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How to remove mold on plastic windows and slopes?

Plastic windows replaced their wooden predecessors in almost every residential building, office and industrial premises. They have many advantages, but there are also drawbacks, one of which is mold on plastic windows, often formed on frames and slopes. Why does mold grow on plastic, how to prevent its appearance and what to do if, after all, a harmful fungus constantly appears on the window?

Mold on the slopes of a plastic window

Why does mold appear?

Mold is a colony of microscopic mushrooms that are constantly adjacent to us, but with a good microclimate in the house they do not reproduce so intensively, and we simply do not notice them. When favorable conditions are created, the fungus forms numerous colonies in the form of a dusty black coating. It is completely impossible to get rid of the fungus, so you need to create conditions for him in which he will feel uncomfortable.

The first factor that favors the growth of mold is increased humidity. In a dry, well-ventilated area, the fungus will not grow. For the development of a mold colony, humidity of 60% or higher is required. The more this indicator is, the more actively colonies of the fungus develop. It is well known that in damp homes, mold on windows, walls and ceilings is not uncommon.

The second condition necessary for the intensive development of the fungus is temperature. Mold can grow in a fairly wide temperature range - from +15 to +38 ° C, but the most comfortable conditions for it are about +22 .. + 28 ° C.

One of the reasons for poor ventilation and condensation may be the improper installation of plastic frames with non-observance of thermal and waterproofing measures.

In the summer season, mold rarely bothers home owners - humidity is low, temperature is high, plus walking drafts additionally ventilate all surfaces. In winter, with the onset of the heating season, it would seem that the batteries dry the air. But in places of contact of cold and warm streams, condensate often forms, which becomes a favorable environment for the development of mold on windows and slopes. In addition, in the winter the room is ventilated much less often than in summer. In this case, the high tightness of the plastic windows has negative consequences.

Opened window

Preventive measures

How to minimize the risk of mold formation in the room? To do this, maintain an optimal microclimate - temperature + 20 ... + 22 ° C, relative humidity not higher than 60%.

  • They remove sources of increased humidity in the room - these can be water leaks, drying clothes, a large number of indoor plants.
  • Install ventilation and air conditioning systems. In their absence, regularly - at least twice a day - ventilate the room. Many plastic windows have the function of winter airing - this is when the window opens "into the gap." Use it as often as possible.
  • Install a range hood in the kitchen and turn it on every time you cook. The bathroom should be well ventilated; if not, leave the door open every time after bathing.
  • Remove blackout curtains and other accessories that impede the circulation of air from the radiators to the window panes.
  • Do not neglect regular washing and window cleaning. For prophylactic purposes, any long-acting fungicidal preparation can be used for processing.
  • Condensation formed on the glass must be cleaned immediately with a dry cloth.
  • Monitor the condition of frames and gaskets, regularly lubricate window opening mechanisms and rubber gaskets.

To ensure that mold on plastic windows does not form as a result of improper installation of frames and slopes, observe the following rules.

  • After removing old windows, the opening is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, settled organics. Then the surface is treated with a fungicidal agent, for example a solution of "Anti-mold".
  • It is better to carry out repair work in the summer, in dry and hot weather.
  • All cracks and holes must be carefully filled with mounting foam. After installing the windows, if necessary, insulate suspicious areas with silicone sealant.

Window sealing

How to get rid of mold?

To get rid of the existing mold on the frames and slopes, it is necessary to establish the cause of its formation. You can limit yourself to general measures for the prevention and destruction of the fungus, and if this does not help, then you need to carry out work on cleaning and thermal insulation of slopes and window sills.

  • Remove the plastic trim of the slope and window sill.
  • Rinse off all dirt, whitewash, clean organic deposits. Dry the surface naturally or using a hair dryer, air heaters.
  • Double-treat the slopes with a fungicide or any bleach (for example, "White").
  • Treat all holes and cracks with mounting foam, seal small flaws with sealant.
  • Establish slopes and a window sill into place. Plastic made on the principle of a sandwich panel holds heat better and is more preferable in this case.

If the thermal insulation did not give the desired result, you can try installing ventilation valves in the upper part of the window.

Mold on the windows can form due to too wide window sills, which do not allow warm air to blow around the glass. In this case, ventilation holes are drilled in the windowsill or special plastic grilles with shutters are installed. They direct the flow of warm air from the battery to the window, eliminating the formation of condensation.

Fungus killing agents

Fungus killing agents

To get rid of mold on the slopes, use various chemicals.

  • Blue vitriol. A traditional mold control agent. The drug is toxic, follow safety precautions. It also has corrosive properties - that is, they cannot process metal, plastic surfaces themselves.
  • Bleach. A cheap disinfectant that kills not only fungus, but also bacteria. Apply a solution of water in a ratio of 1: 5. Chlorine is not safe for humans - use a respirator and gloves. After processing, it quickly loses its properties, so do not expect a long-term effect from its use. It is not recommended to bleach the frames themselves and the front of the slopes and window sills with bleach.
  • You can use this recipe: per liter of water - 100 ml of copper sulfate, 100 ml of bleach.
  • Ready-made household fungicides: “TEX”, Dufa or Vincents Polyline. They also contain bleach or copper sulfate.
  • Any chlorine-based household chemicals - “Whiteness”, “Domestos”.

For processing glass directly and the plastic itself, aggressive agents cannot be used. They can damage the coating or turn it yellow. To get rid of mold on the front sides, use gentle chemicals.

  • Vinegar. For 1 liter of water we take 200 ml of 70% vinegar, 200 ml of boric acid.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Apply a 3% solution.
  • Mold Cleanerswhich are intended for ceramics and plastic, - Mellerud, Tilex, HG for removal of fungus and mold, Cillit Bang.
  • Other disinfectants - “Biocide,” Neomid.
  • Antifungal agents, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, - "Candide", clotrimazole.

Those who prefer natural remedies can recommend tea tree oil. It is bred at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of water and sprayed onto the problem area. Grapefruit seed oil also has an antifungal effect.

Summing up, we can say that the fight against mold on the windows will be more effective if complex measures are used. Eliminate places of cold air from the slopes and windowsill, provide ventilation and do not allow humidity to increase in the room. Condensation that appears on the window must be cleaned with a dry rag, and use mildew remover to control the fungus.

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  1. Asiyat
    11/09/2024 at 15:12 Reply

    We use all the facilities in the complex, but with poor heating, the mold appears again. Apparently, there is not one reason: poor windows, it is not known how the cracks are plastered and foamed + poor heating.


