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How to make a fragrance in your car with your own hands?

It's nice when the car smells good inside. For this purpose, you can make a flavor in the car with your own hands. Of course, air fresheners are sold in stores. But their choice is usually quite meager. In addition, they quickly lose their properties, they have to be changed at least once a month. This is quite expensive. It is much easier to make such a product yourself by choosing your favorite fragrance.

Homemade flavor

Why is it worth making a freshener yourself?

Benefits of home-made fragrances:

  • They do not harm health, as they do not contain additional chemicals. This is important, because the fumes from the freshener are constantly inhaled.
  • They will save. Cheap store air flavors are quickly consumed. Those that are designed for a longer period have a rather high price.
  • You can choose the fragrance (or even a combination of them) that will appeal to you most. In addition, depending on which oils are used, the smell can have a tonic or relaxing effect.

Different essential oils

What smell to choose?

The easiest way to make an air freshener yourself is to find fragrant seasonings in the kitchen, put them in a small bag and take them with you in the car. Suitable for this purpose are caraway seeds or anise, cinnamon and vanilla. The coffee beans will also have a lasting effect, especially if they are fresh. The choice of smell depends only on the preferences of the owner of the machine.

To make such a freshener, essential oils are most often used. They have a lot of advantages: affordable price, durability, a large selection. But you need to know that not all of them are worth using in a car. It is impossible to abuse those that give a relaxing effect, so as not to lose concentration on the road. After all, driving needs to be careful, the reaction in unexpected situations needs a quick one. Unwanted calming effect have lavender, jasmine, vanilla. But such smells are the best suited during times of stress, if the driver is in an inflated state.

At normal times, it is optimal to choose invigorating aromas for cars. They will help to cheer up and focus on the road, will not let you fall asleep. It can be, for example, the smell of citrus, peppermint, cinnamon. They should be preferred.

It is also important to make the freshener so that it does not completely drown out all the smells in the car. This will prevent some malfunctions from being missed. For example, if exhaust fumes enter a passenger compartment.

Coffee freshener for car

Simple ideas for a freshener

The flavor for the machine must be safe so that there is no risk of spilling it. Then you don’t have to clean the car properly in an attempt to get rid of the stubborn smell. It is convenient to use bottles of used purchased funds. A piece of fleece can be put in them, after dropping a small amount of selected essential oils on it. The intensity can be made different, the saturation of the smell depends on how many drops of the product were. Such a car air freshener is short-lived, so the aroma will not have time to get bored. If desired, after a few days it can be replaced.


If there is no suitable jar with a lid, then the top can be covered with foil, which is used for baking.

Another option for those who are interested in how to make flavor in a car with their own hands is to use ordinary soda. If there is no bottle, then you can take a salt shaker. Or another container, the main thing is that there are holes in the lid. Pour a quarter of the jar into it, then add 15 drops of your favorite oil.This design will smell quite a long time, only occasionally it needs to be shaken.

Ingredients for Gel Air Freshener

How to make a gel flavor?

A good idea for a car is a gel air freshener. Its consistency will prevent the interior from becoming dirty in case of, for example, emergency braking. In addition, if you approach the matter creatively, it will look interesting and unusual. So you can give it to your friends, car owners.

For its preparation you will need gelatin. This ingredient should be poured into boiling water and mixed so that it dissolves. The amount depends on how much it is planned to get the finished product. Separately, it is necessary to dissolve a large spoonful of salt in cool water, add the resulting mixture to hot gelatin.
Making a flavor for a car
Then, in the container prepared for the fragrance, pour the desired essential oil, one or combined with the other, 30 drops are sufficient. Then add the mixture with gelatin and mix thoroughly. The next day, the mass will get stuck and the air freshener will be ready. To give it a more original look, it is worth using food coloring. They are added to the bottle before pouring gelatin. Then you can put a few pebbles or shells.

Scented balls

Scented balls

Also, as a freshener for the machine, you can use scented balls poured into a bag or jar. You can decorate them with a salon, especially if you give them an interesting shape during manufacture. They are suitable for a gift for motorists. To prepare them, you need to mix one and a half glasses of flour, a quarter cup of salt, a quarter of a teaspoon of corn starch. Separately, boiling water should add a tablespoon of oil and dye. Water should be two-thirds of a cup. A liquid mixture is poured to the dry ingredients and the dough is kneaded. Then it is rolled into cakes and with a mold or just with a knife cut out figures, for example hearts. The easiest way to roll the balls. After complete drying, the freshener is ready.

Making your own air fragrance is not that difficult. With some skill, this will not take much time, and your favorite smell in a car will please you for a long time.

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  1. 111
    01/13/2024 at 07:08 Reply

    Once in the car I used a bottle with pharmacy essential oil of lemon (the smell was not strong in the cabin), there was irritation of the respiratory tract (dryness, cough) The concentration of ether is powerful, but it’s better to dissolve it.

  2. Alex
    06/10/2024 at 12:56 Reply

    This is all complete nonsense, there is practically no smell from these fragrances

  3. Kristina
    07/04/2024 at 14:13 Reply

    I make a fragrance from essential oils. They perfectly calm nerves and relieve tension. And before, only valocordin helped


