Salt the dish? We will tell you how to fix an annoying mistake.

Peresol is a simple matter, but you must agree that it is unpleasant. It is a pity for their labors, and spoiled food, and households awaiting dinner. But do not despair. If the dish is salted, in most cases you can fix everything by following the advice of experienced housewives.

Man salted the dish

How do we fix it?

In fact, with all the wealth of different tips that will be described below, you can divide them into 3 main ways:

  1. Dilute the dish with liquid. For example, if you salt the sauce or gravy, you can save them by adding a little water. Salted mashed potatoes can be diluted with milk. Also, adding milk will save slightly salted milk porridge.
  2. Pull out (or wash) excess salt. That is, either rinse the products, or boil together with them some other product that plays the role of an adsorbent.
  3. Interrupt or mask the salty taste. If the situation is not amenable to correction, you can try this approach. Often works no worse.

Do not dilute salted soup with water. This seems like the easiest way out, but the taste of the dish inevitably deteriorates. Yes, and the broth becomes cloudy from the addition of fresh water.

Add cream to mushroom soup

Dilute and add

Yes, you can reduce the salt concentration not only with liquid products. For example, to save minced meat, if it is too much salted, you can add products that complement the composition of its ingredients, while increasing the total volume of minced meat - and lowering the concentration of salt in it. For example, potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, semolina, oatmeal, a lot of greens will not only take part of the salt, but will also make future meatballs more flavorful and juicier. In addition, there will be more of them.

Rinse Pasta

Wash it

This method is used when cooking products. For example, a slight overshot is easy to fix by thoroughly washing the boiled meat. Pasta, cereals - products from the same series. They just need to be thrown back into a colander for washing.

If you seriously salted, you can try the method a little more complicated:

  1. First, wash what is salted.
  2. Then fill it with new boiled water (this time, of course, we do not salt it).
  3. Again, let it boil, and then stand for a while in this water.

So you can save, for example, mushrooms cooked for pickling or frying (they are difficult to boil into porridge). Or pasta, if a pickle was found during the cooking process, and not at the very end. After all, no one wants to eat a non-salted, but digested lump of dough called pasta.

After washing, the product must undergo additional heat treatment. The exception is buckwheat: even very boiled, it does not lose its appetizing appearance.

There is a way with cold water. With it, you can save ready-made dishes: pickled or lightly salted cucumbers, mushrooms, salted fish. If they are too generously salted, they can simply be soaked in cold water for several hours. Water will gradually draw out excess salt.

Adding whole potatoes to the soup

Adsorb surplus

This method is good when the hostess salted soup, borsch, another liquid dish. The bottom line is to temporarily add another salt-absorbing product to it, let it boil, and then remove this “sorbent” from the dish. That is, in a gauze bag (it will be easier to take it out), for example, dipped potatoes cut into pieces are lowered into the soup.

Instead of potatoes, pasta and other cereals are suitable. If rice soup, take rice, if with cereal - like cereal. So the dish does not have an extraneous taste of other ingredients.

If a pickle is detected during the preparation of, for example, pilaf, this method can also save the situation.It is necessary to put in a container where it is prepared, several bags of rice, and after a while take them out.

Boiled beef with garnish

Disguise will save

These methods are not suitable for all dishes and not for every case. What to do, for example, if salted baked meat or fish, pilaf and found it when the product is almost ready? Dilute, rinse or soak will not work.

It remains to mask the salty taste with other tastes. The more flavor combinations you mix, the less obvious it becomes the salinity. Of course, there will not be less salt in the dish, but it will not be so noticeable.

What can be used as a “taste camouflage”?

  • Acid (vinegar, lemon, sour apple or tomato).
  • Sweet product (sugar, honey, sweet apple, carrot).
  • Sweet and sour together - sometimes it turns out very effectively.
  • Creamy fats, i.e. fat of dairy origin or taste (cream, sour cream, a little butter or avocado). They can significantly soften the salinity of meat stew, baked fish or chicken.

You can disguise it in another way: serve what has been salted with an unsalted side dish (some, by the way, like just such tastes). For example, if salted meat, fish, roast or the same pilaf, salted addition will save. As the chefs in restaurants sometimes say, a topping. Fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, greens or a salad from all this (especially with sweet and sour dressing, but without salt), cereal porridge in combination with an salted dish can be his salvation.

Add salt to stewed vegetables

It is important!

Finally, a few life hacks. Ability to save the situation is good. But it’s far more important to avoid such situations. Simple rules will help:

  • Salt in the cooking process, not on the plate. Do not throw all prescription salt at once. Perhaps it will be a lot for you.
  • Iodized salt is often required less than usual. The taste of iodine is also perceived by many as a salty taste.
  • Dishes containing salted ingredients are especially carefully salted: cheese, capers, pickled mushrooms or cucumbers, soy sauce, bacon are not just salty to taste - they add it to the whole dish.

A savvy mistress has no hopeless situations. An over-salted dish can almost always be saved. But it’s much easier to be vigilant, avoiding culinary misfires.

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  1. Tamara
    11/03/2024 at 13:19 Reply

    do not over salt -1 tsp salt per 1 liter of water, normal


