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How to quickly get home clean in 1 hour: 12 quick cleaning tips

To do everything at once is an explainable, but often impossible wish. Cleaning the apartment, even if there is very little time for it, should be planned and carried out in stages. How to quickly clean at home in 1 hour? First of all, move gradually from room to room and focus on visible problems.

cleaning products

Make a plan

For 1 or 2 hours, you can pretty well clear up rubble debris in the apartment and bring it back to normal before the guests arrive. Try not to panic, but follow a pre-planned plan. It will take about 5 minutes to compile cleaning points.

List the most important areas in the apartment: this is the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, as well as the living room and hallway. There are objects that the guest pays attention to first of all - these are windows and curtains, the absence of dirty dishes, trash on the shelves and clean floors. This alone will make the apartment more enjoyable for visitors and residents.

To make it easier to determine the order of cleaning the house, put yourself in the guest's place. What will he pay attention to in the apartment? Start with this. Also, remember yourself as a guest, are you looking for every speck of dust on the far shelf, or is a tidy kitchen table and a clean cup of tea enough for you? We are sure that the second is always the priority.

Apartment cleaning

For convenience, dictate all the cleaning points into a note on the phone and cross them out as you complete.

12 quick cleaning tips

To clean the apartment quickly, use these 12 tips and tricks. They have already helped many housewives.

1. Let's start with the kitchen

Save time wisely. Several cases can be combined, for example, send dried up dirty dishes to soak, while wiping the stove and table. So the dishes will be washed faster. Soak burnt fat and food debris better in the sink with warm or hot water. Put the cork in the drain hole and add detergent to the water.

If there is no time at all, move all the dirty dishes into the dishwasher or in the cabinet (just remember to remove and wash it later). There she will not pay attention to herself.

Gas stove cleaning

2. Hallway - like a hanger in a theater

The guest comes into your house, and while he takes off his outer clothing and shoes, he manages to pay attention to the sand, the uncleaned dirt on your shoes and other unpleasant details. Take the time to wash your own shoes, or put them in a closet, or better yet, make a habit of cleaning dust and dirt immediately upon returning home.

3. The trick for the bathroom

While you are busy cleaning the window or floor, turn on the hot water in the bathroom and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Do not forget to close the door. During this time, steam will accumulate on the walls of the bathtub, plumbing and tile and soften pollution. You just have to wipe everything with a sponge with detergent.

Save time using a cleaning gel for plumbing: apply it on the surface for the time specified in the instructions and switch to washing dishes or something else.

4. A couple more points regarding the bathroom and toilet

A clean toilet is a matter of course. Do not forget about the availability of toilet paper. And hand towels should always be fresh, dry! This is one of the main components of a positive impression of the apartment.Remember how it is nice to inhale the aroma of a freshly washed towel after washing.

Cleaning the toilet

5. Beds, shelves and other surfaces

How to make the appearance of order without much effort? Just remove as many things as possible from the surfaces. The less it stands on the shelves and rolls on the floor, the cleaner the room seems. By the way, such a distribution of things will reduce the time for cleaning: you do not have to endlessly rearrange items and clean everything from dust.

Do not get carried away by one point, set a timer. Ideal cleanliness in 1 hour is not achieved, so turn off perfectionism and follow the plan.

6. Garbage collection

Prepare one large bin or bag and collect all the trash in it. It will be much faster than constant running around to ballot boxes in different rooms. It will also help get rid of garbage in one fell swoop.

Garbage collection

7. Window

Wash the window quickly and without stains - a virtuoso task. If the glass is too dirty with dust and raindrops, then it can spoil the impression even of a perfectly clean apartment.

How to wash quickly:

  1. Shake or vacuum the curtains. And if there are spots on them - change to fresh ones.
  2. Vacuum the windowsill, cornice and slopes (do not waste time washing them - street dirt will instantly blacken the water in the bucket, and it will often have to be changed, and this takes minutes and effort).
  3. Use a special roller or a microfiber cloth and Mr. Proper for floors or a high-quality spray for glasses. 1 pass on each glass - no more.
  4. Remove the moisture from the flannel diaper or shirt - it absorbs moisture well and does not need to be changed as often as a crumpled newspaper.

Do not forget about mirrors: they wash in the same way!

Washing windows

8. How to wipe dust

Quickly brush away the dust with a fluffy brush, special napkins, knock down with a steam cleaner or vacuum with a small brush with a long bristle. They do not leave stains! Do not forget to wipe the dust from the leaves of indoor plants.

A special anti-static spray for technology will reduce the amount of dust. For the most advanced, there are dust collectors, or air purifiers and ionizers with this function.

9. Vacuum cleaner and mopping - finally

Take your time cleaning floor surfaces: first get rid of debris so you don't have to turn on the appliance twice. Sometimes dry cleaning is enough. Additionally, walk with a damp cloth along the skirting boards and frankly dirty areas of linoleum / laminate / tile.


10. Technologies to guard purity

To reduce the cleaning time once and for all, use the latest technology: washing vacuum cleaners, squeezing mops, steamers, etc.

11. Extra points

Distribute attention competently. So, the interiors of the cabinets do not need to be parsed if the guests do not look into them. Redirect energy to clean visible surfaces, collect children's toys, make up the bed, remove candy wrappers from the table. Leave the shelf analysis at a more appropriate time.

12. Create the right mood

To make the cleaning process pleasant, turn on peppy and energetic, or slow and beautiful music. A suitable playlist will help you catch the wave.

Spray a pleasant air freshener or essential oil around the house. Fresh citrus, sea or flower scent will cheer you up and add a sense of purity.

Air freshener

And one more tip from don't delay cleaning until a critical moment. If tea is spilled, wipe the surface until the drink turns into a sticky stain. It is also easier to wash the dishes immediately after eating. Spend some time daily cleaning a specific area of ​​your home.

Well, for the busiest there is always the option of calling cleaning services. Professionals will cope with cleaning quickly and efficiently, removing pollution that you might not even suspect about.

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leave a comment
  1. Larisa
    07/19/2024 at 07:55 Reply

    About the crumpled newspaper amused ... ..

  2. Elizaveta Alekseevna
    08/08/2024 at 11:46 Reply

    Washed the walls in the bathroom 3sq.m - 100% tile in 10 minutes. Turned on a hot shower for 10 minutes. as you advised. Then she dipped a little microfiber rag with domestosomes and wiped it. And everything shines like new! Thanks for the advice! IT was important to me, taking into account age and hernia of the spine !!

  3. Svetlana
    10/22/2024 at 15:13 Reply

    And by the way, it’s convenient for a newspaper or toilet paper. It absorbs water very well and leaves no streaks.


