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5 life hacks. What can be washed with Coca-Cola?

Scientists have proven the harm from the frequent use of Coca-Cola - the acids in its composition, it is better not to rinse your own stomach. However, enterprising Russians turned a popular drink into an effective cleaning agent that can cope with complex pollution no worse than other chemicals. Metal and glassware, plumbing, obsolete gold and silver - this is not all that can be washed with an ordinary cola.

Can of coke

How it works?

Many are interested in the question of what is contained in the stake, which allows it to effectively deal with rust and limescale. The fact is that in the composition of the drink there is a large amount of phosphoric and citric acids. Due to the huge amount of sugar, the sour taste is almost imperceptible, however, in terms of acidity, soda is comparable to 3% vinegar essence, which is often used as a cleanser.

A solution of citric, acetic or malic acid will clean the contaminated surface no worse than Coca-Cola, because the pH of these liquids is the same. It’s only expensive to clean plumbing or clothes with natural apple or lemon juice, and vinegar essence smells unpleasant. Perhaps the only decent alternative to cola is citric acid, inexpensive and odorless.

Coca-Cola bath cleaning

How to clean a Coca-Cola bath?

The wonderful effect of soda can be seen when cleaning in the bathroom. Cola equally well cleans the bath, toilet, sink and tile.

To get a sparkling clean toilet, you need to pour 1/2 liter of cola into the drain hole for 1 hour (before doing this, remove the water in it - using an empty tube of shampoo or simply vigorously poking a brush with a brush). If possible, it is better to wait longer until the acid completely dissolves the hard coating. Then you need to wash the toilet in the usual way. Unpleasant odor will disappear along with the dirt - after cleaning the bathroom will smell like cola.

To clean the bathtubs and sinks, it is enough to pour over their internal surfaces with a carbonated drink and after 5-10 minutes wipe them with a wet rag.

If rusty smudges or stains from salt and lime appear on the tiled wall or floor, Coca-Cola can easily handle them. It is only necessary to pour into a small container of “life-giving” drink and, having dipped a napkin, rub the contaminated place.

Many cleaning products contain chlorine, which irritates the airways. Cola has a pleasant aroma and does not emit harmful substances, so it is a great option for allergy sufferers.

Coca-Cola blockage clearance

How to clean Coca-Cola pipes?

A sewage blockage is one of the most unpleasant problems in everyday life that any housewife has to face. There are many reasons for this, but most often the pipe is clogged with fat dissolved in the drained fluids. Fat freezes, settles on the walls of the pipe and completely clogs the passage.

There are many chemicals that can dissolve a fat plug. Popular methods are also known, but they are not always effective. Oddly enough, regular Coca-Cola can easily cope with fat blockage. Pour 4 liters of carbonated drink into the hole in the sink and rinse the system with hot water after an hour.

Coca-Cola for cleaning silver

Does Cola clean silver?

Silver items require cleaning from time to time. Coasters and spoons, figurines and even decorative inserts in furniture sets are covered with dust, green coating, rust. Coca-Cola perfectly cleans silver, and when heated it is able to remove any old pollution.

For cleaning, you need 1/2 liter of soda and a deep metal container. To restore the luster and purity of silver products, the following work must be done:

  1. pour cola into a container;
  2. put there items that need cleaning;
  3. put on a gas or electric stove;
  4. bring the liquid to a boil;
  5. boil for 5 minutes;
  6. take out the products and wait until they cool;
  7. rinse in clean water;
  8. wipe dry with a cotton cloth.

It is so simple and inexpensive to remove any impurities from silverware.

Clean rusty cola coins

Clean rusty cola coins

Thanks to phosphoric acid, which is part of the cola, the liquid can be used to dissolve rust on coins, bumpers and car bodies and other metal objects.

They clean coins in the following way: in order to give a shine to old money, they must be placed in a jar with soda for at least 12 hours. The acid will corrode solid dirt, you just have to wipe the coins with a rough rag dry. If in some places there is rust or dirty coating, the procedure must be repeated.

There is another way to clean old coins with a Coke: they wrap the money in a rag soaked in soda and stand it for several hours, after which they wipe off the dirt left behind with a hard cloth.

gold ring

How do Coca-Cola clean gold?

Gold jewelry with many curls, rings and bends is difficult to mechanically clean. But the stake is doing the job "on the top five." It is enough to collect all the contaminated products, put them in a glass and fill them with soda. After 12 hours, rinse the rings and earrings with cool water - and they will sparkle like brand new.

This cleaning method is not suitable for products with precious stones, since the color of the stone under the influence of cola can change beyond recognition. In addition, you must be sure that the product is really gold, and not gilded. Phosphoric acid will easily corrode gilding, and the jewelry will lose its attractive appearance.

The use of Coca-Cola as a drink is very doubtful, but Cola as a cleaning agent will give odds to many other chemicals. If there is a bottle of cola in the refrigerator, then there is always something to clean the plumbing, metal objects or clothes.

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  1. Oleg
    01/20/2024 at 10:41 Reply

    Am I using Coca-Cola to soak rust in the garage? What are you doing?

  2. Ira
    01/21/2024 at 09:26 Reply

    Cola is primarily a drink, so I drink it.


