What are the deadlines for replacing meters?
Elements of metering devices for electricity, hot and cold water, gas operate in a constant mode, which leads to their rapid wear or complete failure. The availability of components has a direct impact on the values obtained, as well as the numbers in the payment receipts. Sooner or later, each owner asks the question - how many meters to change, what regulatory documents govern this process? Timing can vary significantly depending on the technical characteristics and purpose of the meter.
Gas metering devices
Gas meter refers to complex technical devices. Over time, their wear occurs, some parts are deformed. As a result, the device gives incorrect readings - the values can be either significantly underestimated or overestimated. The first calibration of the device is carried out within the time specified in the technical passport.
The lack of periodic verification leads to undesirable consequences for the homeowner. The readings of such a gas meter will not be taken into account, and charges for the used natural resources will be made in accordance with regulatory documents.
Usually a meter in an apartment or house is used for 10 years. The gas meter has its own life, and it is counted from the moment of its manufacture, not purchase or installation. The bandwidth of the device matters.
What are the appliances?
- Industrial.
- Household.
- Household.
Devices differ from each other in technical parameters, terms of operation and design features. One of their main characteristics is the volume of gas that passes through the device per unit of time. Some appliances installed in private houses or apartments have a lifespan of 20 years or more. Gas is passed through the device in accordance with the parameters specified in the technical data sheet. This allows you to determine the type of system on which the device can be installed.
The homeowner himself is sometimes able to determine when to change the gas meter. If during the saved heating or stove operation mode the parameters obtained during the month seriously differ, it is in the interests of the landlord to conduct an unscheduled calibration.
There are several factors that influence the service life and help to understand how many devices need to be changed:
- there is no dust filter or its cells do not comply with the established standards;
- low bandwidth;
- high humidity in the room;
- Incorrect installation of the meter.
It is necessary to change the gas meter after 8-10 years. This is the period indicated in the technical passport of most devices used in everyday life.
But if the owner does not want to purchase a new meter, he can send the old meter for research to the laboratory. If its ability to correctly determine the throughput is confirmed, then its further use is allowed. How long the test takes depends on the employment of services and the technical characteristics of the device, the approximate period is 20 days. While the meter is in the laboratory, the amount of payment will be calculated in accordance with the heated area.
Electric meters
Electricity meter - a device whose readings are taken into account when paying for light at the end of each month.Most consumers know only about its location in the room and few about technical specifications. If in the apartment new devices have not appeared recently, and the old ones are operated in the usual mode, then there should not be significant digital changes in the receipts for electricity.
When you need to change the counters, the following signs can tell you about this:
- poor-quality rotation of the disk of the induction counter or its complete absence;
- electronic meter indicator does not show detectable parameters;
- lack of tightness of the meter body, the presence of through holes, chips or cracks;
- violation of the integrity of the sight glass;
- incorrect display of the amount of energy spent in receipts for electricity.
Often there are situations when the device works when all devices in the apartment are disconnected from the power source. In everyday life, this phenomenon is called "self-propelled." You can solve the problem with a simple experiment - just turn off all the circuit breakers on the shield, leaving the input switched on. Electric meters must be replaced immediately if the disc on the meter continues to rotate. Otherwise, the device will continue to wind up unrealistic readings, and the homeowner will regularly pay electricity bills.
Each meter in the apartment must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents. One of them is the accuracy class. The parameters of only those devices are taken into account, the value of this standard of which is 2.5 or more. All other electricity meters must be replaced immediately.
Normal parameters of accuracy class do not exclude errors in receipts for electricity. The relevant organization may unexpectedly present to the owner of the premises verification requirements due to the inaccuracy of the data received.
A preliminary examination of the meter should be carried out:
- disconnect all devices from sources of electricity in the apartment;
- electric meter values must be recorded;
- connect one device, the power consumption of which is well known (an excellent option is a regular light bulb);
- check meter readings after one hour.
An increase in the digital parameters of the device by the expected value indicates the complete health of the device. A slight deviation in any direction is permissible if it falls within the established error limits.
How often you need to change the meters, you can find out in the subscription department of the power supply organization. An important determining parameter is the calibration interval. During this time period, the manufacturer guarantees uninterrupted operation of the meter. The service life varies from 6 to 16 years. Upon its completion, the homeowner changes the device to a new one or checks its serviceability in the electricity supply organization.
Hot and cold water meters
The consumption of hot and cold water is also controlled by meters. After how many years the device must be replaced, you can find out when buying the device. Its service life is indicated in the technical passport and depends on the model of the device.
For domestic use, counters are used:
- electronic;
- mechanical.
Each water measuring device, according to the law, has a certain period of use, during which the calibration services and the manufacturer guarantee the effectiveness of its work. Water meters are legally installed on the respective water supply lines. A malfunction during operation becomes a frequent cause of incorrect data transmission. Before the release of metering devices, each manufacturer conducts tests, establishing the warranty period by experience. High-quality water meter works without breakdowns for 20 years or more.
Supervisory services force the counter to be changed if it is used improperly.The effective operation of accounting devices may be affected by:
- impurities and foreign objects in the water;
- pressure drops.
To determine the damage that has occurred, an intertesting interval is established - the time interval between the next inspections of devices and their manufacture. With it, consumption control services determine how often water meters in a given room need to be changed.
Verification period depends on the purpose of the device:
- cold water meter - 6 years;
- hot water meter - 4 years.
If after research it turns out that the device does not work correctly, then homeowners change the device to a new one. Hot water has a more negative effect on components, which explains the difference in the timing of verification.
Sometimes you have to change the water meters before the next inspection. In what cases does this happen?
- If there are no objective reasons for the significant difference in monthly readings.
- If in doubt, the correct operation of the dial or motion indicator.
Find out the cause of the malfunction can only a specialist of an authorized organization. He will tell you whether to change the counters or whether they need to be repaired. If a malfunction is detected in the device, do not postpone the purchase of a new one for a long time. The controlling authority will quickly detect damage to the meter. All the same, it is necessary to change the water meters, otherwise a complete recalculation will be made, which will result in a significant amount.
How many meters to change can be clarified in organizations that are responsible for the proper operation of metering devices. The owner of the premises, who correctly approaches the issues of regular verification, similarly avoids penalties. Whether it is necessary to change the counters in the near future, the technical passport attached to the device will tell. The period of periodic verification should be indicated in the documents issued by the controlling authorities.