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Keyboard cleaning slogan: new in the world of cleanliness

The most common cause of keyboard damage is not wear, but clogging. If the keys are easy to wipe with a cloth for equipment, then the gap between the letters is difficult to clear. Keyboard Rescue - Slime, sticky mass for cleaning hard to reach places. Usually it is ordered on the Internet markets, but it’s quite possible to do it yourself.

white keyboard

What is a slime

A slime is a gel-like substance with a specific smell (which quickly dissipates), able to penetrate into any gap and select crumbs, hair, and dust from there. Soft and moist to the touch, the lick sticks to the surface, spreads across the cracks, but then quickly gathers again, removing dirt and debris.


Attention wanted

The author of launched a small investigation, and found that the miraculous slime simply did not exist. Around 2014, there was a widespread advertising of a miracle cleaner. The prices were high, and he was called Cyber Clean. As stated by the manufacturer, the slime absorbs dirt and literally dissolves. As a result, the hands remain clean, and the keyboard or other surface is disinfected and receives dust-repellent properties.

Throwing a request on the Internet, we found only one store selling miracle slime today. And it costs pretty cheaply. The site of the official distributor looks unconvincing, and the link to the purchase leads to a non-existent card of the store.


Since the very idea of ​​Velcro, penetrating the crevices and removing rubbish from it, turned out to be understandable and seductive, the housewives came up with their available accessories:

  • regular baby lizun;
  • homemade lizun;
  • Chinese counterpart.

lizun in banks

Where to buy, how much

Most users order a lizun cleaner in Chinese markets: "AliExpress", "Jum", "Pandao". They are also sold at Fix Price. The price is an average of 100 rubles. Declared as a super-cleaner "Cyber ​​Wedge" on a single site, where it is presented, it costs about 200 rubles. over 80 g

How to use

Lizun is a reusable pleasure, and using it is extremely easy.

red lizun


  1. Remove the slime from the packaging and spread it on the surface, for example, a keyboard, running between the buttons.
  2. Squeeze slightly.
  3. Slowly peel off, pulling out of the back streets with dirt and debris.
  4. Lay with the clean side down and repeat the operation.
  5. When the entire accessory is covered with litter, rinse under cool or warm water. Ride in your hands, removing excess moisture and start cleaning again (if necessary).
  6. After cleaning, wash the lick, allow it to dry slightly, knead and put it in place.

It is necessary to store the lizun in sealed packaging, otherwise it will simply dry. Partially restores it to ordinary water.

What to expect

A miracle, of course, will not happen. As in advertising, the keyboard will not shine. Dirt from many touches will have to be washed with a damp or alcohol wipe. But particles of skin, hair and hair, dust and crumbs will remove the lick (not in one, but in two passes). Even very skeptical users on the forums note that the accessory makes the keyboard cleaner, and it works longer.

keyboard cleaning

DIY slime

If you don’t want to wait for the package, but can’t wait to experience the miracle effect, you can try to make the slime yourself.

This will require the following components:

  • pharmacy borax (sodium tetraborate) - 1 pack;
  • PVA or silicate glue - 250 ml. The first will make the product transparent, and the second - matte.

Do not color the lizun if it is designed for cleaning, not a game.So it will be better to see how many specks are adhering, and there will be no risk of painting the surface, instead of cleaning.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour glue into a glass container and mix. Make sure that there are no lumps, since the quality of the product depends on this.
  2. Continuing to interfere, gradually add borax. Little by little, so as not to overfill, otherwise you can spoil everything, and the slime will lose its main ability - to spread over the surface like a gel.
  3. As soon as the mass begins to stick to the spoon - take out and crush the slime in the hands.
  4. The slime will become elastic, easily stretching and easily taking its shape. So he's ready.

Lizun removes particles of dirt from hard-to-reach places, it is safe, non-toxic and inexpensive. So the accessory will quickly pay off and will not be superfluous in a modern apartment, but it will not replace the regular, at least once a month, cleaning of keys with a napkin.

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