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Why are plastic windows sweating and how to deal with this problem?

Modern plastic windows, the first of which was installed in Russia more than forty years ago, are an excellent alternative to wooden ones familiar from childhood. The dense frame with double or triple glazing does not allow the cold and noise from the street to pass, it is easy to clean and open, it looks beautiful. However, many users note that plastic windows are sweating from the inside. Moreover, moisture on the glass can come out at any time of the year, regardless of the temperature outside the window.

Condensation on the window pane

Reasons for fogging plastic windows

A foggy window primarily indicates an unhealthy microclimate in a cottage or apartment. There are several reasons for the appearance of such a nuisance, and only in 10% of cases the problem is directly related to the design malfunction and incorrect installation of the package. Basically, such a nuisance occurs due to increased humidity and insufficient ventilation of the room.

  • Poor ventilation

If you observe at what point the plastic window sweats more, you will notice that this happens during cooking, washing dishes, boiling a kettle or pot with soup, when there are a lot of people in the room, that is, the air humidity rises sharply. Droplets of moisture settle on the coldest surface, which at any time of the year, with the exception of hot summer days, is a double-glazed window.

The main reason windows are fogged up is the lack of room ventilation. There is an opinion that wooden frames, unlike PVC, breathe, so that the glass does not sweat. Yes, indeed, air from the street perfectly passes through the cracks in the wooden frames, providing the necessary ventilation. But this is a dubious merit, since the wooden windows in the apartment are noisy and cold. In order not to sweat plastic windows, it is necessary to provide good ventilation in the apartment.

  • Defective product

Not every manufacturer of PVC windows supplies high quality products. The double-glazed window consists of several glasses interconnected, and is a sealed structure. The chambers between the glasses are filled with dry air or inert gas. At the bottom of the glass is liquid absorbing material. If as a result of non-compliance with the technological process the integrity of at least one chamber is violated, then water will accumulate inside the glass packet.

  • Poor installation

The installation of a plastic window is best entrusted to professionals who are familiar with all the nuances of doing this, at first glance, simple work. As a result of improper installation, the frame will skew, the window will not close completely. As a result, the cold air from the street will flow freely into the room, and the windows will sweat a lot. In addition, gaps may remain at the points of contact of the frame with the window opening, which will also lead to the formation of condensation.

Plastic window fittings

Modification Choice

When choosing a double-glazed window in a private house or apartment, all the features of the structure should be taken into account, namely:

  • type of heating;
  • number of windows;
  • area of ​​the room;
  • north or south facing window openings.

So that the windows do not sweat, you need to pay attention to each of these factors. The number of cameras greatly affects the quality of the microclimate in the apartment.

Sweat plastic windows

What to do if plastic windows sweat?

To create a favorable microclimate in the home and eliminate condensation on the windows, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room. It is necessary to open transoms during meals, before going to bed and going out for a walk. In addition, several measures should be taken to reduce air humidity and increase the temperature of the glass, which will also correct the situation.

Supply valve on the window

Reduce indoor humidity

There are several ways to reduce the percentage of moisture in a room.

  • Forced extractor hood in the kitchen. If the hood is already installed, check its condition. It is possible that it simply does not work or does not work at full power. In a private house, a fireplace can serve as a hood, you just need to slightly open the damper.
  • It is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air. For this, an automatic or mechanical supply valve is installed on the upper casement window.
  • If there is a problem with fogging the windows, you should get rid of all additional sources of evaporation. It can be an aquarium and other open containers with water, numerous home flowers in pots, all kinds of leaks.
  • To improve air circulation in a house or apartment, it is necessary to leave a gap of at least 2 cm when installing interior doors between the canvas and the floor.
  • Regularly air the rooms.

The cause of condensation on the glass may be weak central ventilation of the building. Checking the operation of the general ventilation system is very simple. It is necessary to set fire to a match or a piece of paper and bring it to the ventilation hole. If the flame deviates towards the shaft, then the hood is operating normally. Otherwise, it can be argued that the ventilation is clogged and requires urgent cleaning.

Window sill grill

Increase glass temperature

The colder the glass, the more the plastic windows fog. By carrying out the activities described below, you can increase the temperature of the glass.

  • The most cardinal and effective way to solve the problem with fogging windows is to change the double-glazed window. Instead of a single-chamber package, you can put a two-chamber. Or buy a design with low-emission k- or i-glasses, which reduce heat loss by 5 times stronger than ordinary ones. The thermal saving of the window is higher if, instead of dry air, the space inside the chambers is filled with argon or krypton.
  • Glass temperature is not the same at all points. The lowest figure is around the seals, especially in the corners from below. It is here that the largest amount of condensate is collected, and in winter, frost forms even in frost. Correct the situation by replacing the iron frames with plastic or polymer. The temperature of the glass at the edges will increase by several degrees.
  • It is necessary to adjust the fittings, if necessary, replace the gaskets with frost-resistant ones. This will limit the flow of cold air and reduce the cooling of the glass.
  • The high-quality finish of the joints of the profile and the window opening also greatly affects the temperature of the glasses in the bag. Slots should be carefully repaired with a mounting foam or sealant, and the slopes should be insulated.
  • When installing the window sill, make sure that it does not cover the top of the battery and does not interfere with the movement of warm air up. In addition, blackout curtains, decorative cornices and screens arranged above the heating devices should not interfere with the flow of heat to the double-glazed window.

An important factor affecting the surface temperature of the glass is the indoor air temperature. If the room is warm (+ 25 ° C) and dry, then the probability of condensation is minimal.

SOS inscription on misted glass

How does condensation on windows affect health?

Misted plastic windows look unaesthetically poor, let in light poorly, and make it impossible to look outside. But the main problem is that an unfavorable climate is created in the room, which negatively affects the health of residents.

PVC windows are so tight that they do not allow moisture to evaporate outside.In a humid environment, harmful microorganisms and fungi perfectly reproduce, as often indicated by black spots on the slopes. Pathogenic microflora is in the air, which the owners of the apartment breathe, settles on the surfaces, which leads to diseases of the respiratory system, to allergies and other ailments.

Normal humidity for a living room is 40%, air temperature is + 22 ° C. Subject to these indicators, the appearance of condensate is almost impossible.

Plastic windows - modern designs to improve living conditions in a multi-storey building or cottage. So that they do not sweat, it is necessary to maintain a balance between temperature and humidity in the room, often air the rooms, install only high-quality products.

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  1. Nikolay
    11/09/2024 at 07:54 Reply

    Good day! They talk about single-chamber windows that fog up. What one of the methods of elimination is the replacement of a double-glazed window with a 2-chamber. But why doesn't the author write how much this will solve the problem? A window should generally = but stop sweating? And if the window has a defective frame and fogs up the window, then after the 2-chamber we will be told we need to put 3-chamber double-glazed windows. Why does condensation only accumulate at the bottom of the window?


