Is it possible to replace kefir with fermented baked milk, sour cream, yoghurts and yogurt?

When you want homemade pancakes, and there are not enough products, some tricks will come to the rescue. Sour-milk products successfully replace each other in baking, for example, kefir can be replaced with fermented baked milk or yogurt. Taste and texture change, but if you adjust the recipe, then everything will turn out very tasty and beautiful.

Is it possible to replace kefir in the test

Kefir is a very popular ingredient for homemade baking: this thick, acidic product makes the dough lush and soft. Not everyone likes kefir, and there are situations when guests are on the doorstep, and only fermented baked milk or sour cream is in the refrigerator.

Homemade kefir in a jar

Do not be afraid to replace one fermented milk product with another: the results will differ, but not so much as to speak of a culinary failure. In some cases, baking with yogurt, fermented baked milk or yogurt is much more appetizing.

We use fermented milk products in the dough so that it turns out to be fluffy and soft, including for the reaction with soda. Therefore, two points are important: the more pronounced the acidity, the better, and the product should be warm.

What to replace kefir in different recipes: 5 options

The basis for magnificent baking is a liquid, acid and something protein. Kefir is successfully replaced by yogurt (sometimes plain or sour milk), fermented baked milk, natural yogurt or an analogue with additives, as well as sour cream.

Magnificent pastries

Yoghurts and yogurt can reduce the elasticity of the dough, but this problem is solved by adding more margarine or butter.


Option one - sour milk. It is most often used for the preparation of fritters, they turn out airy and melting in the mouth. Yogurt is the closest to kefir in composition, it differs only in the way of fermentation: milk for receiving it is exposed to sunlight or kept in a dark place, and kefir is prepared by adding lactobacilli to pasteurized milk. Replacing kefir with yogurt does not require special adjustments to the recipe, except that you need a little more flour.


Tip recommends that if the milk is sour, but has not yet turned into yogurt, it is better to wait one day. So the taste of fritters will not be too sour.


Replace kefir with fermented baked milk. This product is made from baked milk by fermentation. Your baking will have a unique taste and a pleasant milky hue. Ryazhenka is the closest to kefir in consistency, the housewives praise the results of culinary experiments with this product.


Since fermented baked milk is less acidic, it is additionally recommended to extinguish soda with vinegar or lemon juice.

If the amount of kefir is not enough for the recipe, dilute it with boiled water.

White and sweet yogurts

Delicious biscuits, pancakes and cakes with yogurt. This product is added to the dough for muffins, rolls, cakes. Choose natural yogurt - it is white, unsweetened, without dyes or flavors.

cakes with yogurt

Sometimes housewives want to diversify the taste of baking so much that they use colored flavored yoghurts with additives (fruits, berries). This option is also valid, but still try to choose the most natural products in terms of composition. It’s also worth reducing the amount of granulated sugar in the recipe.

Baking yogurt

Yogurt is more liquid than kefir, so use a little more flour. But do not exceed its quantity so that the biscuit does not turn out to be stone. It is better to take less yogurt or mix it with kefir, if there are leftovers in the refrigerator.

Sour cream

Kefir is replaced with sour cream. If it is too thick, then dilute it with a small amount of milk or yogurt. Delicious sweet cakes, pancakes, donuts, cheesecakes, etc. are obtained on homemade sour cream.

Sour cream for baking

Kefir in recipes is replaced with beer, mineral water, cucumber pickle, whey and even jelly.

Changes in recipes for novice housewives often lead to unexpected results: the dough sticks, does not bake, or it turns out tasteless. Do not worry and experiment: with experience you will find your favorite dairy products for the test. Do not forget that kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt from different manufacturers give different results due to differences in composition.

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