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Aluminum cookware is unhealthy - is it another lie or is it true?

Aluminum utensils are today in almost any kitchen. Just Modern technology allows us to produce it with an attractive appearance, beyond which consumers do not always recognize this metal. But many people are afraid to buy “clear aluminum” because of the prevailing opinion that it can be dangerous to our health. How harmful is cooking in aluminum cookware?

New aluminum pan

Attractive properties of aluminum

Our mothers and grandmothers used such dishes very actively until the idea of ​​its harm gained popularity. Why did such pots and pans so attract the housewives?

  • Aluminum utensils are very light, it is easy to rearrange them during cooking, just wash, conveniently stacked for storage on shelves in piles.
  • Such dishes are affordable.
  • Corrosion resistant - that is, it will not rust.
  • The indisputable advantage of aluminum is its excellent thermal conductivity, which ensures uniform heating of products, makes it possible to cook food much faster, without spending too much time heating up the packaging itself. In addition, the risk of burning in such pots or pans is lower than, for example, in enameled ones.

Aluminum dishes of the “older generation” were most often produced from pure aluminum, which was why it was frankly soft and deformed quite quickly. Modern technologies allow it to be produced in the form of harder alloys with magnesium, silicon, steel, cast iron. Cast iron alloy guarantees long-term heat storage, and steel alloy - higher strength and durability of such dishes.

Aluminum cookware

Debunking Myths

The main prejudice that makes housewives prefer more expensive aluminum utensils made from other materials is the assertion that aluminum can have a harmful effect on our health. Is it really? Not at all. And that's why.

Direct contact of products with aluminum during cooking is virtually eliminated due to the presence of a thin oxide layer, which forms naturally on the surface of the metal when it comes in contact with oxygen. Sometimes it is created in production by force, by the anodization method - such an oxide layer is thicker and more reliable.

Recently, scientists have proved that the maximum "portion" of metal that can be ingested when cooked is not more than 3 mg. And the volume dangerous to human health is 10 times larger. Even taking into account the fact that every day we get some part of aluminum from food and water, this is a completely harmless amount.

In addition, the World Health Organization has proven that aluminum is not a carcinogenic metal. Accordingly, all fears that it can cause cancerous tumors are completely groundless.

So everyone who was against aluminum in the kitchen should at least reconsider their views.

Enamelled aluminum pans

And the established stereotype that such dishes have a “state-owned” appearance today does not correspond to reality: it is produced with very decorative external coatings that do not have direct contact with products and, therefore, do not affect their properties, but give the dishes themselves a modern expensive view. For example:

  • food-safe varnish;
  • crockery enamel;
  • porcelain suspension.

Of course, such pots or pans are slightly more expensive than those that do not have a decorative coating, but the dishes with a strong decorative coating will not fade over time. The choice between them, as they say, is a matter of taste and opportunity.

Strawberries in an aluminum bowl

What, then, is harm?

Anything can turn out to be harmful under one important condition: improper operation.The same rule applies to aluminum utensils. If several important conditions of use are not observed, the oxide layer is destroyed and direct contact of the metal with food begins, which can already have a bad effect on the human body (although the oncology provocation is still out of the question).

The worst thing that can happen is food poisoning. What are our actions leading to this?

  • Cooking in such utensils dishes containing acidic ingredients (lemon, vinegar, tomatoes, sour fruits). That is, meat marinated in vinegar (or even kefir) cannot be fried in an aluminum pan. And in aluminum pots you can’t cook stewed fruit, jelly, preserves, borscht. However, one loophole in this rule exists: if the pan or pan has a non-stick coating, direct food contact with aluminum is excluded, and cooking acidic foods becomes safe. In this case, all the useful properties of the metal are preserved. But the prepared dish must be immediately transferred to another container.
  • The use of aluminum containers for salting, pickling and pickling products. After all, even if the recipe does not contain citric acid or vinegar, acid will inevitably be formed in the process of pickling or pickling. Accordingly, the oxide layer will quickly collapse, and the products will begin to react with aluminum, forming harmful compounds and increasing the concentration of aluminum itself in food.
  • Long-term storage of cooked dishes in aluminum containers. This leads to the fact that the products nevertheless destroy the protective layer and react with the metal. The implications of this are described above.
  • Use for cleaning such utensils abrasive substances or metal washcloths. This leads to the rapid destruction of the oxide layer and damage to the inner surface, due to which the amount of metal entering the food can increase. Only clean aluminum with soft sponges and liquid dishwashing detergents. If something burns to such dishes, it is better to soak it for several hours or even at night, but do not rub it with sand, a metal brush and other scratching agents or objects.

If you only have an aluminum pan for pickling in your household of the right size, put all the ingredients in two plastic bags and then lower them into a container. In this case, contact with the metal can be avoided, and your products will not be affected. True, there is one more condition: the inner surface of such dishes should not have any burrs, roughness or other damage that can be torn packages, for example, during mixing. If this happens, you will have to urgently "relocate" the workpiece to another container.

Fried eggs in an aluminum pan

What can I cook?

As already clear, you can cook any dishes for which no acids are used (vegetables, fruits, dairy, vinegar). It can be various cereals and soups, potatoes (both mashed potatoes - in a pan, and fried - in a pan), non-acidic vegetables, dairy dishes, any pasta, fish, meat, eggs, mushrooms.

So, contrary to the established "reinforced concrete" stereotype of terrible diseases caused by the use of aluminum utensils, in fact there is nothing terrible or harmful in it. Unless, of course, observe basic rules of use. But they are not so complicated.

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  1. Alexander
    01/22/2024 at 11:33 Reply

    Aluminum cookware is dangerous not by the formation of tumors, but by the fact that it leads to Alzheimer's disease.Here is a quote from Wikipedia: Some studies indicate an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in those people whose work is associated with exposure to magnetic fields [133] [134], the ingestion of metals, especially aluminum [135] [136], or the use of solvents [ 137]. Some of these publications were criticized for the poor quality of work [138]; moreover, other studies did not reveal a connection between environmental factors and the development of Alzheimer's disease [139] [140] [141] [142].
    “Recently, scientists have proved that the maximum“ portion ”of metal that can get into food during cooking is no more than 3 mg. And the volume dangerous to human health is 10 times greater. ”
    Volume hazardous to health is the dose at which POISONING will occur IMMEDIATELY. The harm from dishes accumulates gradually, over the years, invisibly to the body. The comparison is drawn on.
    Dishes with varnish, enamel, suspension have the properties of enameled dishes. She no longer has the advantages of aluminum.

    • Pavel Popov
      01/25/2024 at 03:01

      Alexander, yes, I agree. It is accumulating. And quite reactogenic if you remove the oxide film. In addition, with chronic aluminum intoxication, parkinsonism arises, close to that of manganese in welders. In 1 plate of borsch daily MAC. So sour, spicy, etc. is better not to cook. Especially if it is designed for several days. Or the following not quite correct example. We make a concentrated solution of copper sulfate, put al. the wire. Nothing happens. It is worth throwing a pinch of salt cooked, the rapid evolution of hydrogen, the film broke up. At the micro level, food alkali acids act in this way.

    • GRADOV
      02/04/2024 at 11:11

      ,,,,, and American researchers say that over the past 200 years, the tail length of domestic cats has increased by 2 centimeters. Global warming is probably to blame, ?????

  2. Alexander
    01/25/2024 at 16:34 Reply

    what’s the problem, a set of dishes from a food stainless steel with a triple bottom, where there is an aluminum layer and the last layer for induction, is modern, durable, safe and technologically advanced.

    • Valery
      02/01/2024 at 16:13

      The problem is the price.

  3. Oleg
    01/26/2024 at 05:39 Reply

    Remember the chemistry at school. Aluminum does not interact with acids, but only with alkalis. So you can safely cook stewed fruit, jam and cabbage soup from sauerkraut. If it were the other way around, then the old aluminum utensils would be corroded. I didn’t go something like that. Manufacturers need expensive and short-lived goods. Learn chemistry.

    • alex
      01/27/2024 at 19:00

      take an aluminum spoon, immerse in the SOLUTION acid, whose salts are dissolved in water, scratch the spoon with a clove and calmly observe the evolution of hydrogen. Teach Chemistry /

    • Alexander
      01/29/2024 at 14:25

      I don’t know about cabbage soup. But the meat was in sour sauce, it was cooked in an aluminum cauldron. I poisoned it like that. I don’t know how alive I stayed — for two weeks my stomach didn’t even take a glass of water. Only now I understand how close I was to death. And you write "does not react with acids."

    • Alexander
      03/13/2024 at 01:10

      And with acids, and with alkalis and with water in the presence of acids and alkalis. Where did you study chemistry?

  4. a guest
    01/26/2024 at 08:17 Reply

    definitely no alumu. threw everything

  5. Rinat
    01/28/2024 at 12:03 Reply

    Acceleration among those born in the 50s and 60s was felled precisely on aluminum utensils ... and the facts cited
    Personally, I stopped cooking on it for a long time

  6. Vera
    01/28/2024 at 21:44 Reply

    And I think, why did our ancestors live to be 100? - It turns out to be etched with aluminum. Enameled dishes were more expensive and not accessible to everyone. It is all about quality and concern for people's health. The capitalist will not care about people; the main thing for him is to hit the jackpot. Are you sure that all these trendy trends are not harmful? Remember the words of Khrushchev that in the USSR they will not eat from plastic and polyethylene dishes because it is toxic, and now they have filled it with everything and polluted the environment. They began to "fight" with landfills at the expense of the pocket of the people, but isn’t it easier to ban the production of all sordid things? Probably in the USSR there were idiots - they produced reusable glass containers, packed them in paper that can be burned, there were string bags, bags of durable material? - No, justthey looked a little further than their nose and there wasn’t such a disgrace.

  7. Love
    01/29/2024 at 08:16 Reply

    My aunt used aluminum dishes all her adult life and lived a long life without illness

  8. Olga
    01/30/2024 at 06:51 Reply

    The best pan for boiling milk and making porridge in small quantities.
    Aluminum cookware is safe if you do not clean it with abrasive products and met. sponges.

  9. Ninel
    01/30/2024 at 14:21 Reply

    If aluminum pans are so unhealthy why in kindergartens they are still cooking. All this is anti advertising in order to buy foreign toxic stainless steel.

  10. Egor
    01/30/2024 at 15:26 Reply

    Sanpin is forbidden to use aluminum utensils in child care facilities.

    • NTR
      02/04/2024 at 14:54

      It’s possible to look with a sanpin, look into almost any kindergarten in the kitchen - just as they cooked in large aluminum pots, they cook, catering canteens - and there they are ...

  11. Alexey
    02/01/2024 at 23:23 Reply

    And what about aluminum foil? When baking and seasoning a bunch of different ones are used and the temperature may be higher in the oven, and the finished product can be stored longer in this "package".

    • CA
      02/04/2024 at 17:39

      Horror stories about aluminum utensils were invented, quite possibly, by manufacturers of expensive stainless steel utensils. We have an aluminum saucepan, which is about 60 years old, used to cook vegetables such as potatoes in their skins, so I didn’t notice holes or deep sinks from “dissolved” aluminum in it.

  12. Vasiliy
    02/04/2024 at 12:15 Reply

    But what about the same stewed fruit in kindergartens and schools? I don’t know more than one person who has any illness from clean aluminum dishes. And how old is hiking and fishing, cooked and eaten? I doubt the dangers, and in the army - a skewer, a flask- What is it like.

  13. Vera
    02/05/2024 at 23:12 Reply

    in America, aluminum dishes are not for sale - it is prohibited. And with us - please

    • Vladimir
      03/14/2024 at 18:47

      You can raspiarit everything. So Freon was innocently accused of destroying the ozone layer. Holes by themselves, freon by itself.

  14. KonstantinB
    03/15/2024 at 20:28 Reply

    With this approach to the assessment of harm, the safety of lead utensils can be proved.

  15. Rinat
    03/16/2024 at 07:28 Reply

    In my time, rumors that aluminum was to blame for acceleration were densely debated ...

  16. Anastasia
    03/16/2024 at 22:15 Reply

    These are matters of taste and trust. I was born in the USSR all that was real there, and now ... r ... but! And we only wave with manes that we agree on everything. I don’t see anything bad in aluminum, if it was real.

  17. Olga
    10/16/2024 at 08:07 Reply

    Before, EVERYTHING was prepared in aluminum! No one was sick or poisoned! Now everything has become bad, which was used by our ancestors, who lived to be 90 or more years old !!!! Is aluminum bad? And nobody studied these modern coatings and metal ???? ! Here from them just harm !!!! And the plastic ?????

  18. Sergey
    11/02/2024 at 20:39 Reply

    who is it here in the USSR all survived to 90? were dying as they are now or even earlier. why make up lies? besides, diseases were diagnosed and treated worse, now there are definitely more possibilities.
    But the food in the shops is bad now, the more or less expensive.


