Okra: what kind of vegetable is it and what does it eat with?

What is okra and what is it eaten with? This vegetable is not popular in our country, and the situation needs to be corrected: it has a piquant taste and a huge amount of useful properties. Okra can be grown independently or searched on the shelves of supermarkets: it gradually appears on sale. Learn more about exotic pods that are recognized as anti-cancer products.

Okra plant

What is okra: get acquainted with the southern vegetable

The okra plant is a vegetable, a grassy annual native to tropical Africa. A characteristic feature of the plant is a green pubescent pod fruit, which in the context resembles a five-pointed star. In a box with pronounced faces hidden seeds. The fruit resembles chili peppers in shape; raw okra tastes like spinach, cooked like asparagus beans, zucchini or eggplant.

Okra has several more names: edible hibiscus - in Russia, okra or bhindi - in India, gombo - in America, cigarette and kingombo - in Africa. Also, the vegetable is known as "ladies' fingers." There is a legend that the Russian writer A.P. Chekhov cultivated this culture in his garden and gave it such a poetic name.

Okra fruits

Why edible hibiscus is healthy

Okra contains a number of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese, B2, B5, B9, PP, K, C. Vegetable is rich in fiber: 3.5 g of fiber per 100 g, which is very high percent. Also in the composition is pectin, protein (in particular the antioxidant glutathione), chlorophyll.

Chopped okra

What is the use of an exotic vegetable:

  1. Okra helps to eliminate constipation, gas formation and generally positively affects the work of the intestines. Fruits envelop and heal the gastrointestinal mucosa, eliminate ulcers and erosion, stimulate the production of digestive juices, and improve metabolism.
  2. Fiber works like a brush for the intestines: the fibers swell, absorb carcinogens, soften feces and remove them from the body. The inclusion of a vegetable in the diet protects the mucous membranes of the rectum from the formation of cracks.
  3. In addition to starting the regeneration processes, the pods act as a bactericidal agent.
  4. Okra is recognized as an anti-cancer product due to its glutathione content. This antioxidant inhibits the effect of carcinogens on the structure of DNA. Include a vegetable to prevent these diseases. Glutathione also protects the liver from the toxic effects of alcohol, tobacco, antibiotics, psychotropic and other substances.
  5. Folic acid is a “female” vitamin: its presence in the composition makes okra a valuable product for pregnant and lactating women.
  6. Rare trace elements have a positive effect on the health of the male reproductive system.
  7. Okru is recommended to eat after surgery for the speedy recovery of the body, as well as in depressive states, exhaustion, and with regular heavy physical exertion.
  8. Okra reduces blood sugar, increases hemoglobin. The walls of blood vessels become stronger, become elastic, their permeability decreases.
  9. The vegetable works as a prophylactic for cataracts.

Okra vegetable

Advice from the magazine purity.bigbadmole.com/en/: include okra in the diet, as the calorie content per 100 g of the product is only 31 kcal.

Interesting fact
Roasted okra seeds are used to make a bitter drink similar to coffee, but without caffeine in the composition. This recipe is common in African countries. The seeds also serve as raw materials for the manufacture of healthy fatty oils rich in omega-3 acids.

How to cook okra deliciously: recipes and recommendations

Do I need to cook okra, or is it eaten raw? Both options are possible. Fresh pods are added to salads, they are stewed, baked, fried, marinated, put in soups and even candied. Interestingly, frozen okra does not lose its taste and useful properties.

Cooking okra

Pods with a length of 5-10 cm (the shorter the tastier) and not older than 5 days from the time of tying have the best taste characteristics. A quality vegetable is dense, bright green, without spots of rot and other damage. Overripe okra becomes fibrous, rough and loses a pleasant taste. Bend the pod: it should break easily. A sign of overripe okra is a leathery shell.

Possible individual intolerance to the vegetable. Large fruits have hot spots and need heat treatment. Take into account the hair cover of the pod - clean it so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

To make it easier to remove the scalp, pour pods with boiling water.

Cooking okra in different countries varies. In India, this vegetable is often added to stews, the Japanese prefer fried pods with soy sauce, the Thais cook soups with okra and seafood.

 soup with okra

For a vegetable salad with raw okra pods, use red bell peppers, tomatoes, onions and cilantro. The methods for preparing the fruit are reminiscent of working with asparagus. In the reviews of those who have already prepared okra, its unique property is noted to secrete mucus during cooking and stewing. These pods make thick soups and stews.

The best spices and additives for okra are marjoram, thyme, basil, garlic, lemon juice, balsamic.

Okra quickly boils, so to preserve the shape of the pods, add them to the dish last. Typically, frying and cooking take a couple of minutes, but in general heat treatment should not last more than 20-25 minutes. A little trick: fry the fruits in lemon or tomato juice, then all the juiciness will remain in the pulp.

barbecue okra

The recipe for a delicious side dish "barbecue":

  1. While the grill pan is heating up, we are preparing a dressing: we combine 1 tsp. sugar, paprika, salt, ground coriander, add a pinch of hot pepper, black pepper.
  2. Pods of okra are peeled, cut ponytails.
  3. We mix okra, dressing, melted butter, halved cherry tomatoes.
  4. Grill until golden brown.

Okra with meat:

  1. To prepare a hearty meal, we take 1 kg of okra pods, 250 g of chilled beef, onion, a little tomato puree, hot pepper if desired, salt and various seasonings for meat.
  2. First of all, chop the beef and chop the onion. Fry the slices in oil until half cooked. Add some pepper if your stomach is not against sharp additives.
  3. Add salt and spices.
  4. Fry okra in a separate pan until a light golden hue.
  5. We introduce the pods and tomato puree into the meat and bring to readiness. The dish in the eyes becomes viscous, uniform.
  6. Serve as an independent dish or with a side dish: potatoes, rice, vegetable salad.

Okra with meat

Pods are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. For long-term storage, use a freezer.

Acquaintance with unusual products always raises questions and concerns. Many people liked the okra, and its useful composition is only a plus. Do not deny yourself this interesting experience.

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