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How to quickly remove fresh cigarette smoke and get rid of the old smell of tobacco in the apartment

Even smokers themselves do not tolerate stagnant amber from a smoke that spoils the mood and can cause severe migraines. Smoking is no longer fashionable, but addiction does not let go so easily, so the question of how to get rid of the smell of tobacco in the apartment still remains relevant for most people. Living in a smoky room is unpleasant, that's just half the problem. A few minutes in a similar atmosphere and a terrible aroma begins to come from hands, hair, clothes. After some time, it is even useless to mask it, a sharp specific smell interrupts all fragrances. There is only one way out - an integrated approach to the situation, which begins with the processing of the apartment.

cigarette smoke

In those cases when the poison has not yet had time to soak everything around and only slightly reminds itself, it can be eliminated by express means. Just first you need to conduct a simple test. I thoroughly wash my hands with baby soap (antibacterial does not work), we wait in the bathroom for several minutes until its smell disappears. We leave the room and quickly slide our fingers on the walls, pieces of furniture, curtains, carpet. If after this there is no specific smell on the surface of the hands, you can proceed to the processing of the room.

  • Wet towels and sponges literally absorb a pungent aroma. We spread saucers with wet sponges throughout the apartment and hang lightly damp terry towels.
  • Textiles should be cleaned or at least aired on the balcony.
  • We wipe the floors with water and ammonia.
  • On the saucer we spread the bay leaf and set it on fire. When the smoke comes from him, we go through the rooms.

Such simple manipulations will help to remove an unpleasant odor only if it has not been absorbed into the surrounding objects. About a couple of hours after cleaning, we aerate the room and evaluate the result.

Clear-out, as the first step to eliminate the smell of cigarettes in the apartment

In especially neglected cases, there are no other options left, how to get rid of the smell of cigarettes with the help of a thorough and troublesome general cleaning. Ideally, you need to carry out redecoration, which involves re-sticking wallpaper, replacing wooden frames or staining them with special paint, updating whitewash. If there is neither time nor energy for such a radical approach, and you need to remove the aromatic aroma, we take the following actions:

  1. Textiles absorb nicotine muck most intensively, but it is not necessary to replace products. They are best washed, dry cleaned, held in the cold, knocked out through a scented cloth. Carpets and furniture are perfectly cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner, in extreme cases, you have to clean everything by hand. After all the processing steps, sofas and carpets must be vacuumed using the dry method.
  2. It is better to hand over winter things to dry cleaning, it is very difficult to eliminate the smell from them and not to damage the thing. It is recommended that all clothes be washed. This can be done gradually, but then it will take some time to endure an unpleasant odor from the hands and hair. You need to do the same with soft toys.
  3. Without fail all surfaces in the room space that are resistant to moisture are treated. For wet cleaning we take cool water with a little vinegar. We must not forget about the walls. Paint, wood panels and washable wallpapers can be processed intensively.Ordinary wallpaper must first be vacuumed, then wiped with a cotton rag soaked in a weak aqueous solution of vinegar.
  4. Books quickly absorb aromas and hold them well, although they do not spread into the atmosphere. But if you do not want to constantly wash the pungent odor off your hands, paper carriers will have to be taken out onto the balcony for at least a year. You can build a special cabinet or store them in boxes.


Tip: In the course of all these manipulations, you need to use various means with strong fragrances (shampoos, detergents, rinses, softeners, softeners in the form of tablets). After completion of the work, the smells themselves can be weathered, and they will leave behind only an atmosphere of freshness and purity.

Room aromatization techniques to help eliminate tobacco odor

It happens that all the ways to get rid of the smell of tobacco are used, the apartment shines with cleanliness, and the treacherous notes of the irritant of smell still slip. In order to remove them, you will finally have to connect additional weapons that work flawlessly - pleasant aromas.

  • We scatter fresh coffee on vases with a wide throat or in a bowl, arrange around the perimeter of the rooms. The composition is updated every two weeks. To enhance the effect, you can drop a couple of drops of essential oil on the product without a pungent odor.
  • We drop essential oil or favorite perfume on the washed lamps (we do it at that moment when the lamps are turned off). After turning on the light, the lamp starts to heat up, spreading a pleasant aroma and quickly refreshing the room.
  • Smokers should pay special attention to hand treatment. If you regularly lubricate your fingers with a greasy protective cream with a pronounced aroma, you can not worry that the pungent odor is absorbed into the skin.
  • A good result is provided by special devices. Some regularly emit flavored vapors into the atmosphere, while others purify the air and fill it with ozone. Many modern air conditioners "drive" the air, filtering it from all that is superfluous. If you wish, you can even purchase an air wash, which simultaneously cleans and moisturizes the atmosphere. This approach has only one drawback - for each room you need a separate device.
  • The unpleasant odor in a small room (in the kitchen or balcony) can be removed with rice. It must be poured into a wide plate and put on the window. Then the product will have to be thrown away, it is literally saturated with harmful fumes.

aromatization of the room

There are unusual ways to fill the atmosphere in the room with pleasant aromas. You can cook several sweet pastries. Products with cinnamon and vanilla literally saturate the air with mouth-watering vapors, because they still have to be infused before use.

"Ambulance" for those who want to quickly get rid of traces of tobacco smoke in the room

Recommendations on how to get rid of the smell of cigarettes immediately after smoking:

  • Open the window and air the room for at least half an hour.
  • Then, if there is an air conditioner or air purifier, it must be turned on.
  • We prepare a weak vinegar solution (a tablespoon of the composition per liter of water), moisten a fluffy terry towel in it, squeeze it carefully. Vigorously wave the product in the air for several minutes. Then we update the liquid, remove excess moisture and hang a towel right in the room where they smoked.


If no one smokes in the apartment, and tobacco smoke enters the room from the corridor, then it is recommended to sheathe the door with a sealant. The old product will have to be replaced. Metal doors to the vestibule can be rubberized around the perimeter, this will not only neutralize the smell source, but also remove excess noise.

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  1. Elena
    12/21/2024 at 23:10 Reply

    Six months ago, rented a new apartment. Everything is fine - location, layout, price ... only here is the persistent smell of tobacco. I thought: come on! whiten-dye-wash and that's it. There it was! (((The smell was not removed by anything! I was already thinking of starting a search for a new apartment. But somewhere I heard about Odorgon - a means of removing odors. I tried ... the effect is 100 percent! After two fairly superficial treatments, I forgot about the problem!

    • Antonina
      11.28.2018 at 02:17

      Elena, thanks for the tip. The seller advised me to the odorgon prof, saying that it is generally universal ... And indeed, it coped with cigarette smoke, and even with the smell in the refrigerator.

  2. Victoria
    12/23/2024 at 03:43 Reply

    My husband smokes in the kitchen. The smell was so ingrained in the apartment that it became nasty and difficult to breathe! And she arranged general cleaning, wiped everything thoroughly with water and soda, and with vinegar ... I tried almost everything, but I couldn’t remove the smell from the wallpaper! And only one remedy helped, Smelloff! It turned out that eliminates all odors.


