How long can the law make noise, listen to music and make repairs in an apartment in an apartment building?
The question of how much noise you can make in an apartment is relevant for many people who live in apartment buildings in Moscow. Some are tormented by neighbors who constantly and very loudly listen to music or play musical instruments day and night, others are always haunted by barking dogs, and others are lucky to live next to an apartment in which they constantly make repairs.
Despite the fact that many silently endure, not knowing how to find a council for such an attitude towards others, all important points have long been regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. It is impossible to disturb the peace of neighbors, every person suffering from extraneous noise has the opportunity to defend his rights. The Basic Law of July 12, 2002 only defines the main points. In addition to it, it is necessary to be based on additions, the last of which entered into force on January 1, 2016.
Noise in a modern apartment: figures, regulations, updated provisions
First of all, you need to remember that you can not make noise not only in an apartment building, but also in the territory of kindergartens, hotels, dormitories, house adjoining territories, common areas and recreation areas.
According to the law, a whole list of actions that violate silence is allocated:
- Construction and loading work, repairs, accompanied by any sounds.
- Devices that play music too loudly, playing instruments, screaming, whistling, singing.
- Signaling on a motor vehicle or in an apartment at home, working for a long time, both at night and during the day.
- Pyrotechnic products.
- Any sound reproducing devices.
The law accurately sets the days and times in which noise cannot be generated in excess of 45-55 dB.
- It is strictly forbidden to make noise on weekends and holidays. It should be noted that by law the day off is meant only Sunday. Contrary to popular belief, on Saturday you can do everything the same as on any working day.
- The rest of the time in Moscow and many other cities it is forbidden to make repairs, swear loudly, engage in noisy dog training, sing songs, listen to music and create other sources of noise from 19:00 to 9:00 in the morning.
- In addition, during the day you need to take a break in any high-profile events from 13.00 to 15.00. During these hours, traditionally small children can sleep.
The parameters characteristic of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation may slightly differ from the regulations introduced in Moscow. In order not to guess what changes were introduced by the city government in 2016, you should contact the police department or the administration of the village.
In addition to the main provisions, according to the law and amendments of January 1, 2016, there is one specific point. When it comes to new buildings, repairs and finishing work can be carried out at any daylight hours. But only if no more than 18 months have passed since the commissioning of the facility.
Unfortunately, neither the basic law, nor the amendments of January 1, 2016 make a difference between the sounds made during the repair, children's crying, and a loud musical instrument. It turns out that any person can complain not only that his neighbors in after-hours hours improperly listening to music or began to drill walls on weekends, but also that at night a child cried, whom these very sounds woke up.
Types of liability for noise, existing penalties and fines
The legislation of the Russian Federation considers too loud noise during the day, as a violation of set standards, and at night - as an attempt to disturb public order and calm citizens. In Moscow, a warning is provided for the first offense. If the case is repeated, and the neighbors continue to neglect the rules, then a system of fines is used:
- For individuals up to 2,000 rubles.
- For managers of enterprises up to 8,000 rubles (if not neighbors on the site or riser make noise in a residential building, but a legal organization located in a remodeled apartment).
- For legal entities up to 80 000 rubles.
- Repair carried out in Moscow at night is additionally punishable by law only in the case of legal entities. For managers up to 40,000 rubles, for organization up to 300,000 rubles.
Everyone should know how long it is allowed to make noise on regular and weekend days when it is possible and impossible to make repairs or listen to music. This will allow not only to cope with such a problem as noisy neighbors, but also to protect oneself from the risk of breaking the law.
Fines are not the worst punishment for those who do not know how much you can make noise in the apartment or neglect the requirements. In judicial practice, there are cases when particularly noisy people are forcibly evicted from privatized housing. True, this was often the result of numerous complaints from several residents of the same house and years of litigation. Violators of peace in this case repeatedly violated the law, ignoring the decisions of the authorities and the requirements of the police.
Effective methods to deal with noisy neighbors
You can’t put up with the fact that noisy neighbors live behind a wall or a floor above. If people are used to making noise, they won’t stop without hearing comments or encountering government officials. Depending on the situation, you can use one of the following methods:
- For starters, just talk. It is likely that the tenants of another apartment simply incorrectly assess the audibility in the house when they turn on the music. Or maybe adults do not even suspect that in those days when they are absent, their sociable child has parties.
Tip: It is strictly forbidden to “wedge a wedge with a wedge”. In this case, you can not only waste your time and nerves, but also run into information-savvy people who immediately go to the police and write a complaint.
- If the conversation took place, but no positive changes were observed, and all the same, repairs continue on the weekend, and after 19 hours the TV is yelling with might and main, you will have to call the police. This measure will bring to the neighbors the seriousness of their claims. After the visit, the authorities should make a copy of the exit report. If it comes to court, such paper is very useful.
- It happens that the neighbors are rowdy with experience, such one outfit does not scare. In this case, you need to contact the district police officer and write a statement. According to the law, he is obliged to conduct an explanatory conversation with the residents of the problem apartment and regularly check the situation. Do not worry if the neighbors are calm during the day, backing up their words with a report from the police, you can count on the district policeman not putting the case in a drawer.
- If the story continues, repairs go on during the hours or days of rest, and annoyed residents believe that music should be listened to at night, and you will have to go to court. In Moscow, no one will be surprised at this now, so the case will be considered without fail. To guarantee a successful outcome, it is recommended to enlist the support of other residents and draw up a class action lawsuit. But even if people behind the wall purposefully terrorize the residents of a particular apartment, you should not retreat. Having secured documents from the police and the support of the district police officer, we can safely demand the punishment of offenders.
It makes no sense to spoil your days off and the end of working days, no one has the right to deprive others of quiet hours in their own (and even a rented) apartment. Even if the situation with the neighbors is at an impasse, you can turn to a lawyer who will clearly understand the situation and explain which option is best to follow in order to regain a calm life.