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How to sharpen a reusable razor

Almost everyone knows that a dangerous razor needs to be sharpened constantly. But few people know how to sharpen a shaving machine on jeans. With the advent of disposable and reusable (cassette) razors, blade sharpening people began to gradually forget. But it turns out that the razor can also be sharpened, significantly extending his life. Given that cassettes for a good reusable razor are quite expensive, this skill will not be superfluous and will save money.

man shaves

How to sharpen a razor with improvised means

For several centuries, the razor has been a subject of personal hygiene. The first special device for hair removal - a dangerous razor, it was necessary to sharpen before each use. Moreover, her blade was pointed on the belt directly during shaving.

Modern technology has allowed the creation of safe shaving machines. Many of them, such as Vest or Chic, can be used repeatedly. But even branded cassettes gradually become unusable and require replacement. Each blade of the cartridge is made of high strength steel, but still it dulls over time, and burrs appear on it, which leads to painful shaving and skin irritation.

disposable razors

Good cartridges for reusable machines (for example, "Vest - 3") are quite expensive, and sometimes (for example - on a business trip or on vacation) they simply have no time or place to buy them. It turns out that you can easily extend the "life" of the cassette. All you need is jeans and a little patience. If the denim will continue to serve, then sharpening should be done on the wrong side. A dense ribbed denim is best suited for these purposes.

razor sharpening process

The sharpening procedure is as follows:

  • Turn jeans inside out so as not to spoil the thing.
  • Spread them on a flat surface.
  • Place a foil sleeve, an even narrow block, a narrow ruler or other even object, the width of which is less than the length of the cutting part in the cartridge, under the fabric. This is a necessary condition, since there are protrusions at the edges of the cassette that will prevent the blade from being sharpened on a flat surface. The fabric underlining must be laid so that the ribbed fabric runs diagonally.
  • Put the blade of the cartridge on the bar and run it along the fabric in the direction opposite to that in which the machine moves during shaving. And so we grind the blade 50 times, conducting it in only one direction.
  • Expand the razor, and similarly grind the cassette on the jeans, now swiping it the other way.

After this procedure, it will be possible to shave comfortably again. Periodically sharpening cassettes, you can significantly extend their service life. In this way, you can grind both disposable razors and branded ones, such as the Vest.

Instead of denim, you can use a strip of leather of the desired width, cut from an old belt or an unnecessary leather item. Sharpen should be on the reverse - unpainted side of the skin. Sharpening occurs somewhat faster than on fabric. It will be enough 20-30 passes in one direction. In the opposite direction, like jeans, do not need to sharpen.

Special tools for sharpening

Currently, special devices have begun to appear on the market, with the help of which you can easily grind the blade of any shaving machine - both budget and solid reusable.

Razor Chic

The simplest of them are designed for manual sharpening. The method resembles editing on denim. Only instead of jeans, it uses a strip of special plastic with an admixture of the smallest abrasive, laid on a convenient base in the form of a block. Such devices include RazorPit (manufacturer - Denmark) and Zattoch (Ukraine).According to the manufacturers, with regular sharpening, the cassette inserted into the Vest machine can last 5-10 times longer.

On the same devices you can sharpen disposable razors. The process is also very similar to the tip of the blades on the fabric. It is necessary to place a drop of gel or shaving foam on the abrasive strip, and then hold the cutting part along it in the direction opposite to the movement of the machine when shaving. Enough 20-30 movements to make the blade sharp.

razor cassette Gillette 3

If you don’t want to sharpen the razor manually, you can purchase a sharpener, for example Save A Blade company Bradex (analog - Chinese-made Blade Saver). This small battery-powered device can sharpen razor blades quickly. It is enough to place the cartridge in a special compartment, fix it, and turn on the machine for 5-10 minutes. The device is universal and suitable for sharpening any cassette razors.

If the work to restore the sharpness of the razor is carried out manually, it must be borne in mind that the blades in the cassettes are thin and can be broken if not handled properly. It is necessary to conduct the cartridge on the grinding surface smoothly, without effort, without pressing the machine.

Sharpening blades in razors will significantly extend their life, make shaving more comfortable, and also help save a certain amount of the family budget.

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  1. Sidor
    01/05/2024 at 20:31 Reply

    I generally sharpen on emery ... before going on a hike I collect machines around the village

  2. Yakut
    05/05/2024 at 19:36 Reply

    Take a knife or razor and SCISSORS !!!
    Dissolve the scissors a little less than 40 degrees;
    Exactly in the center we set the knife and move it here and there.
    Gradually dissolve the scissors until they stop sliding on the blade
    and begin to cling to the blade. This means that the scissors angle is equal to the angle of sharpening your KNIFE
    Work without hurry !!!
    The sting of the knife becomes exactly in the center! and does not fall to the side!
    The sting becomes infinitely sharp and durable.

    A razor is also sharpened, but already at an angle of about 20 degrees.

    Do not give thanks!)) ...


