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9 ways to use cucumber pickle

Many mistakenly believe that the only possible use of cucumber pickle is against a hangover. And if alcohol was not consumed, blasphemously pour it into the toilet. Completely in vain! Spiced liquid can serve as a salad dressing, a marinade for meat and seafood, the basis for a delicious pie ... Read on - 9 interesting ideas for using cucumber pickle.

Chicken in pickle marinade

Use as marinade

To give juiciness and tenderness to meat, it must be pickled. Cucumber pickle has an ideal composition to improve the taste of such products:

  • lean pork;
  • chicken and turkey;
  • fish;
  • shrimp.

All that is needed is to immerse the raw workpiece completely in the marinade. You can optionally add spices, garlic, onion rings or use pure pickle. Eaten meat or fish are well suited for baking, frying on a fire, grilling. The duration of pickling ranges from 30 minutes to 8 hours. The exact time depends on the weight - for example, a chicken weighing 2.5 kg will marinate for 2.5 hours.

Budget Pickle Cookies

Budget Pickle Cookies

This recipe will be inspired by many pleasant memories from childhood. In the 90s, cookies on brine were baked in almost every home. All ingredients are inexpensive, and the taste of baking is pretty good.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Mix sugar, cucumber liquid and vegetable oil in a bowl (1 cup each).
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of soda.
  3. Pour 3 cups sifted flour (if necessary add another 1 cup).
  4. Knead the dough.
  5. Roll it into a layer 1 cm thick and cut into cookies of arbitrary shape.
  6. Place in a preheated oven and bake for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Cucumber pickle restores the water-salt balance in the body. It speeds up metabolism and stimulates appetite. Just 50 ml of the drink helps prevent dehydration during intense workouts. If you drink it in small sips, hiccups pass. Spicy-salty liquid is useful for women during menstruation to reduce the loss of minerals and improve well-being.

Cooking potatoes in water with brine

Cucumber pickle for cooking potatoes

No doubt, boiled and airy mashed potatoes are very tasty! But sometimes you need to boil potatoes for a salad - for example, olivier. Then softness and loose structure become more a minus than a plus. The potato crumbles, it is impossible to cut into even cubes. In such a situation, cucumber pickle will help out! For 1 liter of water you need to add 100 ml, then the potatoes after cooking will be elastic.

Sponge cake

Delicious Cake Recipe

On cucumber pickle with vinegar, a wonderful sponge cake is obtained - tender, lush and at the same time very inexpensive.

We cook according to this instruction:

  1. Mix in a bowl 1 cup brine and 1 cup sugar.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and vanilla.
  3. Sift flour into a separate container and add 1 teaspoon of soda.
  4. Pour the liquid part into the flour and mix the mass with a spoon.
  5. Add to taste candied fruits, nuts, raisins.
  6. Bake in a greased form for 40 minutes at 170 degrees.

Salad oil and brine dressing

Making a salad dressing

Cucumber pickle can serve as a dressing for vegetable salads, such as "Spring". Make it very simple - just mix 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 teaspoons of cucumber liquid, add spices to taste and mix vigorously.

In its pure form, cucumber pickle can be consumed no more than 200 ml per day.Exceeding this dose threatens with swelling and heartburn. With caution, the drink should be consumed by people with chronic gastritis and ulcers, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cholecystitis, urolithiasis.

Okroshka on a brine

Cucumber pickle in okroshka

There are many recipes for this wonderful summer meal. But the okroshka on cucumber pickle is especially good in heat. Pleasant acidity, the taste of garlic and lavrushki give it a special piquancy. Recommended proportions with boiled water - 1 part brine and 3 parts water.

Pasta plate

Pickle helps refresh yesterday's pasta

Another option for using pickle brine is to heat pasta. Cooked 1-2 days ago, they already have a different taste and do not stimulate appetite. An acidic spicy liquid fundamentally changes things. Just pour 100 ml of brine into a small saucepan with pasta and heat under cover for 7-10 minutes.

Brine soup

And if you add to the soup?

The liquid left over from pickles can be used to make winter soups. Significantly benefit in taste when adding brine borscht and cabbage soup. A hodgepodge and pickle is completely inconceivable to cook without this important ingredient!

The brine is stored in the refrigerator for an average of 7 days. If its expiration date expires and there is no suitable use for it, you can freeze the liquid. In this form, it is suitable not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes. You can wipe your face with ice cubes for softness and lighten the skin. Or throw them in hot water and make a foot bath to quickly remove fatigue and muscle tension at the end of the day.

Meat stew

Make stew

When cooking stew after frying vegetables, it is time to pour the stewing liquid. But ordinary water is tasteless, so many add tomato paste or sauerkraut to the dish, giving sourness. But cucumber pickle enriches the stew much better! It is recommended to add it in half diluted with water. In this case, additional use of salt is not necessary.

Cucumbers in brine

In the old days, pickles from cucumbers, as well as others (from tomatoes, sauerkraut, soaked apples, watermelons), were necessarily served with meat and vegetable dishes. It was believed that spicy liquid nourishes the body with useful substances and tones. Of course, brine with a minimum of salt is better for drinking. And if you drink the drink in its pure form reluctance, there are many ways to use it in dishes. Finally, another reason why you do not need to pour cucumber pickle is the possibility of its use for cosmetic purposes.

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  1. Irina
    01/15/2024 at 22:30 Reply

    Thanks! Live and learn.

  2. natalya
    04/07/2024 at 14:12 Reply

    and how much flour is needed in a biscuit?


