Opinions of experts about the benefits and harms of buckwheat husk pillows

Now people are trying to take care of their health - they eat right and go in for sports. They also find new ways to make their life better. Perhaps that is why various orthopedic pillows are so popular, which can significantly improve the quality of sleep. Only here, not everyone knows that you can use buckwheat husk pillows. This option will come to few minds. Similar products are especially popular in Asian countries. Dust mites cannot start in the husk, it has a beneficial effect on health - it relieves pain in the cervical spine. Many are interested in not only the benefits, but also the harm of the buckwheat husk pillow, because it does not want to harm its body.

Buckwheat Pillow by Faberlic


It should be noted that buckwheat pillows are produced by companies that produce organic food and cosmetics. You can buy products on the websites of the USA, China or Japan. Buckwheat in the composition is exceptionally pure, which means it is ideal for people who suffer from various types of allergies.

The most famous manufacturer is Faberlic. It is from this company that you can purchase pillows that differ in a number of advantages.

  • If you fall asleep on such a pillow, then you will receive an excellent daily massage that has a positive effect on blood circulation.
  • The essential oils found in buckwheat are very beneficial. You can inhale them during sleep.
  • Products take the correct anatomical shape, which is beneficial for the muscles and spine.
  • The orthopedic properties of the pillow help to keep the neck in the correct position.

The properties

The main advantage of buckwheat husk is that it does not crease during the production process, which means that it easily takes the form of a head and neck, but at the same time it does not allow the body to collapse greatly. This is what doctors usually recommend to their patients, who suffer from pain in the neck, shoulders and back. Although official medicine does not say much about such products.

Buckwheat Pillow

The opinion of chiropractors

All those who are interested in what the benefits and harm of buckwheat husk pillows are may also worry about what manual experts think about these products. You need to listen to their opinion if you want to not only maintain your health, but also improve it.

The best in this business note that such pillows really perfectly support the neck. Particular attention should be paid to those who complain of back pain after a long sleep. Such symptoms suggest that you have any problems and you are not sleeping in the most comfortable position. In the future, this can further worsen your health, so you should be careful about such signals.

purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommends that you take a test before buying a pillow to determine if you have a health problem. If there are no problems, then you can purchase the product for your pleasure and prevention. Moreover, this can significantly improve the quality of your sleep.

Woman sleeping on a pillow

Advantages and disadvantages

Buckwheat husk pillow has many useful properties, which have been confirmed by highly qualified specialists. However, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail what advantages the product has.

  • Universality. You can add or remove part of the filler, which allows you to "tune" the pillow directly for yourself. Too high or low rise will not allow you to relax, which means you will feel uncomfortable.
  • Such a pillow does not accumulate heat, which is also a plus. Sleeping on it will be cool, even if the street is unbearable heat. In this case, do not worry that in winter it will cause some kind of discomfort.
  • Husk is an environmentally friendly product. You can not worry about your health. This item is especially important for people with allergies, because fluff or synthetic materials can cause a very strong reaction. The husk will protect you from such problems, you can be 100% sure of this.

Do not forget about the shortcomings that this wonderful product has. But they are more relevant to the very beginning of operation, when you are not used to it.

  • The hardness of the filler. After a regular soft pillow, the husk may seem very hard.
  • Rustle. This can cause some discomfort, because ordinary pillows do not emit such sounds.
  • Smell. At first it will seem that it is very intense, but then you just get used to it.
  • Unusual filling. In order to achieve the most comfortable form, you will have to experiment a bit, adding and removing filler.


All pillows are equipped with very comfortable zippers with which you can access the filler. By the way, some manufacturers sell their products with additional filler, which means that you can make the pillow more magnificent and higher, if necessary.

Keep in mind that after several years of use, the husk will lose its volume, which means that it needs to be added in order to sleep comfortably. Otherwise, this accessory will in no way differ from your usual pillow, only sleeping on it will be much more comfortable. The main thing is to get used to this unusual product.

Buckwheat husk pillow filler

Products for children

Many adults who practice sleep on a pillow filled with buckwheat husk decide to purchase such an accessory for their children. It is worth noting that this decision is correct and the child should be accustomed to a healthy lifestyle from childhood.

If the child is still very small, then he will need a minimum amount of filler. As the husk grows, you can gradually add. Some manufacturers have pillows that are designed specifically for children. These accessories are filled with medicinal fillers, which will beneficially affect the health of the child. You can buy such a pillow for only 500 rubles. There are cheaper options, but the filler in them is slightly worse, so you should not save.

Buckwheat Pillow

Reviews and pillows

Buckwheat husk pillow fits absolutely everyone, so this accessory is gaining such popularity. Those who have been using the product for a long time, note that they have lost headaches after sleep. Pain in the neck and spine disappeared.

It is worth noting that at first you may not be very comfortable sleeping on such a pillow, but then all the discomfort will pass.

If you buy a pillow for a child in early childhood, then he will not encounter many problems at all. The main thing is to choose high-quality models. Pay attention not only to the filler, but also to the material of the cover. Ideal if the cover is made of satin. It is very dense and at the same time pleasant to the touch, which, of course, is a plus.


Experienced experts recommend choosing pillows of universal size - 60x40. If your shoulders are high, then give preference to rectangular models - 70x50.

In any case, you should not refuse such a purchase, because it will bring you only benefit. You can improve your quality of life several times and get only pleasure from sleep.

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