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7 reliable ways to sanitize an apartment

How to sanitize an apartment? In the autumn-winter period, when every person runs the risk of catching a dangerous virus, this issue becomes especially relevant. Disinfection is especially important for families with children. Isolation of a sick family member is not always effective, and only a thorough cleaning of the room with the use of special means will help prevent the infection of everyone in the house. How to disinfect at home?

Disinfectants for the apartment

7 ways to disinfect an apartment

Disinfection is a method of disinfecting a room from harmful microorganisms and toxins. What are the ways to protect your apartment from the spread of viruses and bacteria?

  • Method number 1. Chemicals

Daily wet cleaning of all horizontal surfaces not only eliminates pathogenic bacteria, but makes the air in the apartment more suitable for breathing. For disinfection, one of the products that have a detrimental effect on viruses, bacteria and fungi should be purchased at the store. It can be any composition based on monochloramine or bleach. “White”, “Shine”, “Sanita”, “Deactin”. The choice is huge, and everyone can find a suitable disinfectant. Before use, read the composition on the product label and make sure that you are not allergic to its components.

  • Method number 2. Folk remedies.

At home, disinfection can be done using long-known and proven methods. It can be hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, ammonia and even saturated saline solution. All these tools allow you to quickly and efficiently disinfect the home, guaranteed to save the room from pathogenic agents.

  • Method number 3. Essential oils.

You can disinfect the apartment with the help of oils poured into special lamps. Essential oils scattered in the air reliably eliminate viruses and bacteria. For disinfection, oils with an antiseptic effect should be used: tea tree, fir, needles, eucalyptus and lemon.


Before using essential oils, make sure that you and your family members are not allergic to such products.

UV lamp for disinfection of an apartment

  • Method number 4. Ultraviolet lamp.

Ultraviolet disinfection has long been known in medical facilities. This is a very effective and fairly cheap way to clean the air of viruses and bacteria. A portable UV lamp can be used at home. Disinfection is carried out in an empty room. All family members and pets must be outside the room during UV treatment. Aquarium with fish and other stationary objects should be covered with a dense blanket. The processing time of the room is 15-20 minutes, after which the room is necessarily aired.

  • Method number 5. Salt lamp.

Salt crystals, forming ions in the air, destroy most of the viruses and bacteria. At the same time, the air is saturated with healthy elements of sea salt. This device allows you to disinfect any room with an area of ​​not more than 10 m2. For large rooms, the salt lamp will be much less effective.
Air recirculator

  • Method number 6. Air recirculator.

Bactericidal recirculator makes it possible to disinfect an apartment up to 50 m2. You can use a smaller appliance in a separate room. The recirculator passes infected air through itself, cleans it with ultraviolet rays and releases it back. At the same time, the entire device is securely hidden inside the device, so air can be cleaned in a room full of people.Children and animals can safely be in the same room with the recirculator turned on.

  • Method number 7. Humidifier.

This useful device not only increases the humidity of the air in the room, but also contributes to its purification from pathogens. It is only important not to forget to fill the humidifier with clean water from time to time. The device is very popular in families where there are small children.

Disinfection equipment for an apartment

How to disinfect?

Deciding to disinfect the apartment with the help of chemical or folk remedies, you should be aware of the rules of the procedure. First of all, you need to take care of protection for the eyes and hands. Many cleaning products are very aggressive and can leave burns on exposed skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Thick gloves and goggles - this is what you need to get before disinfection. Do not forget about the respirator, because many chemicals for cleaning the premises irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Small children and animals must leave the room during disinfection.

Disinfection of the apartment is very similar to spring cleaning. You should start with the living rooms, carefully cleaning all the corners and wiping each horizontal surface. Cleaning in the kitchen, bathroom and bathroom is ending. Water and cleaning products change as needed.

During disinfection, do not forget about curtains, carpets and tapestries. Also, special furniture should be treated with special solutions. Children's toys, souvenirs on shelves and other trifles should also be disinfected. For the convenience of applying funds to various figurines, you can use a spray.


The fungus on the walls requires special treatment. Take care of their purchase in advance.

During disinfection, not only walls and floors are processed, but also all objects in the rooms. Soft toys are washed with powder in warm water, plastic ones are treated with special disinfectants. All toys, souvenirs and other small items can be treated with an ultraviolet lamp.

After cleaning, carefully ventilate the room. At the time of airing, children are better off leaving the room. In the future, ventilate all the rooms in the house every 4 hours. At night in good weather, it makes sense to leave the window open.

Disinfection of the apartment should be carried out not only during epidemics of influenza and SARS. Room cleaning with special disinfectants can be done every quarter, after sending the children for a walk or to visit. This measure allows you to clean your home from pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi and reduce the likelihood of getting sick at the most inopportune moment.

material author changes from
How justified is the purchase of an ultraviolet lamp or is it easier and cheaper to disinfect with alternative methods?
  1. Masha
    12/28/2024 at 01:43 Reply

    And I disinfect the apartment very simply - I turn on the sititek gl-3188 ozonizer and all the problems are resolved.

  2. Lala
    01/21/2024 at 18:48 Reply

    I cut a couple of cloves of garlic, put it in a small bowl and pour 1 cup of vinegar and put it in the room. works great!

  3. inna
    03/24/2024 at 14:49 Reply

    it says about essential oils, I'm just pouring water into a spray bottle and drip a few drops of essential oil into it, then air the apartment and spray it with water and that's it


