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Why does air conditioning dry the air? Simple explanation and solution

Any air conditioner dries the air if it is not equipped with an additional humidification function. This is due to the way the air in the split system is cooled. The problem is solved by simple tricks from airing to timely interruptions in the operation of the air conditioner.

Turn on the air conditioner

Why air conditioning dries the air

It’s hard to imagine a comfortable life without an air conditioner, but this device can cause health problems. The reason is dry air during regular operation of the air conditioner. Have you noticed that any device certainly has an outdoor unit with a hose that removes moisture? Where does it come from?

Why does air conditioning dry the air? Simple explanation and solution

Why air conditioning dries air in cooling mode

Everything is extremely simple: warm air from the room is sucked into the device and cooled. With rapid cooling, condensate is released, i.e. air loses some moisture. The drainage system takes it out and discards, unless it is an expensive model with a humidification function.

Remote control for air conditioner

Why air dries in heating mode

Everything is simple again, and, by the way, neither air conditioning nor batteries are to blame. The air itself entering the rooms contains very little moisture. The colder it is, the less moisture it can hold, it simply condenses and falls out in rain or snow.

Entering the room, the air warms up and becomes more water-absorbing, but it has no where to take this moisture from - it feels like dryness.

Perfect climate
The optimum temperature for a comfortable stay is 21-23 degrees of heat, humidity - from 40 to 60%. Use a thermometer and a hygrometer for monitoring.

Digital Thermometer Hygrometer

Is continuous overdrying safe?

For an hour of intensive work, the air conditioner can reduce humidity to 30 or even 15%. Dry air suffers. T skin, mucous membranes. Allergy suffers especially severe dryness. More serious problems: the lungs absorb oxygen worse, blood coagulation increases.

Dryness spoils furniture, books, negatively affects the health of pets and plants. But all this manifests itself only with regular and prolonged use of the air conditioner.

Why does air conditioning dry the air? Simple explanation and solution

How to maintain humidity

How can you humidify the air when long-term operation of the air conditioner is necessary:

  1. Set the split system to a temperature that does not differ much from room temperature.
  2. Program at least 24 degrees.
  3. Install special humidifiers.
  4. Place containers with water, and even better an aquarium. But this measure may not be enough.
  5. Choose air conditioners with extra cleaning and moisturizing features.
  6. Plant indoor plants with wide leaf blades.
  7. A quick way to increase humidity is to hang wet towels.
  8. Ventilate the room daily.
  9. Do not forget about wet cleaning.

Take care of comfort by cooling the air to optimal temperatures while maintaining humidity. Do not use the split system constantly; turn on the air conditioner only if necessary.

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