Can artificial flowers be kept at home?

The older generation does not have artificial flowers at home. But modern designers are increasingly using them to decorate the interior. Are inanimate plants really harmful or is a negative myth about them another myth? The answer to the question depends on faith in magic and the invisible energy world. If you believe superstitions, then you can’t, but if science - you can.

Bouquet of artificial flowers

Arguments for"

Freshly picked flowers enliven any interior, bring bright colors to the decoration of the room and fill it with a pleasant smell. Unfortunately, keeping plants in the house all the time is a luxury for many. And sometimes the point is in the principles: after standing for a short time, the flower dies and fades. Artificial bouquets are another matter. This is a durable interior decoration that will delight the eye until it gets bored.

Inanimate flowers have a lot of advantages over natural ones:

  • do not cause allergies;
  • not poisonous and not dangerous, like many houseplants;
  • look realistic;
  • surprise with their diversity;
  • affordable;
  • can be placed anywhere, not just by the window;
  • undemanding in terms of care.

All that artificial flowers need (and more precisely, residents of the house in which they are located) is regular dust cleaning. If the material of the product allows, carry out wet cleaning. Leaflets and buds are wiped with a wet cloth, washed in the shower or even washed in a basin. If the flowers are made of paper or other delicate materials, use a small vacuum cleaner to clean the dust or fan them with a pipidaster (fluffy whisk).

Artificial flowers should not have a plastic or other pungent odor. Before buying, be sure to check how the decor smells.

Arrangement of artificial flowers and branches.

Arguments against"

Despite all the advantages of artificial flowers, many flatly refuse to keep them in their home. To the question “why?”, They answer that inanimate flowers have a place in the cemetery. Funeral wreaths, various compositions for parting with the deceased are made of artificial buds. However, one cannot consider an alien, even widespread opinion, axiom. In addition, modern bouquets created to decorate the interior do not at all resemble cemetery flowers.

Let's try to figure out what actually can be the negative consequences of artificial flowers in the home:

  • Dust collection. Artificial flowers are famous dust collectors. A lot of dust accumulates in the buds and leaves, which is harmful to the health of residents. It is especially harmful to place a bouquet or composition near the bed of a small child, an allergic person, a person suffering from a respiratory tract disease. Finding artificial decor in a room increases the risk of an asthma attack, an allergy to dust. And in house dust live thousands of types of microbes that can cause a wide variety of diseases.
  • Source of negative energy. In many ways, artificial flowers in the house negatively affect the energy of the house and the residents themselves. They bring with them illnesses, quarrels, contention, all sorts of troubles and even promise death. In an apartment where there is an inanimate bouquet, people feel lonely and incomprehensible. And it is also believed that the void inside the inflorescences absorbs the entire positive aura and draws energy.

Esotericists recommend listening to their feelings at night. If an artificial bouquet at night does not cause fear or discomfort, you can store it in the apartment.

Artificial flowers

Artificial Flower Superstitions

Inanimate flowers, including dry ones, are associated with many superstitions.Most of them are bad, but there are good ones.

We bring to your attention all the famous beliefs:

  • To keep wax flowers (including candles) in the house - to the unexpected death of a loved one or just a loved one.
  • A bouquet of inanimate flowers received as a gift may be “spoiled”. It is easy to convey illness and failure on him.
  • Dried flowers in the bedroom - to the discord between the spouses and the breakdown of the family.
  • A copy of ivy or reeds in the house - to death.

Box with artificial flowers on the windowsill

And what does the teaching of Feng Shui say?

Taoist practice does not provide artificial flowers with either negative or positive energy. The type of plant matters.

Positive changes in the house will bring:

  • plants with large, rounded leaves;
  • lotus;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • magnolia;
  • pion;
  • orchid.

In Feng Shui, artificial plants stimulate the movement of qi (energy) much weaker. Therefore, they do not significantly affect the house and its residents. But the doctrine does not recommend to put dry and withering flowers in a living room.

To strengthen the power of flowers, you should choose the right pot or planter. For specimens with white and blue buds, rounded pots are chosen, with yellow and green - square, red - triangular in shape.

In appearance, modern artificial flowers practically do not give up on living plants. Manufacturers have learned to accurately copy any flower, even the most exotic. You can find a bouquet or composition for the most demanding tastes. Formally, artificial flowers are not considered harmful to the home. It is only necessary to regularly remove dust from them - and then you can keep them in the apartment. Of course, if you are not afraid of prejudice. And to believe or not to believe superstitions, everyone decides for himself.

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  1. pensioner
    10/14/2024 at 06:18 Reply

    I am a pensioner and have had artificial flowers all my life. I make designer bouquets. changing vases and coasters. I always have a great atmosphere and I don’t come up with any nonsense and fables. . I rejoice myself and delight people. Nothing attracts you. except yourself. With such thoughts, lie down and die. nothing more to add. buy different flowers and you will be happy !!

  2. Olga
    10/18/2024 at 09:08 Reply

    I don’t buy fresh flowers. But this is just my opinion. If I like these flowers, I won’t say that this is bad. Every man to his own taste.


