Standard sizes of a double bed depending on the country of manufacture

The choice of a place to sleep should be approached with all responsibility. The standard size of a double bed is not always convenient, it is important to consider your own needs. The quality of the bed should be good - this applies to the frame and mattress. If the purchase is unsuccessful, it is unlikely to get a good rest. This affects the mood and well-being, in addition, there is a risk of making problems with the back. When it comes to a pair, you must remember the preference of both.

Double bed with storage compartment

What are the beds?

All beds can be divided into several groups:

  • single - their width does not exceed 100 cm;
  • one and a half - sizes range from 120 cm to 160 cm;
  • standard size of a double bed - from 160 to 200 cm;
  • royal (king size) - places for recreation, the width of which is more than 200 cm.

You can pay attention that the widest one-and-a-half bed practically does not differ from a double. Therefore, a couple may consider different options. The length is almost always the same - 200 cm. At the same time, the dimensions of the product itself can vary significantly due to the variety of shapes: there are round, oval and other beds.

Bed size variations

Size selection

The standard size of a double bed is calculated based on the average height of a person and the weight of a person. To make it comfortable to sleep, you need to remember a simple rule: the length of the product should exceed the height of 20-30 cm. An average height is 170 cm, which is why usually beds are 200 cm long. But a person with a height of 190 cm will not be comfortable to sleep, he needs an individual approach.

The optimal width depends on the parameters of the person, as well as on his preferences for relaxation. If your favorite pose is on your side, then you will need less space than those who like to sleep with a “star”, arms and legs outstretched.

In addition to the length and width when buying, you need to pay attention to the height of the product. Beds are low, medium and high. There are no standards for height; it is determined by the style in which the bed is made. For example, the English style is characterized by fairly high products, and the eastern - low.

It is necessary to take into account not only the planned interior of the room, but also the physical characteristics of people. For a miniature person, a too high berth will not be comfortable, and vice versa. It will be inconvenient to sit on such a product and get up from it. We must remember about age. It’s not easy for older people to crouch low, so their bed should also be high enough, but not too much. Young couples have no such restriction.

It is believed that the average height is suitable for everyone. But it’s better to choose a bed for yourself, especially if the growth in any direction differs from the average or there are joint diseases.

One and a half low bed

Single and one and a half options

If the bed is needed for one person, then you can choose a single. Its standard width is about 100 cm, and the length, like any other option, is 200 cm. For people of normal build and not too tall, such a product is enough. But thanks to the minimum dimensions it is easier to place it in the room, leaving room for other furnishings.

If the space in the room allows you to put a larger bed, then you can consider one and a half options. Their sizes range from 120 to 160 cm. If only one person is comfortable sleeping on a product with a minimum width, then a width of 160 cm is also suitable for two.In Europe, the standard size of one and a half beds is 140-160 cm. They are called "Double" there, and they are designed just for two.

Double bedroom

The average size of double beds

Dimensions of a one and a half bed quite allow comfortable placement of a couple. This will save space and put an additional cupboard or table in a small bedroom. The parameters of the largest one and a half beds actually coincide with the size of the minimum double. Its width is practically unlimited, there are products on sale and more than 2.5 m. It is worth remembering that the berth is taken into account for the measurement. The total size of the bed may be larger.


When choosing a bed, you need to measure the place where it will stand. It is advisable not to place it close to the wall, but to leave a passage.

It is the double beds that have the most significant range of widths. The step is 5 cm. Thanks to this diversity, you can always choose the best option for a particular bedroom, which will not occupy the entire room, look nice, and will sleep comfortably on it.

The average height of such a product is considered to be about half a meter. But this is with a simple mattress. An orthopedic mattress with springs increases the height to almost 70 cm, and a foam mattress, on the contrary, reduces it.

Round double bed

Other options

Choosing the standard size of a double bed is not necessary. It is worth considering individual options. It is easier to choose a bed for one person, since you have to focus on height and weight. When it comes to a vacation spot for two, you need to consider not only the parameters of the couple, but also their interaction with each other. There are situations when the bed is quite spacious, but you can’t sleep properly in it. Then you should pay attention to products of increased size. Many manufacturers can make a bed according to individual parameters.

European double beds are quite large: often their width reaches 180 and 200 cm. Americans call these beds royal. Standart King has a width and length of about 193 by 200 cm. And the beds of Western King and California King are longer than usual: their size is not less than 210 cm.

It must be remembered that you will have to buy not only a bed, but also a mattress and bedding. Standard sizes are easier to find. If it is to purchase an American-made bed, then in the future there may be a problem with the selection of textiles. Sewing it to order is not always convenient: it is longer and more expensive than just buying in a store.

Bed frame

How to choose a bed frame?

When buying a bed, you need to know how to choose a quality product that will last more than one year. First of all, you need to make sure that the frame is strong enough. If it is flimsy, then there is a risk that the bed will fall apart soon after the start of use. In addition, it is on him that the mattress is laid. Their sizes must match, otherwise the mattress will move out or puff up, because of which it will not be possible to have a good rest.

The frame can be of two types: backs, which are supporting, and side panels, or four panels on which the backs are fixed. The support in this case are the legs or platform. The frames of their chipboard and MDF are common, but wood or metal products will last longer. But their price is higher.

Special jumpers are laid on the frame, it is on them that the mattress lies. There should be enough of them for the bed to last a long time. The distance between them does not exceed the width of the jumper itself. There are about 30 pieces in a standard size double bed.

In addition to wooden lintels, the base can be a metal mesh. magazine does not recommend purchasing such products: the mesh gradually sags, and it becomes uncomfortable to sleep.

If you need to save space in the room, you can choose a bed with a lifting mechanism or special drawers for bedding.But such products have a drawback: the mattress is on a solid basis, so that the air circulation is disturbed. As a result, it crashes faster.

Couple on a new mattress

Which mattress is better?

To make the new double bed a great place to relax, you need to take care of the mattress. It depends on how comfortable it will be. A poor-quality mattress is not only inconvenient, it can be harmful to health, since the spine is in the wrong position during sleep.

All mattresses are divided into two types: with and without springs. Springs can be:

  • independent when each of them is in a tissue block;
  • dependent, in which case they are in a special way intertwined.

Springless mattresses are a block of materials such as latex, coconut, memorial, viscoelastic foam, sisal. Other fillers are used - both artificial and natural.

The mattress should correspond to the size of the bed, lie firmly on it, do not move out, do not fall off the edge. Therefore, if you want a non-standard bed, you need to think about which mattress is suitable for it. In addition, it is necessary to take into account age, height, weight, health status.

For people of average build a mattress of any degree of rigidity is suitable. Full recommended to choose hard products, and thin, on the contrary, quite soft. Over-aged people should avoid overly hard mattresses, as problems with the spine and blood circulation can begin.

Mattresses with independent springs are well suited for a double bed. Even if one of the couple tosses and turns, the second half of the product will remain motionless, so that no one will interfere with each other.

Health status also matters. If you have problems with the musculoskeletal system, you need to sleep on an orthopedic mattress. It corresponds to the anatomy of the body and provides support for the spine. With joint diseases, such a mattress will also alleviate the condition, since on it the body takes a comfortable pose. Healthy people can also sleep on it to prevent back problems.

Allergy sufferers should pay particular attention to the choice of excipient. Natural materials often provoke negative reactions, so synthetic ones are more preferable.

So, choosing the right bed size is very important, because the quality of rest depends on the convenience of a bed. In different countries, the standard dimensions are different. The average parameters of a double bed are 180 cm by 200 cm. But you can find other options, taking into account the individual characteristics of both partners and the area of ​​the room. It is only worth remembering that in a small bed it can be too crowded, but in a large one it is uncomfortable. Well, if there is an opportunity in the store to lie on your favorite bed and determine how it suits you.

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