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How to improve the environment in the apartment? Where is the danger lurking, and how to eliminate it

A person spends a lot of time in his apartment, taking at least hours of sleep. And what about housewives, young children and those who work at home? The environmental situation in any case should be under control. We don’t even know about some sources of pollution in the apartment! Our health is influenced by biological, physical and chemical aspects, let's see where the danger is hidden.

About types of pollution in detail

Cleanliness in the house is not only the absence of dust in the cabinets and the washed floor. Pollution lurks in the most unexpected places. Some of them - for example, different types of mold - are familiar to us firsthand, we can only guess about other problems that affect the microclimate.

House cleanliness

But do not panic in advance: the cleanliness of the house should not be sterile. This is another extreme that affects immunity, reduces the protective functions of the body.

The main types of pollution in the apartment, which environmentalists note:

  1. Chemical - various toxic substances released by furniture, home decoration and cheap decoration materials. Among them is the formaldehyde compound; its toxicity needs no introduction. The substance is capable of being released into the air from building materials and furniture for years in a row, poisoning the air and affecting human health. Other synthetic resins, which are used for impregnation of particleboard and other materials, paints and varnishes, are also dangerous. Chemical contaminants can enter the house with air if it is located near industrial plants, multi-lane routes, etc. Hard tap water with an abundance of heavy impurities is also a danger. Household chemicals, the pungent smell of which causes irritation of the larynx and throat, are also not safe, provoke lung dysfunction.
  2. Biological - these are spores of fungi that travel through the air and can multiply almost everywhere: on walls, tiles in the bathroom and in the kitchen, under wallpaper, on linoleum, under a suspended ceiling, etc. Another problem is hidden in ordinary street dust and dirt harmful bacteria and viruses from the boot. All this can significantly undermine the state of the immune system of apartment residents.
  3. Physical - These are various noises, vibrations, electromagnetic and radio waves. An excess of constantly working equipment can suddenly deteriorate in health: there is insomnia, chronic fatigue, irritability. This applies not only to phones under the pillow during sleep, but also to Wi-Fi routers, refrigerators, office equipment, etc. Noise can disturb from neighboring apartments or from the yard. Moreover, often on the upper floors, the audibility is no worse than at the bottom, where the sound is muffled by trees, etc.

Environmental ecology

Microclimatic pollution of the house is also highlighted. This includes the level of humidity, the nature of the air flow, temperature. High-quality window and heating systems are responsible for temperature control and humidity.

Interesting fact
Car exhaust accumulates at the level of the third floor, gases from factories, etc. - at a level above the trees and surrounding houses.

In an urban environment, keeping the apartment in optimal condition is quite difficult. Outside the city, the air is clean, not polluted. Residents of megacities increasingly understand the need for various air conditioners and filtering systems for air, a problem especially urgent for asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

Make your house better

How to improve the environmental situation in the house? We have to take a set of measures.

To begin with, it is worth checking all rooms with high humidity for mold. The fungus is removed by folk remedies - vinegar and soda - if it has just appeared. Huge colonies require professional intervention, often overhaul.

Dust and dirt are removed by regular dry and wet cleaning. Use antifungal cleaning agents periodically.

Wet cleaning of the apartment

With regard to physical pollution at home, then monitor the operation of household appliances. Do not save on silent technology. Turn off everything you can before bedtime, and you will immediately notice how the quality of rest has improved. If possible, install anti-vibration and sound-absorbing coatings. A noise level sensor will help you. The optimal noise figure for a comfortable life is no more than 20 decibels.

To establish a microclimate

Ecology in the house begins on the street. Special filters for air purification collect dust and harmful suspensions. Often such devices are mounted in air conditioning and ionizing systems. They allow you to adjust the comfortable temperature and humidity, as well as the purity of the atmosphere in the apartment.

Ventilate the room regularly. Check how correctly the radiators work. Install quality windows so that the air exchange and humidity in the apartment are always on the same level.


Greenery in the house is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also useful! There are plants that positively affect the microclimate of the house. They purify the air, saturate it with healing phytoncides and essential oils.

Home Care

Examples of useful plants for apartment ecology:

  1. Cacti and succulents. Known catchers of electromagnetic radiation. Especially popular are Dieffenbachia, dracaena.
  2. Chlorophytum. Leader in the removal of formaldehydes from the air.
  3. Ficus Benjamin collects dust, absorbs toxic impurities.
  4. Pelargonium (indoor geranium) - its smell kills dangerous bacteria.
  5. Lemon and other citrus fruits perfectly refresh the air.
  6. Miniature conifers - sources of volatile production.

Some plants can filter tobacco smoke. Do not forget that certain types of flowers are dangerous for allergy sufferers and pets, for example, Benjamin ficus and geranium.

About furniture, decoration materials and decor

Your apartment should not have cheap decorative plastic, cheap chipboard coatings, etc. All this poisons the air and, in the end, is much more expensive than high-quality materials.

Cozy and clean apartment

New low-quality furniture, whether it is wood or glued board, can poison the body with chemicals for many years. Any, even the most delicate aroma should disappear after a maximum of a couple of days of ventilation, if we are talking about hard surfaces, and a maximum of a week, if we are talking about upholstered furniture or a thick mattress.

Old furniture that is rarely cleaned is a source of biological contamination. Treat the upholstery of the sofa with a steamer and detergents.

Important magazine draws your attention: souvenirs made of stone or metal can form a small radiation background.

Waste: sorting

Different types of waste decompose at different rates and are hazardous to varying degrees. In addition, they can interact with each other. Therefore, sorting is so important.

Standards share two types of waste:

  • solid (from broken chairs to sour porridge, from cardboard boxes to used up batteries);
  • liquid (sewage).

In addition, solid waste varies by class. After all, it is obvious that food waste, cardboard and metal, consumables that came into contact with a person (be it hygiene products, bandages, etc.) require a different degree of attention.

Garbage sorting

How to sort waste, rules and tips:

  1. Old batteries and batteries tend to explode. Always take them to special collection points. You can first dial a small capacity, say, a box from under a porcelain mug.But such waste should be stored out of the reach of children, in a shaded and preferably cool place and not longer than 1-2 months.
  2. Separate plastic - it is always disposed of separately. There are even special collection points for plastic bottles.
  3. Paper, wood and metal are dumped together and, in principle, calmly wait until the garbage can is filled to capacity.
  4. Glass should either be handed over or stored separately, because it quickly turns into fragments that are dangerous for the hands of sorters at processing plants.
  5. Throw away food waste in a small bucket and take it to the trash every day.
  6. Soluble food residues in small quantities can be flushed into the toilet, but in this case, flush the plumbing with special equipment once a week so that the fat does not stick on the pipes.
  7. Buy a good, quickly dissolving toilet paper and do not store offensive stink in a special bucket - send it to the toilet.
  8. Hygiene products, including wet wipes, diapers, sanitary pads, bandages, etc. require the same treatment as food insoluble waste. Throw them into a separate small bucket and take it out daily.

There are environmental assessments that can accurately determine the sources of problems in the house, including the radiation level, the presence of toxic gases and the degree of electromagnetic radiation.

The ecology of the apartment affects your well-being, performance and even harmonious relationships in the family. Try to organize your comfort at all levels, and this will affect the quality of life.

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