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Vinegar against scale in an iron: clean the appliance inside and out

Modern irons, like steam generators and steamers, are filled with water, from which scale accumulates over time: on the sole and inside, in the tank. One of the best remedies to clean iron, table vinegar, 9%. It removes both fresh and old layers. It can not be poured into the tank, but it perfectly cleans the sole and steam outlets.

Cleaned sole on the iron

Basic cleaning rules

The basic rules of an effective procedure:

  • during the cleaning process, it is strongly not recommended to use hard metal brushes and sponges so as not to damage the surface of the electrical appliance;
  • neither vinegar nor its solution should be poured into the iron or allowed to touch the plastic parts of the device;
  • proceed with the procedure as soon as contamination has been detected. Otherwise, the iron will begin to overheat inside, and iron less efficiently, litter with dirt on the laundry, leaving ugly stains.

Scale on the iron

Tip recommends using only filtered, boiled or special water to refill the iron, and after ironing, it is imperative to drain the remaining liquid. So the plaque will accumulate very slowly, at least 6 months.

How to clean heavy dirt

Subject to all the necessary recommendations, acetic acid can easily cope with the scum that has formed inside the iron during its operation.

Descaling the iron


  1. Prepare a cleaning composition by mixing 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. 9% vinegar.
  2. Set a wide frying pan on a suitable burner.
  3. Lay two wooden blocks on the bottom.
  4. Install an iron on the bars. It is very good if the back is slightly above the nose.
  5. Turn the steam control to the “Maximum” mark.
  6. Pour the solution into the pan so that it “licks” the sole without rising to the plastic parts.
  7. Boil the product and turn off the stove.
  8. Allow the solution to cool, bring to a boil again and wait for it to cool.
  9. Wipe the sole of a cold or slightly warm iron thoroughly with a clean cotton rag.
  10. Leave for a day.
  11. Fill the tank with clean (at least filtered) water and turn on the iron.
  12. At maximum temperature and steam supply, produce three steam strokes (the sole of the iron should face down).
  13. Repeat self-cleaning if necessary.
  14. Iron a clean cotton rag, making sure that lime chips and pieces stop falling from the steam supply channels.


This method acts mainly on the sole and steam outlet channels (in this case, both scale and carbon deposits leave). In order to properly clean the tank of old scale, you need to pour a solution of citric acid inside or use special tools.

How to clean the sole of the iron

Needless to say, scum on the sole is a threat to the appliance itself and to the laundry, especially smooth.

How to clean the sole with vinegar:

  1. Turn on the appliance and set the maximum temperature.
  2. Disconnect the device from the mains.
  3. Wet clean rags in vinegar (9%).
  4. Iron the fabric several times (periodically repeating the procedure of heating the device and wetting the rags in the cleaning solution) until the pollution from the platform is completely eliminated.
  5. To clean the remains of scale from the hollows of steam nozzles, it is enough to moisten a cotton swab in vinegar and wipe the problem areas.


The process must be carried out in a well-ventilated area. Vaporizing, vinegar carries a pungent smell and irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and throat.

Table vinegar is an ideal assistant in the fight against scum and soot. He saves even old irons that have never been cleaned.In the latter case, the iron is cleaned several times, gradually increasing the concentration of the solution (from 1/4 tablespoon per 1 liter to 1 table per 1 liter of water). Knowing certain tricks, you will extend the life of your iron or steamer and protect your textiles from rusty and whitish stains.

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