8 ways to quickly clean up tripe

Meat is tasty, healthy and familiar. For good meat, we agree to pay decent money. But sometimes you want something new, interesting and even economical.

In the carcass of the animal, in addition to tenderloin and other meat charms, there are kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines - that is, in official documents, listed as offal. Mistresses buy and cook them infrequently, except for the liver. But from the tripe, you can cook a lot of delicious and nutritious dishes.

The tripe, or scar, is part of the animal’s stomach. By the way, in Colombia - the largest beef producer in the world - this part of the carcass is much more expensive than tenderloin. The reason lies on the surface. There is a lot of meat on the animal, but the entrails are much less. Therefore, offal is more expensive, and dishes from them are considered a delicacy.

Why do not our hostesses try tripe? True, cooking it quickly will not work. This part of the carcass requires extensive preparation and preparation. Be prepared to spend up to 5–6 hours cleaning and cooking the product. It is reassuring that the constant presence of the hostess is not required, since the work is carried out in several stages.

Fresh tripe

Consumer qualities and the benefits of tripe

The scar is almost pure protein, as it consists of muscle fibers. This part of the carcass is rich in vitamins - B1, PP, B2, H, B12, minerals - iodine, zinc, copper, selenium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus.

Calorie content of the product is small and is 97 kcal. Plus, the lack of carbohydrates and almost complete loss of fat makes tripe an ideal product for girls and young people who adhere to proper nutrition. The product is approved for all consumer groups. Contraindication - individual intolerance.

Dishes from entrails are found in cuisines of various nations. This is the famous haggis among the Scots, flask and flask among the Poles and Ukrainians and so on.


How to choose quality tripe?

You can buy inexpensive offal in the markets or in specialized departments of supermarkets, butchers.

Buying tripe at stationary points of sale, you save yourself from the need to clean the product. It is already ready for use - boiling, frying and stewing.

If you decide to buy tripe in the market, then be sure to adhere to the following rules.

  • The product should have a light gray color. The surface is shiny with leathery hairs. Sometimes the lower part of the stomach is on sale. It is fluffless, but its surface is lined with shiny diamonds.
  • The by-product should not have an unpleasant suspicious smell, except for the aroma of raw meat.
  • The entrails should be clean, free of mucus and green or putrid areas.

A product purchased on the market requires pre-processing. So you have to clean it at home.

Preparation of beef tripe

How to clean beef tripe?

The procedure for cleaning the scar requires scrupulousness and some preparation from the hostess.

Devices, materials and reagents:

  • tripe;
  • cold water;
  • boiling water;
  • pan or basin;
  • table vinegar;
  • potassium permanganate - it is also the usual potassium permanganate;
  • coarse salt;
  • slaked lime - calcium hydroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia.

If you decide to cook the entrails of a freshly slaughtered animal, then first clean it of the remaining contents of the stomach. Wash the scar thoroughly in running cold water. Cut into several parts for easy further processing.

So, we begin to clean the entrails! There are several ways to get rid of bad smell at home.

  1. Pour boiling water over the scar. After that, the top layer of skin will easily come off. The dirt is scraped off with a knife.The finished product should be gray-yellow. It is necessary to remove all residual fat, as it is unsuitable for cooking. Wash the entrails with cold water.
  2. After the initial treatment, the smell will still remain. Therefore, we continue to clean the scar.
  3. Prepare a saline solution - 45 grams of salt will be required per 1 liter of water. Place the entrails in the solution for 3 hours. Once the water has darkened, rinse the product in cold water and place again in saline. So you have to do 3 or 4 times.
  4. If the previous method does not help, then prepare a solution of table vinegar and salt. Proportions - to the taste of the hostess. The solution should not cause unpleasant taste sensations. Send a scar in the solution and forget for 3 hours. Rinse with cold water afterwards.
  5. Thermal method - cooking offal in salt water. Add salt to taste. Send the scar to boiling water and leave to boil for 20 minutes. Then drain and rinse the entrails. Again, send the offal in boiling saline for 20 minutes. Rinse again and repeat the operation 1 more time. After triple processing, the unpleasant odor should go away.
  6. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate. The color is pale pink. Place the scar in the solution for 3 hours. Rinse, grate with coarse salt. Leave on for another 30 minutes. Rinse in running water and start cooking.
  7. Prepare a solution of ammonia and vinegar. Proportions - for 1 liter of water, 5 ml of ammonia and the same amount of table vinegar. Leave offal for 3 hours, rinse in cold water.

Tripe in the pan


If the animal is old, then it is very difficult to get rid of the unpleasant odor. Therefore, choose a scar or other offal from a young animal.

The smell during boiling of entrails is extremely unpleasant. And it can spread throughout the house. Therefore, boil offal in the open air - on the balcony, porch, in the courtyard of a private house. Pre-pour beef stomach with boiling water. This will simplify the pre-treatment process.

Do not forget!

After each operation, the products should be washed with plenty of cold running water.

Cleaning a scar is a painstaking job. The housewife is required not only culinary skills, but also knowledge of the basics of chemistry. The prepared product is cooked for another 5 hours. After that, the scar is ready for use.

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How do you cook tripe at home?
  1. Video master
    07/17/2024 at 21:20 Reply

    Why do not our hostesses try tripe? True, cooking it quickly will not work. This part of the carcass requires extensive preparation and preparation. Be prepared to spend up to 5–6 hours cleaning and cooking the product. It is reassuring that the constant presence of the hostess is not required, since the work is carried out in several stages.

  2. Antonina
    09/29/2024 at 20:29 Reply

    I salt the entrails for the night (I fill up with salt) and in the morning all the unnecessary layer of some kind of baki goes off. This is even better than scalding. I advise it is really more convenient.

    • Andrey
      04/21/2024 at 00:22

      And what solution

  3. Hope
    11/28/2024 at 12:37 Reply

    After such preparation, is it even possible? And vinegar and ammonia and potassium permanganate ....

  4. Sergey
    12/29/2024 at 14:48 Reply

    Why this chemistry was cleaned all my life, cooked and eaten, and not of any smell.

  5. Sanya
    12/14/2024 at 20:00 Reply

    Pour the entrails with cola or any carbonated drink for an hour. Kaki byak will easily go


