baby sounds can distract from sleep.

Synthetic materials deserve no less attention than natural ones. Their main advantage is that they do not cause allergies. They also differ in durability.
Filler comfort
What are synthetic fillers?

  • Synthetic winterizer. Such products are not too durable, but quite cheap.
  • Hollofiber. Despite the low breathability, this material is popular. It is resilient, a product with such a filler will last a long time.
  • Comforel An excellent replacement for bird fluff that does not cause allergies. A similar pillow for a 2 year old child is very soft.
  • Latex. One of the best options for baby pillows. Doctors often recommend it. Latex provides the correct position in a dream.
  • Polyester. It has good breathability, lightweight and comfortable.
  • Viscoelastic polyurethane foam. Suitable for the manufacture of orthopedic products, well retains the shape of the head. Hard enough.

What is the best pillow, parents decide, given the needs of their baby. The choice of product must be approached responsibly, because it is better to do prevention than treatment in the future. Good sleep is the key to the health of the baby, so parents should ensure a good rest.

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