What time should I get up in the morning to feel great?

The physiology of sleep is the same for everyone, but someone easily wakes up early in the morning, and for someone, early awakening becomes a real torture. To create all the conditions for a healthy sleep, it is important to understand what time you need to get up in the morning and why it is so difficult to accustom yourself to wake up at the “right” time.

There are generally accepted norms that state that you need to wake up between 6 and 8 in the morning. But larks and owls will not agree with this. Each chronotype has its own boundaries of the optimal awakening time. They are due to the biological clock, which depends on many factors: lifestyle, genetics and occupation.

Pleasant awakening in the morning

What time do you need to wake up?

There is a widespread belief that the best time for a morning rise is a summer dawn, 5-6 in the morning. Also, many will agree that you need to wake up only when the body itself wants it. An even better option would be an individual schedule taking into account the phases of sleep, chronotype, health status and lifestyle. Rest is needed in order to restore the body’s strength; accordingly, this physiological need loses its meaning if a person makes himself wake up at a certain time through power.


You can use the useful sleep calculator, it calculates the correct waking time, taking into account the phases of sleep, the duration and time of falling asleep. But the “smart” device does not take into account the genetic need for sleep, which affects the result.

4 hours are enough for some people to get enough sleep and feel good, others need more than 10 hours. It also depends on age: newborns need at least 12 hours a day for normal development, children and adolescents sleep less, the body is full of strength and recovers quickly. In an adult, the sleep regimen is maximally adjusted, and it takes about 8 hours, in older people, rest is reduced to 5-6 hours.

To choose the best time to wake up, you need to calculate the duration of each phase of sleep. The resulting time will correspond to a healthy sleep, and this will be enough to feel good in the morning. Now it remains to accustom the body to fall asleep at a certain time in order to wake up at the desired morning hours.

Different chronotypes in a pair

Chronotype Definition

There are three human chronotypes - larks, owls and pigeons. This is determined by the nature of daily activity. The chronotype explains the alternation of activity at night and daytime.

By the chronotype it is easy to determine what time you need to get up and when to go to bed correctly.

  • Larks. They wake up on their own with ease in the morning, increased physical and mental activity is observed in the morning with a characteristic decline in the afternoon. They go to bed very early than they surprise the owls.
  • Owls. They wake up late on their own, after 10 in the morning. Activity manifests itself in the evening and night. They go to bed late when the larks are already going through several phases of slow sleep.
  • Pigeons. This is an intermediate type, the “pigeon man” can periodically show the features of an owl and a lark.


Larks tend to wake up at 5-7, owls at 10-12, pigeons at 7-9 in the morning.

Girl sleeps in an embrace with a teddy bear.

Sleep phases

The next important step in determining the best time for awakening is the phase and how they affect a person’s well-being at different times of awakening. The main separation occurs in slow and fast sleep. Slow has four sub-phases with different durations.

Slow sleep phases:

  1. The first phase lasts 15 minutes, known as nap.
  2. The second phase lasts 25 minutes, there is a slowdown in the work of internal organs.
  3. The third and fourth phases, lasting about 40 minutes, are the main part of a healthy sleep.

In the fast phase, the body is completely relaxed, but brain activity begins. Dreams seen in this phase are well remembered. There is an increase in heart rate, eyeballs are actively moving. The fast phase takes about 20% of the total rest time.

Sleep begins with the 1st phase of slow sleep, reaches the 4th, which takes about 2 hours. This is a complete cycle, which should be repeated at least 4 times. From this it follows that you need to get up in the morning after 8 hours from the moment you enter the first phase. If a person is used to going to bed between 11-12 pm, you need to get up at 7-8 hours.

Alarm clock

Relation of well-being to the waking phase

Awakening without an alarm clock is accompanied by vivacity, a person feels completely rested. Such a dream can be considered full. The time that a person has overslept, subject to good health in the morning, is considered an individual norm. Awakening occurs in the initial slow phase, when the body is ready for wakefulness, but has not yet entered the fast phase. If you have to wake up in the phase of slow sleep, you will feel tired, the body restores muscle activity for a long time.


Waking up at the stage of REM sleep, one can note a headache and a slight clouding of consciousness, but colorful dreams will be remembered better.

There is a theory that people who are constantly awakened by an alarm clock during the phase of slow deep sleep are prone to various neuropsychic disorders. Using knowledge of the duration of each phase, you can reduce the time of rest, wake up at a certain moment - at the stage when the body is ready for this.

Sleeping girl

How to sleep in 15 minutes

There are several ways to get enough sleep in a short time. Such techniques have been practiced for a long time, many well-known artists and writers who had to work for a long time practiced short sleep for 20 minutes several times a day or 4 hours 2-3 times a day. This helped to quickly regain strength and begin a new phase of working with “fresh” thoughts. It is difficult to judge whether this affected health, because many other factors must be taken into account.


The proposed methods can negatively affect health, it is recommended to resort to them rarely, when there really is a need.

How to quickly sleep and wake up at a given time?

  1. Rest in 15 minutes. This is an invention of Leonardo Da Vinci, which refers to those creative people who managed to get enough sleep in a short time. He rested for 15 minutes every 4 hours. The essence of this method is simple, but not everyone can master it. For many, it is difficult to make yourself fall asleep, and this only works when you are very tired. This method is harmful to health, because the minimum time of one phase is at least 1.5 hours. The Da Vinci method completely deprives some of the phases that are important for the body, which threatens to reduce defenses, the appearance of chronic diseases and mental disorders.
  2. Rest in 20 minutes. Assumes falling asleep in a certain position. You need to lie on your stomach, turn your head to the left, bend one leg and press it to your stomach, put your hand directly along the body. This method complements a cup of coffee just before bedtime. Caffeine works after 20 minutes and acts as a natural alarm clock. Those who practice such a dream believe in its positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  3. The soldier method. The alarm clock starts for 30 minutes, after waking up it is reset for another half hour, this is repeated 4 times. People, having tried this method, note a charge of vigor for 6-7 hours.

To wake up at the right time, it is important to properly organize your sleep. Rest should be in a ventilated room, before going to bed it is recommended to take a warm shower and have dinner for 3-4 hours. It is important that the room does not get sunlight, blinds or curtains should be well protected from street lighting.A person will quickly fall asleep and wake up at the right time, if there are no extraneous sounds, and the eyes are not irritated by bright light.


When, for certain reasons, you have to rest in a lighted room, the resource purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommend using a mask for sleeping, it will create additional conditions for quick falling asleep and a good rest.

Smart alarm clock

"Smart alarm clock"

There are “smart alarms” that know what time to get up. They are able to determine the phase of sleep by movements, heart rate and other indicators. "Smart alarm" has an error, but everyone can try it. This device is very sensitive, and accidental awakening at night, extraneous sounds from the street, barking of a dog can affect its results. It is possible that a smart alarm clock will not work at the right time, but if a person sleeps calmly and all the characteristic signs of each phase are present, the device can become a good helper.

But no smart alarm clock will be able to calculate the best time to wake up in the morning so correctly as the human brain. The body itself will tell you when to go to bed and when to wake up, it’s enough to create the conditions for a healthy sleep. And with hard training and desire, any lark can turn into an owl - and vice versa.

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