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How to easily dye the fox, mink, silver fox, fox fur at home?

Over time, the fur wears out, can fade in places, lose color saturation. But this is not a reason to send things to the trash. After painting, they have a good chance of starting a new life. Ateliers and dry cleaners can convince that old products will not withstand such an impact, or require a considerable amount for the procedure. We will tell you how easy and inexpensive it is to dye fur at home.

Coloring of dry-cleaned fur

Where to paint a fur product?

There are several options for resolving the issue of where to give the fur for painting. They differ in price and range of services offered. Before making a decision, check which of them are in your city.

  1. For problems with clothing, it is customary to contact the atelier. Things from the fur are no exception: there are special fur ateliers that can be contacted with questions of repair and dyeing.
  2. Some dry cleaners not only wash clothes, but also dye fabrics and fur.
  3. In factories, fur is dyed without fail, but on an industrial scale. Not all factories can address the issue of painting a single product.
  4. It is completely uncomplicated to dye the fur yourself at home.

Dyed fur

How can you color the fur?

Manufacturers claim that staining is carried out according to a complex technology using dyes and oxidizing agents. In fact, this technique is almost no different from painting in a hairdresser. It turns out that fur can be successfully updated with regular hair dye. Indeed, in its structure, the hair of an animal is very similar to human. The described method is safe for strong mezra (leather from the inside of the pile), reliable and easy to perform. It is suitable for any kind of natural pile.


Repainting new things is not recommended. Painting is a way to extend the life of a worn thing. As for new things, the procedure will only reduce their service life.

It is important to know that it is impossible to work with finished products (hats, fur coats, collars), before they are not bursted. This is necessary in order to have access to the Mezra.

Before proceeding, you need to check the state of the mezra. It should be moistened with water and try to stretch. If it does not stretch and does not tear, you can use paint. Otherwise, it’s not worth the risk. You can tint the color with a tint hair balm, following the instructions. Bright and fresh shade lasts as long and durable as paint. In this way, you can dye an artificial pile, since it is not as resistant as the real one, as well as silver fox, Arctic fox, rabbit, and mink.

Paint for fur

Instructions for painting fur at home

Since the fur is thick and long, you may need 2 packs of paint. This is especially true for fox and mink. It’s better not to buy the first stain available, but rather to use proven brands. Having prepared the workplace, you can start painting according to the method consisting of two stages.

Stage 1 - Preparation

It is necessary for cleaning from grease and dust for high-quality and uniform coloring.

  1. Prepare a cleaning solution: soda, salt, washing powder per teaspoon per liter of water.
  2. Brush the pile.
  3. Rinse under warm running water.
  4. Leave to dry.

Stage 2 - painting

  1. Wear protective plastic or rubber gloves.
  2. Prepare the coloring mixture according to the instructions.
  3. Before staining, it is necessary to treat the mezdra with glycerin (you can replace it with any fat cream). This will prevent the skin from drying out.
  4. Apply the mixture as quickly as possible, combing the pile in the direction of natural growth.
  5. Roll up and put in a plastic bag.
  6. In time, the paint must be kept as much as indicated in the instructions. Compliance with the recommendations is mandatory, otherwise you risk spoiling the material.
  7. Rinse in warm water with any shampoo.
  8. Treat with any hair balm for shine and silkiness.
  9. Wash off all products with warm running water.
  10. Rinse in warm water with vinegar: 1 tablespoon per liter of water. You can use any table vinegar.
  11. Gently pat dry with a towel.
  12. Grease the mezdra again with a thin layer of glycerin. Gently knead it.

The drying process should take place in natural conditions - at room temperature, without the use of heaters, hair dryers and air conditioners. Drying time can be up to 3 days, depending on the length and density of the fur. Speeding up the process can lead to fiber damage.


After drying, the product may sit down. To avoid this, pin it to any hard surface with the face down. For example, push pins or sewing pins to a wooden board.

It is difficult to paint light and red shades with any hair dye, no matter how much it costs. Therefore, you can repeat the procedure 2-3 times, especially if you want to get a rich black color.

The easiest way is when you just need to strengthen the tone or make it darker. In order to properly dye the fox fur, which has a white or other light color, at home, it is necessary to very carefully paint the pile to the very roots and the mezdra itself. You can do this with a regular toothbrush, and then comb through the comb in different directions. It should be borne in mind that the chemical effect on the skin does not pass without a trace. To change its color with minimal risk, use a regular marker.

When coloring dark things in lighter tones, you need to be prepared for an unexpected result. Of course, like hair, fur with dark pigment must first be discolored. To avoid surprises, cut a small piece of material and work on it. You can experiment by mixing colors in different proportions to achieve the desired result.


Do not try to independently change the color of a whole fur coat or other large products. Such a surface cannot be painted manually evenly and quickly. The described methods are suitable for relatively small things, for example, for a fur collar on a sheepskin coat or jacket.

The fact that the color disappears, you can not worry. Colored hair retains its shade even with regular contact with water and detergents for many weeks in a row, and clothes get wet much less often. The result is guaranteed for 7-8 months. After this, the staining procedure can be repeated. The most persistent color is red.

Fur dyeing for fabric

What to do if you can’t use paint?

The described technique is not suitable for faux fur, since its structure is not as strong as that of natural fur. Also, if you are scared to damage or stain the product, your skin is weak, unreliable, or there are any other reasons to avoid chemical products for hair, you can do with shoe paint for suede, velor and nubuck in cans. This method will completely cope with the masking of burnt areas. According to the instructions, the balloon must be shaken and the substance applied from a distance of 20 cm. To spread the color evenly over the entire surface, after applying the paint, you can “smear” it with a napkin.


If you are no longer going to wear clothes with fur and do not know what to do with it, think about whether to decorate your handbag, headphones and other accessories with stylish, bright and multi-colored fur inserts.

If you are still not sure whether to paint your product and how to do it, contact the workshop and consult with specialists.

After proper painting, following all the rules and instructions, the fur will become as soft and thick as before, and will look completely new!

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  1. Yuliya
    10/05/2024 at 10:28 Reply

    Zadolbali these advisers, if you dye the fur with hair dye, then after 2-3 months the color will return (this is the case with black), remember, because no one has ever dyed hair forever. I dyed hair dye, so I know for sure

    • Elena
      02/08/2024 at 19:05

      The hair you wash and no color comes back. and they grow back plus the paint is washed off. But I agree, it’s better not to dye all the fur, but to tint the tips of the fur from a spray can ...

  2. Ira
    12/04/2024 at 09:04 Reply

    Julia, buy high-quality, read dear, paint and you will be happy! Nothing is erased. The tint balm is erased, the paint never!


