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How to get rid of the smell of a thermos using improvised means

Thermos is an indispensable thing in every household. It brews tea and coffee, take with them on the road and to work, make tinctures of herbs and aromatic mixtures. As a rule, such dishes are universal for all drinks, so its walls can absorb various flavors. In addition, with prolonged storage of the thermos in a closed form, an unpleasant odor may appear in it. How to get rid of the smell that has formed in the flask? Just use the tools at hand!

Fresh lemon

A few minutes - and the thermos is as good as new!

The basic tool in order to remove the smell from any dishes (and a thermos - even more so) is lemon juice. It is an excellent cleaning agent, which also gives the dishes a pleasant, light aroma after cleaning. To get rid of the smell, just add the juice of half a lemon to the vessel, pour boiling water over it and leave for 30 minutes. After time, it is necessary to drain the water, rinse the flask with warm water and allow to dry. The cover must be open. If the thermos must be used immediately, you can not wait for complete drying, just wipe the thermos body from the outside with a soft cloth.

Acid is also suitable for cleaning dishes. Vinegar or citric acid is quite caustic cleaners, so with their help you can get rid of the smell in a few minutes. For a liter of water, it is enough to use 1 tablespoon of vinegar or a teaspoon of citric acid. Pour the solution into the flask, twist and shake vigorously for 2-3 minutes. After this, rinse the thermos with warm water several times.

You can remove the smell with baking soda. Its duration is longer than lemon juice. For cleaning, it is recommended to pour hot water into a thermos, add 2 teaspoons of soda, twist and shake well. It is better to leave the dishes with the mixture inside for several hours (preferably at night). A strong solution of kitchen salt in hot water, which is also left overnight, will have the same effect. After the action has expired, the flask must be rinsed with warm water.


Dry mustard eliminates odor, plaque and traces of fat. The harmless powder is poured with hot water, shaken and left to act for 1-2 hours. After rinsing, the unpleasant odor leaves the thermos. Strong tea with ginger and cinnamon gives the same effect. Brewing in a flask for 1 hour, he removes the unwanted choke.

Open thermos

How to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor in a thermos?

To make the thermos suitable for use at the slightest need, it is worth observing several elementary rules for its operation.

  1. After each use, the vessel must be thoroughly cleaned: wash the flask and lid from the thermos with water with detergent or baking soda inside and out (if the neck is narrow, it is also better to use a brush). Soda should be used carefully: it is safe for health, but it serves as an abrasive and can spoil the internal and external surfaces of the body with scratches.
  2. After washing, the flask must be thoroughly dried. This should be done exclusively in the clear, preferably upside down or on the side. After making sure that no water remains inside the flask and lid, the thermos can be removed for storage.
  3. It is recommended to store utensils strictly in the open form or, preventing dust from entering, at least with the lid ajar. The air entering inside will not allow a stagnant odor to form, and it will be enough to rinse the flask with warm water before next use.

Quality thermos can be used for various types of drinks; To clean it, it is enough to rinse with water and detergent.However, liquids with pungent odors can affect the quality of other drinks, so if possible it is better for them to get separate dishes.

Thus, it is not difficult to maintain a clean and hygienic thermos; it is enough to follow basic recommendations. If an unpleasant odor is still formed in the dishes, it is easy to get rid of it using household products: lemon juice, soda, vinegar, mustard powder or salt. In addition, even a heated Coca-Cola or Fanta can be used as a cleaning agent. These drinks, after spending several hours in a thermos, will perfectly cope with dirt, grease and an undesirable odor. After a simple procedure, the flask will be completely clean!

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  1. Galina
    12/15/2024 at 12:32 Reply

    And what water to fill in a thermos with rice cold or hot ?? 😳

  2. lida
    12/30/2024 at 15:37 Reply

    does it help?

  3. Eugene
    12/06/2024 at 07:17 Reply

    My thermos smells like garlic, nothing helps. Neither lemon nor vinegar, it's just awful, a thermos to throw out.


