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Can I use baking soda to brush my teeth?

If you monitor your appearance and health, then you probably want to know how to keep your teeth whole and beautiful. Many people have a question: is it possible to brush your teeth with baking soda or will it only harm enamel? First of all, it is worth considering that soda is an excellent disinfectant, which means that it perfectly helps in the fight against various diseases of the genital cavity. That is why many people believe that this product can not be harmful, but the magazine warns: in fact, everything is much more complicated, and there are pitfalls here.

Teeth whitening result


First of all, you need to understand what advantages soda has.

  • Product Availability It can be bought at any grocery store. The price is low, everyone can afford such a purchase.
  • Visible result. You will be able to see how the color of your teeth changes, in just one application. Even with the most expensive toothpastes, you cannot achieve such a quick result.
  • Safety of use. You can not be afraid of poisoning and the appearance of an allergic reaction.

Increased tooth sensitivity


It is worth noting that soda also has its drawbacks, which, of course, you need to pay attention not to spoil your teeth.

  • The result, unfortunately, is short-lived. Within a few days, the teeth will begin to darken again.
  • Soda works as an abrasive, which means it can harm enamel.
  • If you have sensitive gums, the powder can cause irritation. Also, it should not be used if there are wounds on the mucosa.
  • Since the product damages the enamel, the teeth can become sensitive, which means that they will subsequently react to too cold and hot food.

Baking soda


If you still want to brush your teeth with soda, then you need to know how to reduce the negative impact and get the maximum benefit from this procedure.

  • In no case should you use soda very often. Of course, in this way you will see a quick result, but subsequently it will not lead to anything good. Use this tool no more than once every 10 days. Sometimes the distance between cleanings can be increased. For example, if according to your plan you were to use soda on Thursday, and on Sunday you are planning a very important meeting and you want to use the powder again, then it is better not to do this. Reschedule the day of the important meeting. Soda is not suitable for daily use.
  • Discard the toothbrush. Apply soda to your teeth only with your fingertips. This should be done very carefully, no efforts should be made, as this spoils the enamel.
  • Choose toothpastes that are enriched with various minerals. This will help your teeth to be strong and healthy.
  • Particular attention should be paid to calcium. It must be obtained in sufficient quantities from food. Cottage cheese, tofu, beans and nuts must be present in your diet.

Dental baking soda

Cleaning rules

Tooth soda can be used in different ways. You should be aware of all the ways to use it.

  • Dry powder. This is a popular and easy way to use soda. You need to apply a small amount of powder on your fingertips and carefully treat your teeth in this way. You can also use cotton pads for cleaning, but for some people this procedure will not be very pleasant. Many note that even after one reading with dry soda, the teeth become much whiter.
  • Soda can be dissolved in water, then moisten gauze in a solution and treat your teeth.The result will be exactly the same as from a dry powder, but the effect is more gentle. This method is great for sensitive teeth.
  • A small amount of powder can be added directly to the paste that you use daily. Best if your paste contains fluoride. An ordinary brush is used for cleaning.
  • Combined composition. If you want to achieve even more impressive results, then soda must be mixed with hydrogen peroxide. But here it is important to consider that such a composition is even more rigid, which means it can harm your teeth. However, if you do everything right, then you will not have problems. You just need to take 3% hydrogen peroxide and mix it with the powder. Then apply a small amount on a cotton swab and treat your teeth. Do not use this mixture too often, preferably no more than once a month. In the event that you have very sensitive teeth, it is better to refuse such an experiment altogether.


If you want your teeth to always remain white, then tooth powder should be preferred. Of course, it also cannot be used every day, but it will be used for its intended purpose, which means that its composition is safer for your teeth.

Also, if you want your teeth to become whiter, then you should exclude coffee, black tea and red wine from the diet. All these products paint enamel very strongly, especially the daily use of coffee. Even if you regularly use soda for cleaning, but use dyeing products, you will not be able to achieve a worthy result.

Activated carbon capsule


If you really want to make your smile snow-white, but you do not want to use soda or tooth powder, you need to pay attention to other options.

Activated carbon has been used for teeth whitening for many years. To do this, crush one tablet into powder, and then sprinkle it with a toothbrush. Now brush your teeth for 2 minutes and rinse your mouth. The result will be noticeable after one use.

In summer, you can make an infusion of birch leaves. It is necessary to pour a handful of fresh leaves with a glass of hot water and leave for 2 hours. Wet the brush in the solution and brush your teeth. To make the solution more saturated, the leaves can be ground in a blender or cut with a knife.

Some use wood ash for bleaching. The method of use is exactly the same as in the case of activated carbon.

Do not forget that all methods involve a sufficiently strong effect on the enamel, which in the future can lead to sad consequences.

Dentist examination


If using baking soda is not fanatical, then there will be no harm from it. But as you can see, there are many factors to consider. In any case, it is recommended that you first consult with your dentist, who will conduct the examination. It may turn out that your enamel will not survive such an impact, which means that it will quickly become exhausted and tooth decay will appear.

Teeth require very careful care if you want to keep their health and attractive appearance for a long time. Choose only the funds that suit you. Is it possible to brush your teeth with one or another tool - this is a very difficult question, since it requires an individual approach.

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