Tips on how to properly clean chicken hearts, for omnivores, losing weight and squeamish

Those who have never cooked chicken hearts, often doubt that they can properly prepare the product: on the substrate it looks suspicious, and it is not clear which side to approach its preparation. What should remain in the trash and what will go into the pan - that’s what we will tell you in this article.

Chicken Hearts

For omnivores

In fact, the hearts that you buy in the store have already undergone primary processing, and absolutely everything that you see is edible. Nothing will happen to you from a couple of uncircumcised vessels or a blood clot, but this can slightly undermine the aesthetics of the finished dish.

So, what should be done if you want to get the maximum result with the minimum effort?

  • Rinse the hearts thoroughly first (however, this advice is valid for any meat).
  • You don’t need to clean the hearts of a thin film that you can hardly notice, but you need to sort out chicken hearts: often other offal, suitable and unsuitable for consumption, come across in bulk. Even if you find a piece of liver or ventricle, you should not cook them together with hearts, since the preparation time for these products is different.
  • In the course of the product bulkhead, remove long strands of fibers, which sometimes stretch for 5-8 centimeters. Again, there is nothing harmful in them, but because of them, the finished dish can be quite inconvenient to eat.


In the finished dish, blood clots practically do not taste, and some even believe that they add spice to the dish, and simply refuse to remove them of their own free will.

Fat free chicken hearts

For losing weight

Chicken hearts could be called a diet dish if they belonged to yard chickens that have access to physical activity. The products that you will find in the store will certainly not be able to boast of a low fat content, since the conditions of keeping chickens in poultry farms contribute to the formation of significant fat deposits.

What to do if you are on a diet and do not want all this fat to be in a pan?

  • First you need to repeat all the manipulations that we described in the section above: rinse and sort the chicken hearts, cleaning them from filamentary fibers.
  • And now we add one more step: from each heart you have to cut fat. Yes, the process is quite painstaking, but the reduction in fat in the diet is worth it. Try not to hurt the muscle: if you decide to clean the chicken hearts of fat, then it can already make up to a fifth of the weight of the purchase.


Not all chicken hearts are coated with such a large layer of fat that it needs to be cut. If you want to completely rid the product of fat, then spend an unreasonably large amount of effort and, most likely, cut off some muscle tissue, reducing the weight of the finished dish by at least a quarter.

Half Chicken Hearts

For squeamish

If you are thrown into the cold by the thought that you will come across an uncut vessel or blood clot in the finished product, you will also have to get rid of them.

First, repeat the steps in the sections for omnivores and losing weight, as they are basic for you.

Now, cutting off excess fat, remove unsightly vessels. All this can be done in one motion with a knife, so the process should not take much time.

It remains to get rid of clots, which, incidentally, are not in every heart. Usually they are clearly visible: a clot of almost black color is visible from under the pink muscle tissue. There are two ways to get rid of them: squeeze a lump from a cropped heart or soak the product in warm water so that the blood liquefies and leaves itself.The first method is faster, the second is more thorough, but it is up to you to decide which one to use.


The most meticulous cut the chicken hearts in half, so that they are thoroughly washed even from the inside. Although sometimes it just requires a recipe.

When choosing hearts, remember that a chilled product can be stored for no more than 48 hours, and there should be a minimum of ice in the frozen substrate.

The preparation of chicken hearts greatly depends on how finicky you are, because absolutely everything in the heart, from fat and blood vessels to blood and muscle tissue, is edible: it is only important what you want to see on your plate.

We advise you to read an article about how to quickly defrost meat

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  1. Irina
    12/09/2024 at 20:45 Reply

    Thank you for the article.

  2. Olya
    11.24.2018 at 16:21 Reply

    thanks for the advice


