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How to check the hardness of water - convenient and quick ways

Hard water affects the state of human health, pets and the work of household appliances. This influence becomes noticeable only with time, which is a great danger. You can determine the hardness of water at home by obvious signs: a coating on the dishes, a cloudy film in a glass with tea, and improper operation of the devices. An accurate analysis is carried out in the laboratory.

Water analysis with a special device

What is water hardness and why should it be determined

The hardness of water is affected by the content of alkaline earth metal salts in it, in particular calcium and magnesium. The positively charged ions of these minerals are dissolved in water and affect its characteristics. The less salts there are in water, the softer it is.

There are two types of stiffness: temporary and permanent. In the first case, the problem is easily solved by boiling. In the second, you will have to resort to purification filters.

Tap water

Water hardness is indicated by degrees and mg equivalents per 1 liter.

1 mEq / L equals 20.04 mg of calcium and 12.6 mg of magnesium.

Permissible hardness limit:

  • in the countries of the former USSR - 7 mEq. / L;
  • In Europe, up to 1.2 mEq. / L.

Three degrees of water are distinguished by degrees of hardness:

Rigid - more than 10 ° W.

  1. Medium hardness - from 2 to 10 ° W.
  2. Soft - up to 2 ° W.

Interestingly, even the average hardness of the water causes discomfort.

Why check the hardness of tap water? With regular use by a person of poor-quality drinking, problems such as kidney stones, liver and gall bladder occur. Determination of rigidity will allow you to adjust the indicator to normal and use the resource without fear.

Kitchen faucet

An indirect sign of water hardness is not only limescale on the kettle and utensils, but also the incorrect operation of appliances - a dishwasher, washing machine, coffee machine. When a tap leaks, traces of water stone appear on the plumbing. Purified water will extend the life of household appliances. You can check the hardness of water in the laboratory, as well as at home.

How to test water for stiffness in a laboratory

Laboratory analysis is the most reliable way. Take the water to the sanitary and epidemiological station. There, a specialist will find out not only the level of rigidity, but also reveal the content of harmful components: nitrates, hydrogen sulfide, pesticides, organic impurities, iron, etc.

How to check the hardness of water - convenient and quick ways

How to collect water for analysis in the laboratory:

  1. Drain the tap for 30 minutes. This will prevent stagnant liquid from entering the sample. Particles of metal that may fall into the water from the pipes will also come out.
  2. To collect, you need to prepare a clean bottle of plastic or glass. Bottles for carbonated drinks are NOT suitable: gas and dye residues will distort the analysis result.
  3. Pour liquid into a container with a thin stream, up to the neck.
  4. Tighten the plug tightly.
  5. The sample must be delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours in an impermeable bag.

Alternative verification methods

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to deliver water to the laboratory at the right time: remoteness, traffic jams, own employment.

Lathering hands

Simple tests to determine water hardness at home:

  1. Brewing leaf tea. If the brewed drink becomes cloudy, viscous and becomes covered with a film, this indicates a high content of calcium and magnesium. A low metallic taste also signals low quality.
  2. Lathering hands. If the foam is formed instantly, then the water is quite soft, if not, there is a high salt content. Check better with laundry soap.Foam will appear when the soap binds excess calcium and magnesium salts.
  3. If the dishes are poorly washed, but things do not stretch - this is a signal that it is time to soften the water.
  4. Transparency of water is a clear sign of its quality. If through a glass filled with water the text on a newspaper is easily read, then we can talk about normal hardness.
  5. Drop water on a clear glass and wait for the drop to evaporate. If there is a trace - the water is hard.
  6. Another test: dissolve the potassium permanganate crystals and see if it has acquired a yellowish tint. With normal rigidity this will not happen.

Magrantz test

Taste test:pour water into a clean container and boil for 5 minutes. Cool to 25 degrees. Try water: if there is a bitter aftertaste - there is an excess of magnesium salts in it, a tart taste is a sign of high iron content. The gypsum component in water is defined as a sweetish taste.

Simple foam test:

  1. Prepare three samples: two bottles of store water with different hardness and one from the tap.
  2. Pour the same amount of soap shavings into containers and shake.
  3. Measure the height of the foam with a ruler and match the samples. If tap water formed a foam lower than bottled, then it is lower in quality.

Those who need a more accurate result, but who have no intention of going to the laboratory, should pay attention to the TDS-3 water hardness meter. The device requires skills in handling, but according to the instructions it is quite possible to understand the principle of its operation.

Home water analysis

How to check the hardness of water in an aquarium

The hardness of the water affects the lifespan of aquarium fish. Since the water in the aquarium with pets is often replaced and taken from the tap, it is worth exploring it on the issue of salt content. Often, without any tests, it is clear that it is of poor quality: just pay attention to the condition of the fish. magazine warns that different types of fish require a certain salt content. Some inhabitants are shown only soft water.

Drinking tap water

Specialized indicator strips are sold at the pet store. When immersed in water, they change color depending on the amount of impurities. According to the instructions, correlate the color of the strip and the degree of hardness of the water. It is better to test with multiple samples. The difficulty is that high-quality indicators are produced in Europe, which means that the indicators will have to be converted to Russian units.

Water quality control should be a mandatory procedure in the home. Determining the degree of rigidity will allow you to choose the right filter for cleaning. With this information, you will accurately measure the descaler for the washing machine, set up the coffee machine and protect yourself from many health problems.

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