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How to completely remove limescale in a teapot with soda, vinegar and citric acid

Limescale on a teapot is not a reason to buy new equipment. Many housewives successfully clean teapots with substances such as soda, vinegar and citric acid. If the farm found something from this list, then boldly proceed to restore the cleanliness of the device. If not, head to the nearest supermarket: these products are everywhere and for a small price.

Why clean the kettle

Such a question does not arise with the appearance of a thick coating on the bottom and walls of the device. Unpleasant and unsuitable for food particles disappear over time and end up in drinks.

Electric kettle

A few more reasons why you need to remove plaque:

  1. Lime slows the boiling of water, as it has low thermal conductivity. Electricity consumption increases.
  2. In an electric kettle, the heating element may fail.
  3. The taste of water changes for the worse, and it becomes unclear.

Even after a series of purifications, a small percentage of impurities still remains in the water. This does not mean that you do not need to use filters. You just need to be prepared for the fact that even from the highest quality water, plaque will accumulate on the walls of the device, regardless of the material of this device. The difference is that with clean water the equipment will have to be cleaned much less frequently.

Plaque in the kettle

The problem is solved, and in a few minutes, and the cost of cleaning will not hit the budget at all.

Three simple substances that quickly and efficiently corrode plaque:

  • vinegar;
  • baking soda;
  • lemon acid.

If the kettle has not been cleaned for a long time, the methods can be combined or used once several times. Sooner or later, you can even get rid of a thick layer of plaque. What you should not do is try to wash the precipitate with abrasive products. So the walls of the kettle will be damaged, and the device will deteriorate completely.

Vinegar cleaning

To wash the lime layer, we take the usual table vinegar from 4 to 9%. The method is suitable for metal, but not suitable for enameled and electric kettles.

Cleaning the kettle with vinegar

How to remove vinegar scale, cleaning steps:

  1. The proportions for the solution are 1 liter of water per 0.5 cup of vinegar.
  2. It is enough to boil the solution for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Then we drain the water, rinse the kettle.
  4. Boiling should be repeated twice more, this time with clean water.
  5. We quietly use the third boiled water for drinking.

Vinegar is often taken as a fixative after applying citric acid and soda.

Advice! There are professional tools for removing plaque in a teapot, such as Adipinka. magazine recommends planning to clean the kettle at a time when everyone is at school, at work or away. So no one mistakenly brews himself tea with vinegar and other cleaning impurities.

The method with citric acid

Citric acid helps to quickly and safely get rid of plaque of any thickness. One or two sachets are enough for one kettle, the amount of substance depends on the degree of contamination of the device.

How to clean the kettle with citric acid:

  1. Pour the powder into the device.
  2. We fill in the same cold water to the maximum level.
  3. Now you need to boil the mixture and let cool. While standing in the kettle, the solution is plaque completely.
  4. Once again, boil the water and drain completely.
  5. Rinse with clean water.
  6. If there are traces, repeat the procedure.

Advice! Use a filter jug ​​or a flow filter for water: the device reduces the amount of impurities, makes the water softer and cleaner.And do not take mineral water - it is good for the body, and an electric kettle will destroy it.

Cleaning the kettle with citric acid

How to clean soda

Soda is a universal and safe substance for cleaning equipment. The powder is used for household purposes to remove persistent contaminants, especially in the kitchen. Soda is also known for its disinfecting properties.

This method of removing limescale at home is the most effective. In a couple of applications, soda can remove even the thickest layer.

Cleaning the kettle with soda

How does soda from scale in a teapot work:

  1. For 1 liter of water, it is enough to pour 2 tbsp. l powder.
  2. We boil the solution in an electric kettle and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Then boil again - if the coating is complicated.
  4. In the kettle for the stove you can boil the solution without interruption. The main thing is to make sure that the water does not evaporate completely.
  5. We fix the result by single boiling with vinegar or citric acid.

Additional and alternative methods

What should I do if the coating is too thick and cannot be cleaned in a few procedures? Do not panic and take a sponge for washing dishes. Wipe the dirt with the soft side. The softened layer of lime leaves.

There are other anti-scale products, such as Coca-Cola and Sprite. The method is effective, but it is better to use it on plastic teapots. Metal structures may darken.

Cleaning the electric kettle with cola


These tips will help save the kettle from rapid sedimentation:

  1. Always use filtered water.
  2. Avoid re-boiling.
  3. Do not leave unused water in the kettle, drain it.
  4. Before filling the appliance with water, rinse, and even better, wipe it from the inside.
  5. Perform preventive cleanings with the above means 1-2 times a month.

Any housewife will cope with the elimination of plaque on the teapot. Use these methods more often, so that the layer does not grow, and your tea will always be clean and tasty.

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