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How to grease a baking sheet before baking? The dough won't stick anymore

The problem is familiar to many housewives: the cake is not removed from the baking sheet, the bottom is burnt, there are dark seals on the dishes that can not be removed. To avoid these troubles, it is enough to properly grease the pan before baking. If you don’t like butter, use alternative methods.

margarine spread

Do I need to lubricate

Lubricate the form or not - depends on the material from which it is made. It is known that silicone devices for baking cupcakes need oil treatment only once - before the first use. In the future, the dough is perfectly separated from the walls and bottom without additional lubrication.

Glass and metal molds need to be lubricated every time, including non-stick ones. If there is no oil, use alternative methods, such as special baking paper.

What kind of oil to lubricate the form

It is better to use odorless vegetable oil - refined. The aroma of sunflower or olives can ruin the taste of the dough.

baking dish

The most popular oil is sunflower, some housewives are experimenting with sesame, linseed.

To get a brownish crust of pies, use butter. Pre-melt or soften it. Butter also gives aroma and a pleasant taste.

An inexpensive alternative to butter is margarine. It has no taste or smell, but also copes well with the protection of the dough, although some housewives still encounter burning.

For distribution, use a culinary silicone brush or lubricate the mold with your hands, wearing protective gloves. Remember to cover the walls if baking in the oven rises.

greased baking sheet

Other ways to protect baking

Parchment paper is an oiled litter that will allow you to easily separate the dough from the bottom and walls. The advantage of parchment is that it keeps its shape relatively clean. You do not have to soak and scrub the burned areas, as well as wash dishes several times in an effort to get rid of oiliness.

parchment paper on a baking sheet

Paper helps not only protect dishes, but also prevents excess fat from baking into the pastry pie.

Advice from
Not every parchment is oiled, look for information on the packaging!

To prevent torment with washing the mold, line it with ordinary food foil. This material, unlike baking paper, has the property of sticking to the dough, so additional lubrication with oil is required.

The modern alternative is Teflon sheet. It works like a mold made of similar material: just lay it on a baking sheet and boldly place the dough.

Teflon Baking Sheet

Sometimes oil is not enough. In this case, the housewives use flour: sprinkle with it an oiled sheet, and the dough will stick to it, and not to the bottom. This technique helps a lot when baking pizza, which has a rather thin and brittle dough.

Do not be afraid to pour flour, it will not affect the consistency of the finished dough.

Semolina and small bread crumbs are also used for sprinkling. Another trick for chocolate cake: sprinkle the oiled bottom with cocoa powder and fine sugar. So you get a mouth-watering and sweet bottom crust.

Do not forget about the baking time and temperature indicated in the recipe of a dish.

Simple tricks can easily remove pizza or other pastries from a baking sheet and enjoy a delicious dish.

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  1. Vlad
    05/11/2024 at 13:38 Reply

    Baking custard cakes. I use only margarine, as my mother taught

  2. lyudmila
    05/11/2024 at 23:11 Reply

    grease the form with vegetable oil, and then sprinkle with semolina - shake off excess

  3. Valentine
    05/12/2024 at 09:24 Reply

    It is impossible to lubricate a leaf (baking sheet) with sunflower oil, the oil burns up on it and then it is not possible to remove it, but this does not happen with butter

  4. Alexey
    05/13/2024 at 09:30 Reply

    Frozen fat

  5. valentine
    05/13/2024 at 20:58 Reply

    correctly grandmother taught lard, pork fat.

  6. Sergey
    05/15/2024 at 11:44 Reply

    forgot about silicone molds and rugs. They generally do not need lubrication.

  7. Dmitry
    05/15/2024 at 21:06 Reply

    For many years I have been using a non-stick mixture whipped from lard, vegetable oil and flour 1 * 1 * 1 by volume

  8. Victor
    07/18/2024 at 10:20 Reply

    Grandmother wiped a baking sheet before baking with a piece of unsalted pork fat.

  9. Alexey
    07/18/2024 at 18:26 Reply

    While the baking sheet is hot, anoint it with wax. It is enough to hold a piece of wax cross-wise in the middle, and then rub it with a cotton swab. Nothing sticks even if it burns.
    When removing from the oven, immediately lubricate the next time. Wax has neither taste nor smell.

    07/19/2024 at 11:59 Reply

    Margarine - Poison !!!!!

    07/19/2024 at 11:11 Reply

    In no case should you lubricate margarine and categorically do not add food !!!!!!

  12. Mi
    07/19/2024 at 22:32 Reply

    A thin layer of deodorized sunflower, sprinkle with flour on top, remove excess-shake.

  13. Nina
    07/22/2024 at 15:22 Reply

    There is baking paper with silicone. Very convenient. No need to lubricate.


