How to choose the rigidity of the mattress and what it depends on?

When you buy a new bed, you also need to update the mattress, which is usually very difficult to choose. Marketers give a bunch of tips, thereby raising prices. That is why many people think that the stiffer the mattress, the more useful it is for the spine. However, this is a myth that took shape a long time ago. You should carefully study the issue and find out how to choose the rigidity of the mattress so that it is useful and convenient.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with physiology - this will help you choose the right mattress. The spine is not a straight line, it is rather a wave, so if you sleep on a very hard mattress, your shoulders and hips will get the whole load, because your back will not be able to “fall through” into the mattress. Circulatory problems can also occur, since a hard surface constricts blood vessels.

Do not think that you need to buy the most soft mattress. This approach is also incorrect: sleeping on an overly soft surface leads to the fact that the spine bends strongly, loading the muscles. Another minus is that an incorrect body position compresses the lungs, making breathing difficult.

Sample mattress selection

Criterias of choice

Choosing the right model is not so difficult, considering all the nuances. Before making a purchase, you need to know about the following criteria:

  • age;
  • weight of a person;
  • health;
  • Lifestyle;
  • individual habits.

Sleeping baby


Do not neglect this criterion, since it is of great importance. If you want to maintain your health, then you should listen to the recommendations of specialists.

  • Very young children (newborns) you should buy the most rigid mattresses, as they have not yet formed a spine. Ideal mattresses that are made of coconut fiber.
  • When the child is three years old, the mattress should be changed. The surface should be of medium hardness, since on a solid sleep it will already be harmful.
  • Adolescents and young people under 25 An orthopedic mattress is suitable, which has an average or slightly increased stiffness. It is worth noting that it is up to this age that the formation of the spine occurs.
  • From 25 to 50 years old you can not attach particular importance to rigidity. Absolutely any mattress that suits your personal preferences and financial situation will suit you.
  • After 50 years best stop on a medium hard mattress. Excessive stiffness can lead to problems with intervertebral discs.

Weight distribution on an orthopedic mattress


If you decide to choose a mattress that is just perfect for you, you need to pay attention to weight, because this criterion plays a huge role.

  • For people weighing up to 55 kilograms, quite mild options are suitable. At the base, there may even be no springs.
  • For people with an average build - up to 90 kilograms - it is best to opt for models of medium hardness. Any option with an independent spring unit will do.
  • If the weight exceeds 90 kilograms, then it is better to choose a mattress with increased rigidity. The springs must be reinforced, made of very thick and dense wire. You can consider options without a spring, but from dense and high-quality materials.

Comfortable mattress

Health status and lifestyle

This item should be given special attention if you have any health problems. For example, if you are concerned about lower back pain, then you should abandon very tough options, as they can only aggravate the situation.If there are problems in the upper parts of the spine, then the mattress should still be quite rigid.


It is recommended that you be examined by a doctor to find out exactly if you have any health problems. Such a competent approach will help you make your life better and more comfortable.

People who lead an active lifestyle, play sports and do not sit still, it is better to choose a hard mattress. And if you move a little, give preference to soft models.

Before you buy a mattress, you should think about what position you most often sleep in, because you need to consider this. For example, if you prefer to sleep on your stomach, then models of maximum stiffness will suit you, and if on your side, then soft. Medium stiffness is ideal for those who mostly sleep on their backs.

Couple chooses a mattress in a store

Number of persons

It is more difficult to choose the rigidity of the mattress if two are sleeping on the same bed. This question arises especially sharply when two people have a significant difference in weight. If you take a soft mattress, then one will be comfortable, and the other will not. With hard it will be the same.

Here, the most right decision will be to buy a mattress, which has different stiffness on both sides. It can be easily found in specialized stores. Such a solution will be comfortable for both, and you will not have to look for a compromise option, which in the end will still not suit everyone 100%.

Hard mattress

How to determine the rigidity of a mattress

Even if you already know which model is best for you to purchase, you may still have another question - how to determine which particular rigidity a particular model is. Specialists of the resource recommend seeking help from professionals. Each store has consultants who will answer all your questions and help with the choice. Only here, not all consultants have enough knowledge. In this case, you have to figure it out on your own.

Soft mattresses bend even with light pressure. In addition, they often have a “memory", that is, they keep the form that remains of the body of the sleeping person. They have non-rigid springs in the design. In stores, you can often find springless models filled with natural latex. Do not forget that this option is suitable only for young people with low weight.

Moderately soft models provide uniform support for the spine, and they are very pleasant to sleep on. This option is ideal for people with average complexion without health problems. Most often, I do not have such mattresses in the design of the springs. Sometimes there may be small blocks with not very stiff springs.

Mattresses of medium hardness are very popular, most of them prefer them. Such models can be chosen by both young people whose spine needs a clear fixation, and middle-aged people. It is worth noting that in this category the choice is simply huge, since there are models with and without springs. Often there are combined options - soft blocks with hard ones. For this, natural latex and coconut coir are used.

Hard mattresses are not so popular, as many believe that sleeping on them is not particularly convenient. But it is precisely such models that are recommended for children and adolescents, so that when forming the spine there is good support. Most often, such models are made of coconut coir with spring blocks. Rarely there are also options without springs, where only layers of coir and latex are present.

Very hard mattresses are not in demand, as they are suitable exclusively for newborns and people whose weight exceeds 100 kilograms. Such mattresses are made exclusively of coconut fiber. The thicker the layers used, the harder the mattress will be.

If you pay attention to all the nuances, then you will not have problems with what kind of rigidity to choose a mattress. With the right approach, rest in your bed will bring you true pleasure and health benefits.

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