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How can you wipe superglue from your skin?

To carry out minor home repairs, almost every person at least once in their life used Moment, Second, and other similar products based on cyanocryalate. This wonderful superglue can be used in almost any environment and glued to them anything - from shoes to technical details.

The main advantages of such adhesive mixtures are that they quickly set and adhere well to the surface. But in case drops of superglue get on the skin of hands or clothes, dignity becomes a disadvantage. Not always at hand are rubber gloves that protect the skin from getting super glue on them. How to wipe the “Moment” from your hands and remove dried glue from your fingers? There are several ways to do this.

Tubes anticlay

Special tools

In construction and hardware stores sold a special tool for dissolving superglue. These are the so-called washes, they are usually referred to as the manufacturer of "Antikley". The most common of them are Antikley Super Moment of the German company Henkel, Swiss glue remover “Secunda”, “Strength” from the Chinese manufacturer and “Contact”. These products are released in small tubes, and they cost about 50-70 rubles. With the help of such a tool, it is easy to remove superglue from the skin of hands, clothes, household items.

It is very easy to use anticlay. The composition is applied to a glue stain, kept for about an hour (see instructions), then washed off with warm water and soap. The chemicals that make up the solvent corrode the cyanocryalate, on the basis of which Moment and other similar adhesives are made. To remove fingerprints, anti-adhesive is applied for less time - after all, such chemistry is harmful to the skin. As soon as the glue begins to change its structure, it is recommended to wipe its remains with a sponge using soapy water.

Hand glue scrubbing with pumice stone

Mechanical scraping

A sufficiently effective but tough way to remove stains from the skin is to wipe the dried “Moment” with abrasive products. You can use sandpaper, pumice or ladies' nail file.

The method is effective if a sufficiently thick layer of glue remains on the skin. Then it is carefully cleaned with one of the above tools, being careful not to touch open skin. The remnants of superglue are washed off with soap and water.


It is necessary to get rid of the hardened glue as soon as possible. The more time passes, the more firmly sets the composition and penetrates deeper into the skin.


Chemical substances

In addition to washes produced by industry, you can use other chemical agents. Of course, their effectiveness will be much lower than that of special means, but in the absence of such, everything that is at hand in the house will come in handy.

  • To wipe superglue from the skin of the hands will help acetone or nail polish remover, which it contains. Apply the solution on a cotton swab or piece of cotton cloth and rub it with a stain. It will take some time to wash superglue in this way. Acetone penetrates into the cracks of the adhesive composition and exfoliates the dried “Moment”.
  • In addition to acetone, other solvents can be used - gasoline or White Spirit.
  • After acetone, it is necessary to wash off the exfoliated glue under a stream of water, then moisten the stain again with a solvent - and so several times.
  • Those with delicate skin on their hands should use regular table salt. Before this, the hands are soaked in warm water, then a little salt is poured onto the glue. It is rubbed into the “Moment” stain for several minutes, and a white foam forms. It must be washed off with running water. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • Instead of salt, you can use a female cosmetic skin scrub or vegetable oil to wash superglue from your fingers.
  • Reduces the strength of the adhesive drug Dimexidum. This is an antiseptic solution, it is released in ampoules or vials. It costs a penny. "Dimexide" is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the spots of "Moment" for several minutes, after which you need to rinse the product with water.

We wash the glue with water

We wash the glue with water

A small amount of superglue that gets on your skin is best washed off immediately with warm water and soap. It can be a soap solution or a bath for hands with a dishwashing detergent. Hold your fingers in it for several minutes, then start rubbing the “Moment” with a hard sponge. Repeat the washing procedure several times a day.

If you cannot wash the super glue completely, do not be discouraged. After a few days, the stain will disappear - the glue will disappear along with the dying epidermis (the upper layer of the skin, constantly updated naturally).

After all the "executions" take care of your hands. Lubricate your skin with a moisturizing or oily hand cream. If this is not in your home, apply vegetable oil to problem areas for 20-30 minutes.

To remove superglue from the skin is not an easy task. Therefore, do not neglect such a simple remedy as rubber or plastic gloves.

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How do you like our methods of removing superglue from your hands?
  1. Pauline
    02/23/2024 at 01:16 Reply

    Thanks for the tips! Helped a lot :))

  2. Pauline
    02/23/2024 at 01:00 Reply

    Thanks for the tips! Helped a lot!

  3. Pauline
    02.24.2019 at 22:47 Reply

    Thanks for the tips! Helped a lot !:

  4. Tatyana
    04/01/2024 at 16:51 Reply

    Thanks for the advice. Easily removed with a nail file.


