Is it possible to throw eggs in already boiling water? Are they welded or cracked?

It is a big mistake to consider that cooking eggs is a simple and simple matter. Take at least the question, you need to lay eggs in boiling water or cold. You can’t say for sure how to do it right. Both cooking options have a right to exist. With only one amendment: you can only throw eggs at room temperature into hot water. If they are only from the refrigerator, the shell will burst, the protein will deform and leak.

Boiled eggs

How to cook?

A perfectly cooked egg has the following characteristics:

  • firm but tender consistency;
  • a whole shell that is easy to peel;
  • the yolk is yellow, located in the center, its taste is delicate and not sulfuric.

To obtain such a result, it is important to observe the temperature regime and not exceed the cooking time. Harold McGee, a well-known American author of books on the science of cuisine, indicates an optimum temperature of 80ºC -85ºC and a time range of 10-15 minutes. This corresponds to hot, barely boiling water. With a strong boil of water, the testicles begin to spin, which leads to cracking of the shell. In addition, at high temperatures, a reaction between the gray protein and the yolk iron occurs faster, and the core becomes a green tint.

You can put eggs in a pan for cooking at any stage of preparation - at the beginning, even in cold water, or in hot, already boiled.

Dipping eggs in boiling water

Rules for boiling in boiling water

Many are wary of throwing eggs in boiling water. The main con is cracking the shell. Indeed, if they are cold, only from the refrigerator, then the shell will burst due to a strong temperature difference. But if the testicles lie on the table for at least 2 hours at room temperature or 20-30 minutes in warm water, then the contrast will not be so strong. The risk of cracking will not increase.

The advantages of this method:

  • High speed cooking. After 3-4 minutes, soft-boiled eggs will be ready, after 5-7 minutes - medium, after 10-15 minutes - hard-boiled.
  • Protein folds immediately, abruptly, which means that the risk of it sticking to the shell decreases.

What are the rules of boiling in boiling water?

  1. Wait for the water to boil.
  2. Reduce the heat to a minimum.
  3. Gently place the eggs at room temperature in water on a spoon.
  4. Do not use the cover.
  5. Cook for 10-15 minutes on low heat to get hard boiled eggs.

Reducing the risk of cracking the shell helps adding 2-3 teaspoons of salt to water (per 1 liter). If the shell bursts, in salted water the protein instantly coagulates and seals the crack.

Eggs in a pan with water

Cooking with gradual heating of water

In cold water, you can put eggs that you just got out of the refrigerator. Some housewives give them 15–20 minutes to warm up. Then put the pan on the fire and wait for the boil to begin. Only after this is the cooking time recorded: 3-4, 5-7, 10-15 minutes for soft-boiled eggs, medium and hard boiled eggs, respectively. The disadvantage of this method is the smooth folding of the protein. The process begins even before the boiling water begins. As a result, the protein sticks to the shell and can be poorly cleaned.

Fresh eggs have a low PH protein, due to which it is firmly attached to the shell during cooking. But over time, the PH level rises. For easy cleaning, it is recommended that you do not cook the testicles immediately, but hold them in the refrigerator for one week.

Poached egg with asparagus

Unshelled cooking

This dish is called poached egg, and is borrowed from French cuisine. How to cook it, and in what water to throw eggs?

  1. Place a small pot of water on the fire.
  2. Add 3-4 teaspoons of salt or vinegar.
  3. When the water boils, make a funnel, stirring the water very strongly with a spoon.
  4. Quickly beat the egg at the edge to spin it into a whirlpool.
  5. Get the poached egg with a slotted spoon after 3-4 minutes.

Ideal poached has an oval flattened shape, fully cooked tender protein and liquid yolk. When cut, it flows onto a plate. You can also use arable land or tie a broken egg in a bag. But the water when lowering the egg mass must always be hot.

So, is it possible to lay eggs in boiling water? Yes, you can definitely do that. However, it is important that they are not cold, otherwise the shell will crack and the protein will spread. Warm them slightly before cooking, holding in warm water. And so that the shell does not stick and is well cleaned, immediately after cooking, substitute the eggs under a stream of cold water.

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  1. Sergey Sh
    07/13/2024 at 15:36 Reply

    To prevent the shell from cracking, make a small puncture with a needle from the "blunt" end!

  2. Svyatoslav Sergeev
    07/14/2024 at 16:01 Reply

    How many extra words about a simple process. Firstly, no egg (even directly from the refrigerator) will ever crack if you carefully place it on the bottom of the pan and then pour water on it and start heating. The desired cooking time is counted from the moment of boiling: 3 minutes - soft-boiled, 6 minutes - the yolk is still soft, but it does not spread anymore (my favorite), and then hard-boiled. For easy cleaning, quickly remove the egg from BOILING water (for example, with a spoon) and immerse it in cold (you can directly under the tap from the tap).

  3. Alex
    07/16/2024 at 19:59 Reply

    Throw boldly into boiling water. 6 minutes for eggs c0 is a crumple. Eggs crack if damaged in any way.

    07/16/2024 at 21:24 Reply

    Testicles in men, chickens in eggs

  5. Robert
    08/08/2024 at 06:06 Reply

    They wrote a whole dissertation — I didn’t read it, except for comments — it is shorter and more intelligible there., you are disappointing.

  6. From the time of Brezhnev’s reign
    09/01/2024 at 13:43 Reply

    They rolled out about boiling eggs for half a page, but you just need to add salt to the water.

  7. Al
    09/01/2024 at 23:00 Reply

    As I imagine a picture - testicles in boiling water - throws shivers and goosebumps all over the body

    • Vladimir
      10/07/2024 at 14:04

      Exactly, the testes are rather a medical term

  8. Sergey
    09/16/2024 at 10:29 Reply

    I have been cooking in an egg cooker for 10 years, and I don’t bother.

  9. Catoclysm
    09/22/2024 at 01:55 Reply

    80 degrees ... In low-boiling water ... Water boils at 100 - and it doesn’t matter, weakly or strongly. About cracked as a result of torsion ... Testicles ...


