The basic rules and important points when choosing a toothpaste

To the delight of dentists, the number of people who believe that preparations for dental care differ only in the design of tubes and aromas is rapidly declining. Today, more and more often, visitors to medical offices have the question of how to choose toothpaste for themselves and the child. First of all, you need to remember that universal remedies do not exist. Correctly choosing the best product is possible only on the basis of existing problems and setting specific goals.

woman with a girl with toothbrushes in hand

It is best to initially conduct appropriate studies to determine the chemical composition of saliva, the quality and thickness of tooth enamel, and the condition of the gums. Based on the results, a product is installed that can bring all indicators to a normal level. As a last resort, teeth can be brushed with profile preparations selected in response to an obvious problem, for example, the tendency of gums to bleed. In any case, you need to learn how to read the markings on the proposed product and its composition, and not blindly trust the advertisement.

How to choose a suitable toothpaste in strips?

First of all, you need to understand what role is assigned to the colored stripes on the tail of the tube. They can be black, blue, red and green. The main thing here is not to believe in common myths and horror stories about the level of harmful substances. Black stripes can also crown children's pasta, but this does not mean that manufacturers knowingly prepared a low-quality product for children.

colored stripes toothpastes

Auxiliary marking allows you to understand at a glance what the ratio of chemical and natural components is used in the product. It is decrypted as follows:

  • Black line. The product consists entirely of components of a chemical nature. It is not entirely correct to use it daily; the effect may be too aggressive. Most often, such formulations are intended to eliminate specific problems and treat serious diseases. It is best to use them as adjuvant therapy.
  • Blue stripe. The ratio of chemistry and natural substances is 80% to 20%, respectively. The product is still characterized by increased intensity, but it is harmless enough. It can be used more often than a product with black marking, but better in combination with other compounds.
  • Red stripe. The ratio of chemicals to natural ingredients is approximately equal. It is such toothpastes that are considered the best option for daily cleaning with preventive purposes. It can be used by both an adult and a child.
  • The green stripe. This is a completely natural product, but not all teeth need it. Such funds are most often used on the recommendation of doctors. You can find them only in a pharmacy or dental clinic. It is strictly forbidden to purchase such pastes for a child without prior consultation with a specialist.

As practice shows, the main thing is not how to choose a good toothpaste, but how to combine it correctly with other products. Today, more and more often it is necessary to use several drugs at once to guarantee the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums.

How to choose a safe and high-quality toothpaste?

A safe product can only be acquired if you learn to read the composition of the goods. Even if the label says that the paste has whitening properties, you need to clarify which components provide this.Indeed, some substances simply remove the yellow coating, while others are able to clean it only with enamel.

toothpaste on the brush

Tip: Using medical pastes without appropriate indications is strictly prohibited. Saturation of enamel and mucous components, which are already in abundance, can provoke the development of serious pathologies. In the absence of pronounced problems, the use of preventive products is sufficient.

When choosing a medical composition for yourself or a child, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Pastes for sensitive teeth. Not a single product, even the most expensive and high-quality, is able to repair damaged enamel. If you brush your teeth with profile pastes, you can reduce sensitivity and prevent further spread of the process. Such products should include strontium or calcium salts. It is better if the paste will have a reduced level of abrasiveness - the RDA index is not higher than 75.

Tip: Experts strongly recommend not using pastes on which the abrasion index is not indicated at all. Such a product cannot be of high quality and most often it is dangerous for the state of enamel.


  • Pastes with a whitening effect. Shown only with good enamel density. The abrasion index can reach 200 units. You can brush your teeth with such products no more than 1-2 times a week. Preparations with hydrogen peroxide or urea give the most pronounced effect, but they can be used only after a preliminary examination. It is better to abandon cheap products based on calcium carbonate (ordinary chalk).
  • Antiseptic and antibacterial compounds. Used only in courses in the presence of wounds on the mucosa, inflammatory processes. Most often, they include triclosan or chlorhexidine. The use of drugs longer than 2-4 weeks is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Pastes based on plant extracts have a more gentle and soft effect. They can be used by a child.
  • Pastes against caries. They contain a whole range of useful components, mainly derivatives of calcium and fluorine. But with the latter, special care must be taken. In paste for adults, the fluoride content should not exceed 150 mg per 100 g of product. No more than 50 mg of the active ingredient per 100 g of the composition should be included in the children's paste. The use of fluoride medications is generally contraindicated for some people. Therefore, before purchasing a profile product, you need to check with a dentist.

Even with such insignificant knowledge, you can get a safe and high-quality product that will reduce the severity of problems or completely eliminate them. The main thing is to brush their teeth strictly on schedule, and not try to strengthen the therapeutic manifestations by increasing dosages.

toothpaste on the brush

What toothpaste to choose for a child

The purchase of a prophylactic or therapeutic product for a child should be treated with even greater responsibility, because there are many features and nuances. If the specialist has not recommended any specific composition, then you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The paste can only be in the form of a gel. Even the mildest abrasive components are not allowed.
  2. It should have a minimum fluorine content. And up to three years, it is better to choose formulations without such compounds.
  3. Mint fragrance can cause a child's gag reflex, so preference should be given to fruit flavors.
  4. The product should not give strong foam, which is produced by special components that can irritate the delicate baby mucous membrane.
  5. Silicon dioxide or dicalcium phosphate (after 3 years) should act as cleaning components. They provide a soft and high-quality enamel cleaning.
  6. The abrasion index should not exceed 50 units.
  7. Preference should be given to products that can be swallowed. Only they are considered absolutely safe for the child.

It’s not as difficult as it seems to take all of these requirements into account when choosing the right toothpaste.Manufacturers describe in detail all the features of their products, so you just need to carefully read the label. Replacing the paste with an analogue, slightly different in composition, is recommended only if its cleaning or therapeutic properties are reduced.

Read the article on how to floss teeth

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leave a comment
  1. Natasha
    07/11/2024 at 11:43 Reply

    As practice shows, the main thing is not how to choose a good toothpaste, but how to combine it correctly with other products. Today, more and more often it is necessary to use several drugs at once to guarantee the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums.

  2. Galina Grigoryevna
    11/03/2024 at 14:55 Reply

    I did not understand what composition is suitable for an adult to use daily toothpaste!


