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Basic rules for brushing your teeth and important nuances of the process

It would seem that every modern person from early childhood knows how to brush his teeth. But, as practice shows, many people neglect the important nuances of the process, which negatively affects the final result. Many do not even know when it is better to brush your teeth in the morning - before breakfast or after eating.

woman brushes her teeth

Questions arise for people using an efficient and convenient electric brush, few will answer how to brush their teeth with braces. Only a few people know about such a concept as a “cleaning technique”. Many neglect floss and toothpicks. But these are all the components of one process that need to be used not as needed, but every day.

All these rules are recommended to be instilled in a small child, only then they will become a habit, which guarantees oral health for many years.

The sequence of actions when brushing your teeth and techniques for processing the oral cavity

Everyone knows that teeth need to be brushed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. In addition to this, it is necessary to carry out profile processing of the oral cavity after eating. Regardless of how much time there is for this manipulation, it implies compliance with the following rules:

preparation for brushing

  1. First you need to wash your hands with soap and then rinse your mouth with boiled water.
  2. Next, we prepare the toothbrush. To do this, scald the bristles with boiling water, if we are talking about a traditional instrument. It is better to do differently with an electric brush - wash it with soap and rinse thoroughly. Laziness is inappropriate here, given how many bacteria accumulate on the bristles in a few hours.
  3. Next, we carry out the procedure in compliance with all necessary technical requirements, spending at least 2-3 minutes on it. Many people are interested in why it is necessary to brush your teeth for such an amount of time. Scientists estimate that in three minutes a person makes about 300-400 cleansing movements, ensuring the optimal degree of cleaning of tooth enamel.
  4. Without fail, we process the tongue and cheeks, after which we rinse the oral cavity.
  5. Thoroughly rinse the instrument, rinse it and put it in a cup, separately from other brushes and accessories. We do not cover the case.

girl with a toothbrush

In addition, you need to know how to properly brush your teeth with the standard method in order to achieve the perfect result. Even seeming so simple movements need to be done correctly:

  • We spread the paste on the surface of the prepared toothbrush, open our mouth and bring the tool to the teeth at an angle of 45º.
  • We start cleaning from the upper left corner, gradually shifting to the right. Movements should be uniform, “sweeping”, from top to bottom. Each section must have at least 10 movements.
  • In the same way we process the inner surface of the teeth of the upper jaw.

Tip: Pastes should be used as much as needed during the cleaning process. It is not necessary to be limited to one application of the product, as it is washed out, the brush should be updated. There will be little benefit from grinding enamel with a clean tool.

  • Then we pass to the lower jaw and perform the same manipulations.
  • Only after that it is necessary to pass to chewing surfaces. Here the brush will move back and forth.
  • At the final stage, the enamel is polished with the brush head in circular motions.

brushing sequence

In addition, there are several more cleaning techniques. Some of them can be used after breakfast or another meal. They imply vibratory movements and eliminate the remnants of food. Others carefully polish the surface of the enamel, eliminating plaque. But these approaches can only be used with the approval of a doctor.

When is it best to brush your teeth - before breakfast or after?

Oddly enough, teeth can be brushed both before and after breakfast. In this case, the quality of food plays an important role.

  • If during the meal it is not planned to take acidic components, then the manipulation is carried out at the end of breakfast. This allows you to not have an aggressive effect on the enamel too often.
  • For those who like to drink orange or other sour juice in the morning, it is better to first brush their teeth, eat, and then rinse their mouth with a special liquid. This rule is not necessary for those who are used to drinking a drink through a straw. Just acidic components greatly soften the enamel, so its further safe cleaning is possible only half an hour after breakfast.

Many people think that how many times a day reception takes place, how many times you need to brush your teeth. In fact, too often rubbing enamel with a brush, even soft, is strictly prohibited. It is better to rinse the oral cavity with a profile agent, and get rid of food debris with a toothpick or dental floss.

How to brush your teeth with an electric brush?

Particular attention should be paid to the rules for handling an electric brush. It is recommended to use it no more than 2-3 times a week, and it is better to do this in the morning, after breakfast. Then plaque removal will occur evenly, reducing the risk of developing tartar.

girl with electric toothbrush

The manipulation itself is very simple and accessible even to a child:

  1. First you need to make sure that the device has enough charge. We set the timer for two minutes.
  2. First of all, we process the front surface of the teeth, holding the brush vertically. We move from tooth to tooth slowly, stopping at each site for a few seconds.
  3. We also process the internal, and then the chewing surface of the teeth.
  4. After that, we brush the gums with a gentle massage.
  5. Processing the tongue gives a good effect, it significantly freshens the breath.

In the process of manipulation it is forbidden to make additional movements, the nozzle head will do everything itself. Pressure also cannot be too strong, it is fraught with thinning of tooth enamel and irritation of the mucous membrane. Even the food remains the tool will clean out without problems, auxiliary actions are not required. It is very important to explain all these nuances to the child, otherwise the harm from the approach will be more than good.

When to start and how to brush children teeth properly?

Many young parents care about when to start brushing their baby’s teeth and how to do it right. The answer is obvious - as soon as the teeth appeared, and this should be done as often as in the case of adults, and this does not depend on how many teeth have already appeared.

  • For up to a year, the child's oral cavity can be treated with a finger nozzle with a silicone pile or a sterile cloth moistened with clean water. Manipulation should be carried out after each feeding, removing the remnants of food from the teeth and mucous membranes.
  • After a year, all standard rules come into force, only fixtures change. From one to five years, a child is better to use a brush with a very soft pile in the morning and evening. The remnants of breakfast and other meals should be removed by rinsing or “drinking” with water.

girl brushing her teeth

It is important not only to know how to brush your teeth properly for children, but also to select the right products. The kid should not be given adult pastes, up to 12 years old you will have to confine yourself to special soft and safe products.

Important Nuances of Daily Oral Treatment

If braces were installed for an adult or child for medical reasons, you need to learn how to brush your teeth correctly in this case.Before brushing your teeth with braces, you need to get the necessary tools. One brush should be cut in the shape of a check mark, the second is taken classic, with tufts.

how to brush your teeth

The first device will be the processing of the front teeth, the second - distant. In this case, you will have to use a special paste with a high fluorine content. This will provide enamel with increased strength. Standard manipulation will need to be carried out not only after breakfast and before bedtime, but also as the completion of each meal.

Do not neglect floss. With proper and regular use, it will qualitatively clean the space between the teeth. The benefit of the subject and the simplicity of its use must also be explained to the child so that he can take care of his teeth at any time without the help of adults.

When choosing a suitable device, it is worth giving preference to products soaked in wax, with aromatic fragrances. Toothpicks are recommended to be used only as a last resort, to remove food debris stuck between the teeth or in a cavity affected by caries. Care must be taken not to break the tool or damage the gum.

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