How to make a quality DIY air freshener?

Despite the variety and availability of ready-made flavors for rooms for various purposes, housewives increasingly prefer to create a freshener for the air with their own hands. This is due to a whole series of advantages that are obvious when using devices on a natural basis. At home, you can use a variety of components to prepare the active base of the device.

essential oils

If desired, the finished product can be beautifully designed in accordance with the features of the decor. To make an air freshener that will really effectively deal with unpleasant odors, but will not spread an obsessive aroma, you need to analyze existing methods and choose the right one for a particular situation.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade fresheners

Before you make an air freshener, it is worth evaluating the pros and cons of the approach. Even those people who initially do not understand why they should spend their free time preparing what can be purchased at the store for little money change their mind after evaluating the advantages of this option:

essential oil air fresheners

  1. Absolute safety thanks to the naturalness of the components. Such products do not contain chemicals, therefore they do not cause any harm to the inhabitants of the apartment, including pets, which are very attracted to odorous objects.
  2. By choosing the right ingredients, you can not be afraid of asthma attacks or allergies. Soft drugs are better tolerated by young children.
  3. The cost of making an air freshener with your own hands is much lower than those that will have to incur when purchasing finished products. At the same time, natural flavors last much longer.
  4. This is the best option for those people who are trying to maintain the environment. It does not contain reagents that adversely affect the ozone layer, atmosphere, plants. And the recycling of bottles is not needed here.
  5. Smells from homemade products are not as intrusive and cutting as their industrial counterparts. If desired, the saturation of the aroma can even be adjusted.

Against the background of such advantages, the disadvantages of the direction seem quite insignificant. These can be attributed only to the fact that you have to spend some time creating an adaptation.

air freshener ingredients

Features of the preparation and use of fresheners based on essential oils

The easiest way to make an air freshener with your own hands from essential oils. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • A couple of drops of oil with your favorite unsharp smell drip on a piece of fleece, which we put on a saucer. We put the capacity on the battery or a special burner. Under the influence of heat, the esters begin to evaporate, filling the atmosphere with a pleasant aroma.

Tip: If you do not want to clutter up the room with unattractive structures, it is better to drip oil directly onto the lamps in the chandelier (while they are in the cold off state). A few seconds after turning on the light, the smell of ethers will spread throughout the room.

  • Essential oils in the form of a spray are prepared from essential oils. Pour water into a suitable can, drip a little oil, or even prepare an unusual mixture. Spray the product if necessary. This is a good option for a toilet or stairwell, which is constantly smoked.

essential oil air fresheners

There are only two drawbacks to this approach.The first is that the esters evaporate quickly, so such an air freshener at home will have to be often refreshed or reused. The second negative point is very individual - in some people the constant presence of ethers in the atmosphere causes a headache.

Making room fresheners

Doing an air freshener with your own hands, you should not just thoughtlessly expose components with a strong smell in a problem room. It is better to use the recommendations of professionals and experimenters with experience.

homemade freshener

For the living room, the following solutions are suitable:

  • Gelatin based freshener. This is not only an effective, but also a very attractive solution. In a glass of water, we dilute a portion of gelatin. In addition, it is recommended to add a little medical glycerin, then the smell will not disappear longer. Lastly, we introduce the essential oil. If desired, dye, pieces of fruit, flowers, petals or small objects are introduced into the container along with oil.
  • Dried Citruses. Most often, housewives dry in an oven or on a radiator an orange cut in even slices. Then, ikebans or designer ensembles are made from such blanks. To diversify the pleasant aroma, it is recommended to stick several dried cloves in citrus.
  • Coniferous branches give a good effect. They are simply put in a vase and occasionally sprayed with water and change the liquid. An additional advantage of the approach is the destruction of microbes in the air.

To refresh the kitchen space, you can try one of the following methods:

  • Fry fresh coffee beans in a dry frying pan, grind them into fine powder and put them in a bag of dense fabric, which allows air to pass through well. We hang the blank over the stove, next to the refrigerator or over the work desk.
  • Pour water into the spray bottle, add a few drops of lemon essential oil and a little fresh lemon juice. Shake the container and spray liquid over all surfaces in the room. Wet cleaning after this is not necessary!

air fresheners in cans

If the problem space in the apartment is the toilet space, then such solutions will help:

  • First of all, you need to make a freshener for the toilet with your own hands. Pour boiled water into a spray bottle or spray bottle, add a tablespoon of soda and vinegar, mix thoroughly. We spray not only the inner walls of the toilet, but also the area around it. This composition eliminates all the signs of an unpleasant odor and fights against germs.
  • Fill the atomizer with water, add at least 7-8 drops of the essential oil of any citrus or lavender, a little fresh orange juice. Shake and spray into the air throughout the space of the toilet.
  • In a problem room, you can use a gel freshener. But it is better to fill it with a mixture of vinegar, salt, dye and essential oil. We freeze the workpiece in the freezer (it is recommended to pre-pack it in tins). We cut the finished product into small pieces, which, as necessary, lay out in the drain tank. Fragrance will be activated at each discharge of water.

When making homemade fresheners, you need to be guided by personal preferences and, at least occasionally, change aromas so that they do not begin to annoy.

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