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Can jar lids be reused?

The twist-off screw cap is a real find for conservation: they allow you to roll up products without a special key machine. But many housewives ask, is it possible to reuse screw caps? First of all, it depends on the quality and strength of the tin. It is important that the integrity of the thread and the coating inside are not compromised. For this product, carefully inspect. And if everything is in order, use for seaming again.

Inverted jars with blanks for the winter


Screw caps are called Twist Off, which literally translates from English as "turn and remove." They replaced the Soviet-style products and immediately fell in love with the mistresses: it is easy to close the cans with them and open them with a turn of the hand. If the cap is intact, you can wash it, sterilize and reuse it.

Today, swirl caps and twist-off cans are widely used in industry. They clog mustard, tomato paste, baby food, and various canned foods. After the product is eaten, many housewives wash the containers and close their own, home-made preservation in it.

Among the containers twist off, there is even a rating. The best are the caps from mustard “Red price”, “Pyaterochka”. The second place in the ranking is for Honeu Kid and Grandma’s onion baby food, and the last is for Toptyzhka, whose lids let air out when reused in 20% of cases.

Canned screw caps

If the product is of doubtful quality, it is better to replace it with a new one. Fortunately, finding new screw caps is not difficult, and they are inexpensive. One piece will cost about 10 rubles. But here one drawback of twist-off products pops up - the thread must match exactly, otherwise the roll will turn out leaky.

To preserve acidic fruits, use lacquered lids inside. Unlacquered tin reacts with acids, which is why preservation takes on a metallic aftertaste and an ink-violet color.

Mold on the lid of the can

Caution - marriage!

Twisting lids provide high-quality preservation of fruits, jams, mushrooms. But for the jar to close tightly, they must be intact.

Contraindications for reuse:

  • the presence of chips;
  • dents;
  • rust;
  • indelible spots;
  • side curvature;
  • broken thread;
  • peeling coating inside.

Damaged covers must not be used for canning. But they can cover jars with bulk products, such as spices.

Woman closes the jar with a lid

Suitability test

An improperly selected screw cap can easily cause damage to preservation. If the tightness is broken, microorganisms will begin to multiply in the bank, which will turn the product into poison.

Before using an old product, you need to not only carefully examine it, but also conduct a test:

  1. Pour water into a jar and tighten the lid.
  2. Now turn it upside down. If water does not leak, the product is suitable for reuse.

If only the tabs on the cover are bent, but in general it is as good as new, the defect can be corrected. To do this, arm yourself with a tablespoon and gently bend the edges that surround the throat of the can inside. Do not rush to bend them too much. They bent a little, checked for leaks - and if necessary, bend again.

So, you can reuse the screw caps if they are not deformed. On average, it turns out to apply them for canning 3-4 times. Gradually, the thread twists, bends, and the lacquered coating is damaged.In this case, the covers are replaced with new ones. Remember that the stronger the tin, the longer the product will last.

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  1. Pavel
    10/17/2024 at 09:34 Reply

    And even better, before twisting, cover the neck of the jar with an ordinary plastic film.
    it provides a more snug fit of the lid, and easier loosening it.


