What sizes of bed mattresses are considered standard?

The choice of mattresses in specialized stores is simply huge. They are made of a variety of materials and have certain sizes. If the buyer has little experience, then most likely he will have difficulties with what kind of mattress to get for his bed. Of course, you can turn to consultants for help, but not all stores have knowledgeable people who can give practical advice. For example, when choosing, you should know the standard sizes of mattresses for the bed, so that no serious error occurs.

When the mattress and bed are perfectly sized for each other, you don’t even notice it, but simply enjoy a comfortable and relaxing sleep. As soon as any discrepancies occur, it immediately becomes noticeable. For example, a mattress that is too large is deformed, and bumps form on it, which, of course, interfere with your sleep. If the mattress is small, then gaps remain at the edges of the bed. It doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing, bedding does not hold, and sometimes hands and feet fall into these holes. Therefore, you should not make a purchase at random, so as not to be disappointed in the future.

Sizes of a double bed

What you need to know

What are the mattresses and how not to make a mistake in choosing? First of all, you should consider that products from Europe are different from those made in the USA. This is due to the fact that different markings are used on mattresses - centimeters in European countries, inches in America. It is here that difficulties arise, since, having bought a German bed, you definitely can not find the perfect mattress from the USA. It will be either too large or too small - there will definitely not be a third option here.

For example, you decided to buy a standard King size bed in Russia, the width of which is exactly 2 meters. A mattress from the USA of a similar size will be 80 inches, which when converted to centimeters is 203 centimeters and a couple more millimeters. The difference is small, but still critical. These three centimeters will ruin the shape of the product, which will ultimately affect the quality of your sleep.

To avoid such problems, you should buy a bed and mattress from one manufacturer. If suddenly for some reason it is impossible to do this, choose products from at least one country. This approach eliminates all chances of error, and the pair will match just perfect. Another option is to order the product by individual standards. Many companies provide such services, although the prices are quite high.

American mattress sizes

For adults

Rectangular mattresses can have a length of 190, 195 and 200 centimeters. These parameters are the same everywhere. Products differ in their width.

  • For single beds, you can buy models with a width of 80 centimeters.
  • One and a half - 120 centimeters.
  • Double mattresses can be different - the most common and very large. But even here there are certain standards. The smallest mattresses have a width of 140 cm; those that are larger are 160 and 180 cm, and the largest are 190–200 cm. It is the easiest to choose a model for a double bed.

Toddler on a baby mattress


Mattresses of slightly different sizes are bought for cots, which means that the standards here are different. For example, for babies models that are only 120 centimeters long are suitable. Moreover, they have a width of 60 cm. For older children, the dimensions are slightly larger - 140x70. But these are not all the options, as some manufacturers produce mattresses of not quite standard sizes. In some cases, models have a length of 120 to 160 centimeters, and a width of 60 to 80. This must be taken into account and carefully studied the parameters before making a purchase.

Sizes of mattresses and beds

How to choose?

You already understood that you need to choose a mattress based on the size of the bed, this is a prerequisite. Two products should ideally fit each other so that the appearance and comfortable sleep are not spoiled. Here, by the way, it is necessary to take into account not only the width and length, but also the height of the model so that the mattress does not turn out to be too low. In the event that you want to buy a product for an old bed, you will have to measure its height inside using a tape measure. Make it easy. Just do not need to take measurements from the old mattress: the result will be inaccurate, because over the years of his service, he shrank and sank very much.

Please note that almost all beds are designed for 2 meters long mattresses. There are, of course, exceptions, but they are not so common.


In order for you to sleep comfortably on the bed, the mattress should be about 15 centimeters larger than your height. That is, if your height, for example, is 170 cm, then a product with a length of 190 cm is suitable.

With the choice of the width of the mattress, things are somewhat simpler. You should be guided by what model at your bed. The size of the double mattress varies from 1.4 to 2 meters in increments of 20 centimeters. Despite this take-off, there is also a standard of its own - 160 centimeters. Beds of this width are most common.

Mattress Height Measurement


Now you know about the standard sizes of mattresses. It is worth paying special attention to such a parameter as height. For the most part, this criterion depends on personal preferences, but still the product should at least a couple of centimeters rise above the base of the bed. This parameter is most relevant for orthopedic mattresses, the requirements for which are much higher.

You should familiarize yourself with the main nuances.

  • If the products do not have springs, then their height is usually about 16 centimeters. This is an average parameter. There are thinner or thicker models (up to 24 centimeters). Very thin products - their thickness is from 2 to 11 centimeters - are unlikely to be used independently. They are suitable only as a supplement if, for example, springs were sold on an old mattress and it simply lost its original shape.
  • Products with springs usually have a height in the region of 20-22 centimeters. Elite models are considered more than 32 centimeters - they can be purchased only in specialized stores at a fairly high price.

Round bed

Custom Options

If you want something unusual, then you can order a custom size bed for yourself, and a mattress to it. For example, it is now very fashionable to install huge round beds in your bedrooms. Unfortunately, in ordinary stores such models are extremely rare. Therefore, if you want something exotic, you will have to find companies that make custom-made mattresses.


The resource purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ is recommended to very carefully choose a company that will take up such an unusual case. Individual manufacturing is not cheap, so I do not want to make a mistake and get completely different from what I would like.

Always remember that in addition to size, the quality of mattresses plays a huge role. They are ordinary and not very expensive, as well as orthopedic. Experts recommend not saving, but choosing only really high-quality models that will give you a good sleep. If the mattress is chosen incorrectly, then you will not feel comfortable sleeping, in addition, in the future you will probably get some health problems. Give preference to trusted brands that are not the first year on the market. Be sure to carefully read the reviews and only after that make an informed decision. This is especially true for models for children, because their musculoskeletal system has not yet been formed.

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