How can I quickly remove the smell of dampness and mold in an apartment or house?

A persistent unpleasant odor of dampness indicates an abnormally high level of humidity in the apartment, and over time it can turn into serious problems. Before you try to get rid of the smell of mold in the room, you need to understand the reason for its appearance. The use of masking flavors in this case is strictly prohibited, because only exacerbates the situation, creating a more favorable environment for the development of the fungus. Only after eliminating the cause of the phenomenon is it possible to use air fresheners of industrial or natural origin.

woman cleans the wall from mold

Reasons for the development of the phenomenon and methods for their prevention

There can be several factors provoking the appearance of a persistent characteristic aroma in a house - from quite banal to the most unexpected:

  1. The room was flooded as a result of heavy rainfall, inaccurate actions of neighbors, leaks in the roof.
  2. There was a breakthrough in the water supply or heating pipe.
  3. The house has a very poor ventilation system.
  4. The walls have heat and waterproofing of poor quality.
  5. In some cases, increased air humidity in the apartment is the result of excessive enthusiasm for flower breeding without carrying out the appropriate mandatory measures.
  6. The smell of mold and dampness in living rooms can go from the bathroom or kitchen.

Even if there is no risk of the influence of the above factors, it is necessary to regularly ventilate all the rooms in the apartment, especially remote and closed. To prevent or eliminate problems in the house, you can install an air conditioner that regulates not only the temperature, but also the humidity level. Additionally, it is recommended to use and regularly update natural absorbents (activated carbon, salt and soda).

mold on the windows

General cleaning with the use of vinegar, bleach or ammonia will help to quickly remove the smell of mold. As a finishing touch, after each cleaning it is recommended to spray a weak solution of essential oil in the air. This will not only refresh the atmosphere, but also inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

How to eliminate the damp feeling left after the flood?

After serious flooding, repairs have to be made. In this case, the room is first dried, then work is carried out to eliminate all traces of mold, and as a final manipulation, the walls are primed with compositions with antibacterial additives.

How to get rid of the smell of dampness after a slight flooding of the walls, ceiling or floor in the apartment:

  • A humidity level is checked, according to the results of which a heater or special drying is installed in the room.
  • Affected areas are treated with specialized odor absorbers. They can be purchased at a hardware or hardware store.
  • All hard-to-reach spots in the house are examined for signs of mold traces (behind wallpaper, under linoleum and carpets).
  • As a preventive measure against the appearance of a damp smell, it is recommended to dry all the textiles in the room, from upholstered furniture to clothing items.

mold in the corner of the room

All surfaces are additionally treated with a weak solution of vinegar, which can eliminate subtle notes of dampness. In the case of multilayer products (pillows, furniture), it is better to additionally treat the material with antibacterial compounds.

Tip: All of these manipulations should be carried out in conditions of good air movement.If ventilation for some reason does not work, and ventilation due to the season is not possible, you need to install several fans and use them to achieve the desired effect.

How to quickly get rid of the smell of dampness in the bathroom, closet, basement of the house?

The appearance of signs of mold and dampness in the apartment is not always the result of accidents. Most often, it is precisely the mistakes in the formation of optimal living conditions that act as provoking factors.

mold on the windows

How to get rid of the smell of dampness in the most problematic places at home:

  • Bathroom. First of all, the seams of the tile are damaged, which is the result of poor operation of the hood. In this case, it is necessary to debug the operation of the ventilation system, otherwise the unpleasant phenomenon will constantly return and gradually its consequences will appear throughout the house. In addition, you will need to think about installing a high-quality towel dryer and systematically ventilate the room. Surface cleaning is best done with a steam cleaner or bleach formulations.
  • Wardrobe. At the first stage, all things are pulled out of the closet, shaken and dried in the fresh air. This can take up to 2-3 days, but the result will be optimal. The inner walls of the device must be wiped with a weak vinegar solution and left with the doors open until completely dry and weathering of a sharp specific aroma. If traces of mold appear on the items of clothing, then before drying, the laundry is washed, and after drying, it is treated with a hot iron.
  • Basement. Before you get rid of the smell of dampness in a house with a basement, you must first examine this particular room. Often, to obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to carry out capital work, involving the replacement of pipes, updating the insulation of walls and ceilings. Usually it’s difficult to cope on your own, you have to contact the companies that carry out the relevant work. The same problem is often faced by people living in an apartment on the ground floor.


The fight against dampness is a complex, troublesome and lengthy process. If the problem arose once, then without making the appropriate changes to the life organization, you will again have to face it. Only with an integrated and consistent approach is it worth counting on such a desired result.

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leave a comment
  1. Katya
    01/17/2024 at 15:23 Reply

    Thank you for the article

  2. Veronica
    06/02/2024 at 04:15 Reply

    Oh, and we were tormented with this mold, but still brought it out =) But to eliminate its smell, I can recommend a good home, it will fix it quickly and for a long time. But again I repeat, this tool will help with the smell, but not with the mold itself. Good luck


