How to choose mounts for paintings?

Bare walls create an unattractive look and are associated with many office premises. Pictures or photographs will enliven a boring interior and add a touch of warmth. However, many are afraid that the artistic composition will not fit into the decor of the room and in the future it will be necessary to change its position. There are mounts for frames and paintings that do not spoil the walls and are easily dismantled. We will analyze the different installation methods.

Girl hangs pictures

Classic way

The easiest way to attach a picture is with a nail or a screw. But much depends on which camps in the room. Wood in this respect is an excellent material, it can easily withstand the heavy weight of the product. The home master will only need a hammer and a nail, the picture itself or the rope on which it is hung is attached directly to it. In order for the illustration to hang directly, without bias, the fasteners should be located at the level of the upper edge of the picture or slightly higher. If you want to hang the artwork at an angle, the nail is hammered into the wall slightly below its upper part.

However, modern apartments rarely have wooden walls, most often people live in houses built of brick and concrete. The brick also copes well with the load, but it is a fragile material and can be easily cracked when inaccurate work. To avoid this, cement mortar is first poured into the drilled hole and only then the selected part is attached.

Concrete is a fairly durable material, so it is recommended to make a hole in the wall with a drill or punch. The dowel is first inserted into the puncture, and then a hook or a screw.

Drywall is not particularly durable, on such a wall you can hang only light paintings or photo frames. To prevent the picture from falling, the hole is strengthened with the help of a special dowel-butterfly, which has struts that do not allow the product to slip.

This is a simple and cheap way of fixing, but not all owners are willing to sacrifice the smoothness of the walls. To minimize the number of holes in the walls, you can buy the so-called hook-spider. It allows you to attach any product without nails to the door, wall, interior partition.

Toly Hooks

Toly hooks and regular hooks

Toly spider hooks are sold at a hardware store for a small price. They are a plastic product with sharp hardened steel nails that are in the base. A few blows are young - and the product hangs on the wall. Initially, they were intended for mounting on concrete and brick walls, but in practice they can be used for any surface. The spider hook is easily dismantled, leaving behind 4 small punctures. The defect can be masked by rubbing the wall with your finger.

Products of several sizes are produced, the smallest hook can withstand a load of 2 kg, and if the picture is massive, you can buy a “spider” of large size. According to manufacturers, it will cope with a load of 9 kg.

If it is not possible to visit the store (for example, you decide to update the design of the room in the evening), you can hang a picture using a regular hook. It must be bent in such a way as to make a loop. Fasteners are applied to the wall, and wallpaper is glued on top of it.

Command wall clasps for paintings

Command Wall Clasps

Looking for a way to hang photo frames? Clasps on adhesive tape will come to the rescue, they can be used without the aid of a drill and puncher. Products are easily removed and do not spoil the surface of wallpaper and walls. They are Velcro coated with a protective film on top.There are 4 pieces in the kit, before use they need to be separated from each other. Next, follow the instructions on the packaging:

  • combine 2 Velcro together and peel off the protective film from one of them;
  • fix the sticky layer on the back of the frame and press firmly;
  • repeat these steps to fix the remaining strips on the frame;
  • remove the films from all the Velcro and attach the frame to the wall;
  • Press firmly and hold for 30 seconds.

To remove the fasteners, it is enough to move the lower edge of the frame from the wall, then pull the strips by the tab strictly vertically until the Velcro is completely peeled off.

You can hang the frame in this way quite quickly and conveniently, but there are some drawbacks. According to reviews, fasteners do not hold well on vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, but they are tightly attached to paper coatings. The price of the product is also quite high and is about 200 rudders. Clasps can withstand the weight of 450 grams, therefore, they are not intended for fastening more massive paintings.

Photo frame and double-sided tape

Various Velcro

A lightweight picture can be hung with double-sided tape. Mounting is suitable for any surface, but there is an important condition - the walls should be even and smooth. It is better to choose masking tape on a fabric basis: it is more reliable. The principle of its use is about the same as sticky fasteners.

Fasten the tape strip along the perimeter of the back of the picture and peel off the protective layer. Press the canvas firmly against the wall. This method is suitable for all walls, including drywall. However, after removing the adhesive tape, there is a danger that a piece of the wall covering will come off together with it. magazine advises: in order not to damage the walls during dismantling, use a little trick: you must peel off the tape at an angle of 90 degrees.

An alternative to adhesive tape are Velcro from the sewing store. They are designed to fix the shoulder pads, pockets on clothes, but can be used for other purposes. One side of the tape is glued to the photo frame with glue, and the other part is glued to the wall. The method is convenient in that you can change the location of the picture as much as you like. The number of Velcro depends on the size of the canvas.

Liquid Nails

Liquid Nails

This method allows you to securely attach the artwork to the wall, but it is immediately worth noting that it will not work to change the location of the painting without damaging the surface.

If you decide that the canvas will hang in this place for many years, proceed according to the following algorithm.

  1. Draw a pencil on the wall with the proposed location of the product using a level.
  2. Before using the glue, the surface of the wall and paintings must be degreased.
  3. Apply "Liquid Nails" around the perimeter of the frame, between the points there should be a gap of 5 cm.
  4. Glue the picture on the marked markings and press firmly. Hold for better fixation until the glue dries.


Instead of Liquid Nails, you can use polymer glue, Superglue. If there is a need to dismantle the picture, you need to remove it very carefully. There is a high probability that you will have to change the wallpaper or re-plaster the surface.

The original method is offered by home craftsmen. You can hang the product not on the wall itself, but on the cork from under the bottle. It is carefully cut across to get even, rounded parts with a thickness of 0.5-0.9 cm. They are glued to the wall, and then the screw is fixed.

Picture from the modules

Pictures from modules

A modular picture is an important element of modern design; it can decorate the interior of a living room, bedroom, kitchen or children's room. Consists of two, three, four or more parts. To hang a modular picture, it is necessary to determine the sequence of placement of its parts. Begin mounting from the main module. Defining it is simple - the main composition is depicted here.

In order for the picture to hang evenly, it is important to take into account some nuances.

  • Attach the main module to the wall and draw a pencil with its borders.
  • The upper part of the picture should be placed parallel to the floor, otherwise the whole composition will hang at an angle that will not give aesthetic water to the room.
  • Between the parts of the composition should be indented with a width of 1.5-4 cm, it should also be noted in advance.
  • Attach the remaining parts to the wall and mark their corners as well.
  • Clean the surface of dirt.
  • Attach the parts in the selected way.
  • Evaluate the result and make adjustments if necessary.

Rail for hanging pictures

Rail mount

In art galleries, this method of placing paintings is often used. At home, the rails are attached to the ceiling itself or to the border of its connection with the wall using special brackets. The ceiling cornice also looks beautiful. A small hook hangs here, on which a transparent fishing line or other fixing rope is hung. The method is convenient in that you can move the paintings along the wall and adjust the height of their placement.

There are many ways to hang a canvas in a room. The key point in choosing fasteners remains the weight of the photo frame or picture, the type of material with which the walls are processed. You can choose both the most original and the easiest way. It all depends on the design of the room and your imagination.

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