Why you can not pour water from pasta - analysis of life hacks from the Internet
Here and there, on the Internet, you can hear loud statements that it is impossible to pour water after cooking pasta - it will come in handy in the household and in the garden, and even turn the monster into a beauty for it. All this sounds impressive, but raises doubts, so it's time to figure out where the truth is, and where the desired is given out as real.
Fertilizer for plants
Myth: If you water the flowers with pasta water, this will positively affect their growth and flowering. Also, this top dressing can be used for garden crops - the vitamins and minerals contained in the broth increase productivity.
Disclaimer: The text above contains many errors that could have been avoided by diligently studying the school biology course:
- Firstly, plants do not need vitamins - they are not used anywhere else in the world as fertilizers. In addition, in the pasta of vitamins themselves - the cat burst into tears, and even a tiny amount is released into the water during cooking.
- Secondly, “pasta water”, like the product prepared in it, is rich not in minerals, but in starch. It can accumulate in plants, but it is absolutely not absorbed by them. Amylase enzyme is required to break down starch - some soil bacteria can produce it. After such top dressing, their number will increase significantly compared to other microorganisms, and as a result, the balance of microflora is upset. And this certainly will not benefit either indoor plants, or vegetable and berry crops.
- Thirdly, in the water where the noodles were cooked, there is a small amount of proteins (gluten known to everyone and not only). If you pour it once into the open ground, nothing bad will happen, but with the constant application of such “fertilizers”, the gardener will face the rapid development of fungal infections. As a bonus, the smell of rotting proteins will attract various flies and midges, which will lay eggs in the ground and bring out millions of offspring.
Output: It is impossible to water the beds and indoor flowers with the liquid merged with pasta! This will not only not bring benefits, but also harm the plants, especially if the flour products were prepared as expected - with the addition of 10 g of salt for every liter of water.
Dishwashing liquid
True: Dirty dishes will be easier to wash if you fill it with hot water from a pan with noodles and leave for some time.
Since the amount of drinking water on the planet is limited, its rational use is always welcome. In addition, pasta “broth”, due to its high starch content, softens food debris that has dried up on plates better than pure water.
Hair balm
Myth: You can rinse your hair after washing with a vermicelli decoction - they become shiny and silky. The mask works even better. To make it, you need to wet unwashed hair with warm water from pasta, and 10 minutes later, lather it with shampoo and rinse off as usual.
Starch, which has already been mentioned more than once, softens the water, and this, in turn, helps the hair scales to fall down and adjoin each other. Curls really become smooth, so this statement is only partly a myth.
The problem is that the water in which spaghetti or horns were brewed is nothing but a paste, albeit in a low concentration.
- If you rinse your head after washing with "pasta" water, your hair will stick together, and after drying it will stick out like a tow.
- If you first apply the decoction, then shampoo, then there will be no effect at all, since the main task of the detergent is to open the hair flakes and extract everything that has accumulated between them.
Output: Water after cooking pasta is great for washing noodles off your ears. It does not bring any benefit to the hair, and even sometimes harms.
The basis for the test
True: When kneading dough instead of ordinary water, you can use liquid from a pan with vermicelli. Ready baked goods will turn out magnificent and tasty.
Output: Again, the matter is the presence of starch - it is this substance that gives bakery products the qualities that are most valued - softness and porosity. If you prepare the dough for thin pancakes on water from pasta, you can not add eggs to it. However, it is worth remembering that brewed starch has a very high glycemic index and is absorbed almost instantly, so all eaten pastries will immediately be deposited with beautiful layers of fat where they are least needed. In addition, the risk of developing diabetes is increased.
Foot Fatigue
Myth: Trays of pasta "broth" eliminate pain and heaviness in the legs if you had to walk a lot during the day.
Disclaimer: Exactly the same effect will give baths of plain water, heated to a temperature comfortable for a person. This is due to the relaxation of muscles and ligaments under the influence of heat, and not the unique properties of the water where the vermicelli was brewed.
However, such a decoction is still able to benefit those whose skin on the heels is roughened and cracked - starch will soften it, and if after such a SPA procedure you also apply a nourishing cream at home, your legs will look much better.
Output: If there is a choice - to pour water from a pan with noodles into the sink or into the foot basin, you can safely choose the second option. It definitely won’t get any worse, and if you are lucky, you can save on pedicure.
Sauce Additive
True: On the basis of the water left over from cooking the pasta, you can make cheese or some other sauce for the same pasta. The only condition is that pasta must be made from durum wheat.
Output: Starch performs its main task - thickens the sauce. Salt will also be enough. All that remains is to add the missing ingredients - and in a couple of minutes the tasty dish is ready.
Water from pasta is just water in which pasta was cooked, and not a miraculous liquid. To throw it into the sewer or use it for domestic needs - everyone decides for himself.
Well, in conclusion - a small life hack for those who do not want to eat vermicelli, but have already set about trying to check all the above said on personal experience. Pour water into a saucepan, pour a spoonful of flour there, stir with a whisk so that there are no lumps, and boil for 10 minutes. "Pasta broth" is ready for use.