How to peel hazelnuts and walnuts easily and effortlessly

In childhood, no one thought for a long time about how to properly peel a walnut: found a heavy stone, hit it once - the contents of the nut in your palm. In an apartment, this method is not feasible, so adults have to turn on their imagination and think about how to peel nuts so that shell fragments do not scatter in different directions, and the fruit itself remains intact. There are many ways to peel any nut quickly and safely.

Handful of hazelnuts

How to clean hazelnuts?

Of course, the easiest way is to buy chopped nuts, but, firstly, it is more expensive, and, secondly, the closed shell hazelnuts remain fresher. Hazelnuts are very useful, and its high cost is due to many factors: this is a huge number of useful elements, and its whimsical habitats. If you bought hazelnuts to be cleaned, then you need more practical advice than a hammer or stone.

Of course, for such purposes, a special device is ideal for cracking any nuts. But it is not in every kitchen, so many exploit garlic gum. Be careful: if you get a strong nut, it may break.


Never try to crack nuts with your teeth, it is very dangerous and harmful.

We present three ways to clean hazelnuts at home easily and simply:

  • using pliers;
  • using a pouch and a hammer;
  • heating in the oven.

Cleaning hazelnuts with pliers
Method 1

Bite the nut with pliers, while the nippers themselves should be in the palm of your hand. It is she who will protect the kitchen from the shell flying in all directions.

Method 2

If the hazelnut is very strong, fold it into a cloth bag, put it on a large wooden board and beat lightly with a hammer. Hazelnuts give up easily by jumping out of the shell.

Method 3

Un chopped nuts on a baking sheet and then simmer for 10 minutes in the oven. The shell is much easier to crack after heat treatment.

After the hazelnuts are released from the shell from the shell, you need to clean it from the skin. To do this, pour the nuts into the pan and fry for 5 minutes over low heat. You can fry them in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees. After frying, the skin will quickly fall off. In order not to clean each nut separately, lay them on a towel, and on top cover with the other and roll with your palms. So you can clear all nuts at once.

Chopped walnut

How to clean walnut?

On the street, you can easily chop a walnut by simply tapping it with a heavy object. But in an apartment, this method should not be used, because the sounds of your difficult battle will be heard by all the neighbors, and the shell, which can “shoot” under the hammer, will be in all corners of the kitchen. Another popular method is splitting the “shell” halves with the tip of a knife. Its effectiveness and safety depends on the variety. If the shell is strong, and its halves are tightly compressed, then there is a big chance to hurt your hand or just bend the knife.

The treasury of folk wisdom has a couple of tips on how to free walnuts from the shell without much effort.

We offer 3 ways to peel a nut at home:

  • with boiling water;
  • pliers
  • placing in the oven;

Method 1

Put the whole walnuts in a bowl and pour them with boiling water. Leave it for only 10 minutes, then you need to wait until the nuts have cooled, and carefully crack them with the tip of a knife. The steamed nut is very easy to give, and the halves of the shell smoothly “stick out”. Do it very carefully, one careless movement - and the knife can pierce the skin!

Method 2

If you do not have a special nut cracker, it does not matter. Run to the pantry for pliers.Here, of course, you need to make a lot of effort, so it is better for a woman to ask her husband to carry out this operation. The clamped nut should be held in the palm of your hand, and the handle should be gripped with the other hand. Then the fragments will remain in the hand, and not on the floor and under the furniture of the kitchen.


Do not use a crush for garlic: it can not sustain and break.

Method 3

Put the nuts on a baking sheet, preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place it there. 10 minutes of heat treatment will be more than enough to make the shell more fragile and supple. When the walnuts have cooled, break them one by one with a hammer and an ordinary wooden board. You don’t have to make much effort, so be sure that you won’t hear frightening sounds from your neighbors.

When the core is freed from the shell, the following problem appears: how to remove the brown bitter peel? It is easy and pleasant to clean a young nut, because the husk peels off by itself. But the longer it is stored, the more difficult the task will appear before you.
Boiled Walnut Kernels
There are two ways to clear the husk:

  • pour boiling water;
  • fry.

Method 1

Pour boiling water over nuts for 5 minutes. After such bath procedures, they will easily be cleaned of bitter skin, and a pleasant “milky” taste will return to them.

Method 2

Fry the nuts in a pan for only 5 minutes, and the peel will begin to fall off even during frying. Pay close attention to color and smell so that the nuts are not burnt. Cleaning them after such a procedure is easier than ever.

As you can see, peeling nuts is not only possible with a hammer, stone or any heavy object. This can be done safely and carefully, if you know certain tricks. Performing all the procedures correctly, you will not only easily crack a hard, unyielding shell, but also remove a thin bitter skin.

We recommend reading the article on how to dry walnuts in the oven

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leave a comment
  1. Alexander
    07/09/2024 at 12:48 Reply

    The best way to clean a walnut is to put it on the neck of a bottle of champagne with its sharp edge down and hit it with a little hammer, you will get a nut broken into two butterflies

  2. Lydia
    08/24/2024 at 12:47 Reply

    Thank you for being! Very comfortably! It is not possible for a person to know everything, but here they are always happy to help you. Thank you so much!

  3. Gromul
    11/10/2024 at 15:05 Reply

    The best way is to put several nuts in a plastic bag, tie it for reliability, and gently tighten the nuts in turn with the door until they crack. Then shake from the bag into a bowl and sort through. Easy and fast.

  4. Alyona
    05/09/2024 at 11:27 Reply

    And there’s such a device as a nut cracker. What are the little paws, the door ..? ; )


