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Top useless acquisitions for home and household: does anyone really need this?

Many housewives, in an effort to organize and make life easier, acquire meaningless, sometimes absurd things. Sometimes this comes from curiosity, sometimes due to competent advertising. We offer the top of the most useless acquisitions for home and household: never buy this nonsense if your budget, nerves and free space in the house are dear to you!

Egg cooker

Are you seriously? Does it take anything more than a simple pan to boil an egg? Of course, the manufacturer claims that steaming saves the beneficial properties of egg white, which are lost when exposed to boiling water. You decide.

Egg cooker

The same list includes deep fat fryers, ice cream makers, sandwiches, popcorn makers, pizza ovens and other utensils. Fryers cannot be washed from grease and the smell of burnt oil. Ice cream perfectly freezes in an ordinary freezer, quite inexpensive cups of silicone or cardboard in general, from the nearest coffee cafe.

Home-made ice cream is, in principle, a pleasure only for special lovers of a cold dessert, especially when you consider the cost of quality ingredients. Popcorn ... An even more useless thing. Popcorn is easily made in the microwave, which is also indicated on its packaging. From time immemorial, pizza was cooked in the oven.

ice cream maker

Utensils that perform one highly specialized function will most likely only take up space in the kitchen. But grilled pans, slow cookers, blenders - a definite "yes."

Perhaps the only useful narrow-profile device is a crepe maker, which allows you to bake 2 to 6 pancakes at once, and the temperature of the panel is strictly calculated so that the dough does not burn and bake.

Carrot Sharpener

Designed for cutting beautiful flowers from carrots. How often will you do this? Only carving enthusiasts can be justified for such an acquisition.

Carrot Sharpener

In the collection of strange kitchen appliances you can include a cutlet press, a knife for soft cheeses, holders for cutting vegetables, a picker of corn kernels from the cobs, etc.

Chef's knife

Well, the truth is, this tool, more reminiscent of a chopper or machete, works only in the hands of professionals. In an amateur kitchen, ordinary knives are quite enough. The main thing is to choose the right steel with a hardness of 40–61 HRc.

A chopper can also be attributed to this. Nowadays, no one already cuts bones - unless you hold your own cattle or buy half a body at a time.

Chef's knife

And another sharp and waste of money - large sets of knives, for 10 or more items. Well, let's be realistic. For bread and meat - two large knives. For vegetables - the third. Well, a narrow knife with small cloves can come in handy at most - it perfectly copes with cutting fish, dissecting lemon and tomatoes. But in fact, an average knife with good sharpening will do the same.

Mushroom Hat Brush

That's what even an inveterate mushroom picker can easily do without! The brush provides dry cleaning, which allows you to store raw mushrooms for some time in the refrigerator (after washing them you need to cook immediately). Absolutely any hard brush or knife and a damp rag will cope with the task no worse. Do not get fooled by marketing.

Mushroom knife

Recipe books

Not only culinary collections, but also any other paper editions are supplanted by Internet resources. Books, newspapers and magazines benefit only from the aesthetic side. Today it is much easier to “google” the desired recipe than to look for it in the book.In addition, during the cooking process, the collection is inconvenient to read, it constantly strives to close. It will be a pity if the pages are soiled with grease or other products. Sheer disappointments.

Wet towel warmer

Apparently, this is for especially sensitive pops, in whose house there are neither batteries, nor a coil in the bathroom, and the parents' hands are cold as ice. Such devices mercilessly advertise, playing on the feelings of "responsible" parents. The gadget is powered by a network, has sections for storing diapers and napkins, as well as various accessories for child care.

Wet towel warmer

Dirty diaper storage

Do not you think that it is much easier to roll up the used diaper and immediately send it to the bin, than to store all this in an expensive drive? What manufacturers just do not go to amuse the pride of proud moms and dads.

Such a container is needed only on a long trip, if the baby is less than a year and a half. But how often will you drive this far? Isn’t it easier to put the waste in a blank bag with a zipper or slider lock? It will cost less, weigh and take up space, too, the same convenience.

Dirty diaper storage

Devices for the preparation of baby food

The chopper for baby food is easily replaced with a blender, fork or a kneading / crushing machine for potatoes.

For sterilization, use a stove and a double boiler (nozzle with holes in the pan, such are in any multicooker). Ideally sterilizes pacifiers, bottles, nipples, and later - you can steam or sterilize cans for spins.

Automatic broom

This is the casing in which the brush is located, which rotates from movement. This is a simplified and less sensible modification of "Cinderella", which were popular in the USSR. I would not want to upset you if you already bought this masterpiece, but the vacuum cleaner is much more efficient, and an ordinary broom or brush copes no worse with floors and rubbish, and takes up much less space.

Automatic broom

If the house has small children or animals with thick hair, it is better to think about a robot vacuum cleaner. According to customer reviews, it really frees up a lot of time, especially comes in handy in the kitchen, where the crumbs seem to sprinkle right out of the air.


In another way, such things are called "dust collectors." Every housewife knows how hard it is to clean all these warehouses from dust. Storage of souvenirs is wonderful, but let it be only those things that are truly dear to your heart. You will be surprised, but when sorting, only a couple of these will be found. Here are paper cards and other small gifts.

Sometimes the owner of a product cannot explain the purchase of this top: “What came upon me?” Well, if the device was inexpensive, but when expensive utensils do not meet expectations, a person can seek excuses. Unnecessary things clutter up the house, cause a bad mood. Do not fall for the tricks of advertising: without egg cookers and similar things, your life and household will only be easier.

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  1. Elena
    04/30/2024 at 13:50 Reply

    To each his own. If someone does not see the point in some devices, this does not mean that nobody needs them. For example, in our family, an egg cooker is the most common appliance. Best for making breakfast-charged, and on their morning things. How to cook soft-boiled eggs, a sound signal will inform about this. Saves time. Three types - soft-boiled, hard-boiled bag. You always get exactly what you need. The same goes for a knife with a brush for mushrooms. We use it regularly in the forest, it’s very convenient to quickly shake off the adhering mushroom from the mushroom, and put it clean in a basket.At home, it takes much less time to process the mushrooms. So you need to choose wisely, and exactly what suits you

  2. Vera
    05/01/2024 at 13:28 Reply

    An egg cooker is the most used appliance in our family. We have been using this device since 1994. Then it was possible to buy mini-models for 3 eggs. Now the third egg cooker is already in operation.

    • Peter
      06/18/2024 at 14:52

      An egg cooker and a chef knife didn’t deserve to be here, I don’t imagine slicing anything without this knife, and a egg cooker is such a thing that makes life much easier, especially during the holidays or if there are more than 2 people living in a family.

  3. Anna
    05/01/2024 at 16:55 Reply

    Everything to the point! Now in the comments they will protect their treasures 😅

  4. Elena
    05/01/2024 at 19:05 Reply

    Souvenirs. Indeed, most often unnecessary things in life clutter up shelves. They threw it away, it was inconvenient in front of the donor, they tried, they chose, they spent the money, they just forgot to think, but we really need it ..

  5. Levi
    05/10/2024 at 10:47 Reply

    When we presented the egg cooker, we were skeptical .. And now we only use it, I boil the eggs ... I laid 7 pieces and went to go about my business. She herself will disconnect I during and will also remind of readiness by squealing. A great gadget for an active hostess ... In principle, if you are not a guest in the kitchen, but a host, much of the above will come in handy. But we want to ease our domestic work, and not the other way around ... Although it is possible and how my former mother-in-law to sweep the trash onto a sheet of an old newspaper. When I bought her a scoop, she said: "why? And so it is possible .. "So here it is in the person, and not in the gadgets ...

  6. Alexander
    05/10/2024 at 22:50 Reply

    I would remove the chief from the list. Butchering large fish or chicken or large cabbage is better not. But all sorts of cloves, just would not advise. There is no sense at all with cheap ones, you won’t grind, the expensive one may have advantages, but it’s very minimal over a well-sharpened knife. with service, again, a problem, albeit expensive at least cheap

  7. Marina
    05/11/2024 at 10:19 Reply

    Some comments about the egg cooker were surprised: did someone cook eggs EVERY day, and even 7 pieces? Do you really only eat boiled eggs? After all, if you use eggs for fried eggs, casseroles, dough, then you don’t need to cook them. each family has its own ... ..Yes, ice cream, popcorn, deep-fried every day you will not cook and eat (unless you set the goal to ruin your stomach). And if you cook such dishes occasionally, then why keep a gadget in the kitchen? sometimes anyone can buy ice cream or french fries, not ra oritsya.Ya be more about juicer added, if not, backyard garden (when the crop is good for apples, tomatoes and the like, it is a good thing, less hassle with the workpiece juice than with stewed or salt), it is almost not needed.

  8. Love
    06/16/2024 at 01:52 Reply

    For me, a chef-knife is the first and irreplaceable item in the kitchen.)

    • Lucy
      06/26/2024 at 00:15

      It seems that the person who wrote this article does not know what the chief is for. If a person cannot use the tool correctly, this does not mean that no one needs this tool

  9. Tamara
    06/17/2024 at 10:13 Reply

    Does the author know that souvenirs are not dust collectors, but memorabilia? The souvenir, in fact, translates as "memory"

  10. There are few children
    06/17/2024 at 12:08 Reply

    Yogurt maker yet

  11. Yuliya
    06/23/2024 at 18:15 Reply

    I cook eggs in a pan. At least one, at least 20. I have a timer on the stove, so I don’t see any sense in the egg cooker.
    But an ice cream maker is a useful thing. “Ice cream freezes perfectly in the freezer” is not true. What happens is really for the amateur ... Ice cream will only work if it is continuously stirred during solidification. And you can eat ice cream every day. (I was cured of constant ARI at one time). so who needs it - a useful device.
    And I love books with recipes. Especially those that remained from the grandmother.

  12. Irina
    07/01/2024 at 16:12 Reply

    Chef's knife. How can you live without him ?! I have a set of 5 knives and 5 knives (including the one that I clean the fish) bought at random. I use everything.Well, I can’t get the same knife and peel the potatoes, and chop the chicken. Not even because of hygiene, but because of the size and shape of the knives.
    Ice cream in question. I have it, but rarely use it.
    But how without cookbooks? And I write down my recipes (some are over 30 years old and still relevant), and I keep my mother’s recipes, and paste them from magazines and newspapers


