How and at what temperature is it right to dry bread crumbs

To make crackers made of white bread perfect, it is easiest to use an oven, observing the following conditions.

  • Slices should be small so that 1-2 crackers fit on a spoon, so bread should be cut into cubes with a side equal to about 1.5-2 cm.
  • Laying out pieces of bread on a baking sheet, you need to make sure that they lie evenly, in one layer, preferably not close to each other.
  • The baking sheet should be dry, it is not necessary to lubricate it with oil.
  • Preheat the oven to 170-180 degrees.
  • If the oven switch is not equipped with a temperature scale, but with numbered divisions, then you can be guided by the following scheme: with the number of divisions from 7 to 9, the desired temperature will be at 3 or 4, with an amount of 5 or less - by 1 or 2.
  • When the bread cubes lie in the oven for 10 minutes, they need to be removed and mixed, and then put back in for another 10-15 minutes.
  • To make sure the crackers are ready, you can try one at a time from different edges of the baking sheet and, if necessary, keep it on fire for another 3-5 minutes with the door ajar.

White bread rusks with herbs

How to dry croutons

Adding vegetable oil, cheese, garlic, herbs or other spicy or sweet seasonings to white bread, it is easy to turn ordinary crackers into croutons.

  1. Cut white bread or loaf into cubes.
  2. Mix 2-3 tbsp. l vegetable or melted butter with 1 tsp. granulated garlic (you can use fresh, but it can burn) and stir until the granules are completely dissolved.
  3. Any other seasoning, such as dried parsley or a mixture of Provencal herbs, can be added to this mixture if desired.
  4. Bread for crackers sprinkled with oil with spices

  5. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper, spread the sliced ​​bread on it and evenly pour the prepared butter.
  6. We put in the oven preheated to 160-170 degrees and dry for 15 minutes until a golden hue appears.
  7. Mix croutons and leave to dry for another 15 minutes.

To prepare sweet croutons melting in your mouth for tea, you need to replace the filling in the above recipe with a mixture of melted butter with sugar, cinnamon and vanilla.

Sweet Raisin Butter Crackers

How to dry in the oven crackers from a loaf or muffin for dessert

Butter bun or loaf is an excellent raw material for delicate sweetish crackers, which can be prepared even without sugar - it is already present in sufficient quantity in their composition.

Sugar and fine flour make these crackers especially sensitive to high temperatures: they dry quickly, and you need to have time to turn off the oven in time to prevent burning.

  1. We cut the long loaf into bars 1.5-2 cm thick and lay it on a baking sheet in one layer.
  2. We place the baking sheet in the oven (it should not be preheated) and set the temperature within 130-150 degrees.
  3. As the oven warms up, the loaf will begin to dry, and after 10 minutes. it’s time to open the door and try how hard the crackers have hardened: even if only the top layer has dried up and it’s still soft inside, you can turn off the fire and let the bars stand inside until it cools completely.
  4. To get a pronounced blush, you can increase the temperature to 180-185 degrees, and the drying time - by 5-7 minutes.

If desired, you can add butter and powdered sugar, but the natural taste of dried muffin is pleasant in itself, and it is important not to drown it with additives.

Brown bread croutons

How to, how much and at what temperature to dry crackers from brown bread in the oven

You can cook them without oil and without spices, for this it is enough to follow a few simple rules.

  • Black bread is dense, it has small pores, so you need to cut it into thin long slices if breadcrumbs are planned as an appetizer for beer (to conveniently take them with your hands and dip in sauce), and in small cubes - for salads and soups.
  • Making crackers from Borodino bread

  • Place the pan in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, and keep for about half an hour, periodically stirring the contents.
  • The drying time can be adjusted depending on what properties you need to give breadcrumbs: the longer they stand in the oven, the more frying and tough they turn out.

Crackers will acquire a classic salty taste if you sprinkle them with saline solution before drying, and you can use iodized or sea salt. You can also process sliced ​​bread diluted in water with a broth cube.


Stale bread can be sprinkled with a solution of salt or spices immediately after slicing, and fresh is better after 10 minutes. dry in the oven. The drying time of the moistened pieces is increased by 10-15 minutes. compared to breadcrumbs without additives.

Oven brown bread crackers

Rusks for homemade kvass

The basis is taken on dark grades of bread: rye, Borodino, Darnitsky, Riga. For dark kvass, the dried crusts of black bread are well suited, and the crumb should be baked quite strongly until it darkens. To get a light drink, dark bread crusts are best cut off altogether.

  1. Bread is cut into slices 1 cm thick, laid out on a dry baking sheet.
  2. The baking sheet is placed in an oven heated to 180 degrees.
  3. The total drying time should be about 40 minutes, during which you need to mix crackers several times, trying to ensure that they all turn over.
  4. Ready crackers are taken out of the oven, but you need to leave 3-4 pieces on the baking sheet, which at a temperature of 200 degrees should be brought to a slight charring of the corners - these crackers should give the kvass a pleasant brown color and a barely noticeable caramel aftertaste.

There is another way:

  • The whole crumb is carefully removed from the loaf, which must be manually turned into small crumbs.
  • The remaining crust is finely chopped.
  • The resulting mixture of crumbs and chopped crust is evenly distributed over the baking sheet and placed in an oven preheated to 160 degrees.
  • Drying time is only 5-10 minutes and crackers for kvass are ready.

General recommendations for all types of crackers

  1. Sliced ​​bread should be slices of the same thickness and size so that they are dried evenly.
  2. The temperature of the electric oven and the drying time are inversely proportional to each other: the higher the temperature, the faster the bread dries; the lower the temperature, the longer it will take until it is ready.
  3. The coarser the flour the bread is made of, the finer the pieces to make and the higher the temperature needed.
  4. For the preparation of rusks, such a mode of heating the electric oven as convection is useful: circulation of hot air will provide faster and more uniform drying. If there is no such function, a slightly open oven door will help to achieve this effect.
  5. Any oil can be used: sunflower, olive, linseed, coconut, mustard, sesame, corn and more. The shelf life of crackers prepared with the addition of oil is much shorter than that of conventional ones.
  6. Store crackers without oil and spices (the exception is salt) should be separate from fresh bread at a temperature of 0 to 15-20 degrees and humidity not more than 70%. As containers, you can use a bag made of natural fabric, a glass jar or a plastic container. When stored in a refrigerator, containers must be leakproof.

Observing these conditions, you can save the product in its original form for several months.If any butter or fat was used in the manufacture of crackers, they should be eaten in the first few days: they are not subject to long-term storage.

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  1. Natalia
    01/30/2024 at 19:14 Reply

    Thanks! Went to dry.


