From berries to leaflets: what are the benefits of sea buckthorn?
- The chemical composition of sea buckthorn
- TOP-7 useful properties of sea buckthorn
- 1. Prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza
- 2. Promoting cardiovascular health
- 3. Normalization of digestion
- 4. Improving mood
- 5. Favorable pregnancy
- 6. Beautiful appearance
- 7. Cancer Prevention
- What is useful sea buckthorn oil?
- Harm and contraindications of sea buckthorn
- What to cook from sea buckthorn: recipes for drinks and desserts
- Tea with spices
- Jam
- Compote
- Filling
- Fucking
- Is it possible to give sea buckthorn to children?
The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn have long been used in medicine and cosmetology. In China, the area of planting of sea buckthorn occupies more than 1 million hectares, and in the Himalayas it is called the sacred fruit. In Russia, shrubs are grown in gardens with reluctance, but in vain. Sea buckthorn is one of the most vitamin berries. We offer you to find out what benefits it brings to the human body.
The chemical composition of sea buckthorn
Healing properties are possessed by all parts of the shrub: berries, leaves, bark, branches and even roots. Orange-red sea buckthorn oil is extracted from the seeds, which is highly regarded in cosmetology.
But the richest chemical composition has the fruits of sea buckthorn. Consider which substances are present in large quantities.
- Vitamin C
Freeze or dry sea buckthorn berries for the winter, so that later you protect the body from colds. Indeed, in 100 grams there are two daily norms of vitamin C. This is 5 times more than in lemon. Vitamin C not only strengthens the immune system, but also increases the strength of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, slows down the aging process.
- Vitamin A and Beta Carotene
It is because of them that sea buckthorn has a bright orange color. Beta-carotene is a substance that is converted into vitamin A in the human body (5 μg of beta-carotene is equivalent to 1 μg of vitamin A). The latter is very useful for women, since it improves the condition of the skin and hair, and has a positive effect on reproductive function.
- Vitamin E
This substance is called a "beauty vitamin." It makes the face skin supple and fresh, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, hair loss. Vitamin E also accelerates tissue regeneration and strengthens the health of the cardiovascular system.
- Silicon
Silicon is a macroelement that benefits the musculoskeletal system. It is part of the bones, cartilage, tooth enamel. In addition, silicon is involved in the assimilation of vitamins and minerals by the body.
- Chromium
It is difficult to find a product that compares with sea buckthorn in the amount of chromium. 100 g of berries contain 980% of the daily intake of this substance. Chromium is a key element in the prevention of diabetes. It normalizes blood sugar, enhances the action of insulin and increases glucose sensitivity. Chrome is also good for losing weight because it helps control appetite.
- Omega 3
These are the most useful polyunsaturated fatty acids for the body. 100 grams of sea buckthorn berries contain 100% of the daily norm of omega-3. Fatty acids reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, reduce inflammation in the joints, prevent hair loss and fragility. Omega-3s are also useful during pregnancy, as they have a beneficial effect on the formation of the brain in a child.
- Organic acids
The composition of sea buckthorn berries contains citric, malic, coffee, tartaric, oleanolic and ursolic acids. The latter is one of the rarest in nature. Ursolic acid has a strong antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cardiostimulating effect.
TOP-7 useful properties of sea buckthorn
In the absence of contraindications, sea buckthorn has a beneficial effect on almost all internal organs and systems. Consider why it is worth including autumn berries in your diet.
1. Prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza
Sea buckthorn berries increase the body's defenses because they contain not only ascorbic acid, but also B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and iron. With a cold, it is useful to eat mashed sea-buckthorn with honey or drink sea-buckthorn tea from the leaves to speed recovery. Sea buckthorn oil is used externally for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract: pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
2. Promoting cardiovascular health
Sea buckthorn normalizes the metabolism of fatty acids and cholesterol in the body, increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels. It reduces the risk of dangerous diseases (in particular atherosclerosis, ischemia, heart attack, stroke, thrombophlebitis), normalizes heart rate and blood pressure.
3. Normalization of digestion
Sea buckthorn berries increase the acidity of the gastric juice and accelerate the digestion of food. Due to the presence of dietary fiber, they relieve a person of constipation.
4. Improving mood
In 2014, scientists from the Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences reported that 1000 times more serotonin is contained in sea buckthorn bark and branches than in chocolate and bananas. This substance is called the "hormone of happiness."
Serotonin has the following beneficial properties:
- maintains a good mood;
- prevents depression, increased anxiety and insomnia;
- controls intestinal motility;
- removes toxic compounds from the body.
Preparing a decoction of sea buckthorn branches is very simple. Ready-made raw materials can be bought at the pharmacy. Take 1 tablespoon of chopped twigs and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist 3 hours, then strain. Drink warm with honey.
5. Favorable pregnancy
For pregnant women, sea buckthorn is an excellent alternative to dietary supplements from a pharmacy. Berries will saturate the body with vitamins, macro- and microelements, while not harming the fetus. The product contains folic acid. It prevents miscarriages, the occurrence of intrauterine pathologies and other problems that sometimes occur during pregnancy.
6. Beautiful appearance
Sea buckthorn is a storehouse of antioxidants. Vitamins A, C, E, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, manganese have a positive effect on the skin and hair. If you want to slow down the aging process, eat at least 50 g of berries per day.
7. Cancer Prevention
Again, antioxidants that neutralize the negative effects of free radicals on the body are responsible for this property. In addition, the growth of malignant neoplasms is delayed by ursolic acid and serotonin, which are present in sea buckthorn.
What is useful sea buckthorn oil?
The main properties of sea buckthorn oil are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
The main indications for external use:
- female gynecological diseases (colpitis, cervical erosion);
- inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis);
- bleeding gums;
- sinusitis;
- trophic ulcers, bedsores, thermal and chemical burns, frostbite;
- radiation damage to the skin;
- injuries and defects of the cornea, conjunctivitis.
Take sea buckthorn oil and inside, but only as directed by a doctor. The tool improves the condition of anemia, hypertension, diabetes. It also enhances the effect of certain anticancer drugs.
Sea buckthorn oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is added to masks, creams, lotions. This natural component nourishes the skin and eliminates peeling, maintains acid-base and lipid balance, and prevents the formation of new wrinkles. Sea buckthorn oil is also used to combat freckles and age spots.
Harm and contraindications of sea buckthorn
It is impossible to abuse sea buckthorn, otherwise it will bring harm to the body.So, berries (and especially seeds) have a laxative effect. If you eat more than 300 grams at a time, you can encounter diarrhea, nausea, bloating.
The fruits and sea buckthorn oil have the following contraindications:
- urolithiasis disease;
- inflammatory diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas (in particular hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis);
- tendency to diarrhea.
Sometimes berries cause food intolerance, allergic reactions. The reason is the rich chemical composition.
Due to the high content of organic acids, doctors do not recommend eating the fruits of sea buckthorn or drinking sea buckthorn juice for people with gastritis, a stomach ulcer. But such people are allowed tea from leaves or a decoction of branches.
What to cook from sea buckthorn: recipes for drinks and desserts
Fresh berry has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, so it is better to eat it in its pure form. If you come across a too acidic variety, use the grated fruits not with sugar, but with honey to get more benefits for the body. In addition, you can prepare interesting drinks and desserts from sea buckthorn.
Tea with spices
Tea with sea buckthorn and spices will warm you in the winter, strengthen your immune system and cheer you up. To prepare it, take the following ingredients:
- fresh berries - 100 g;
- grated ginger root - 1 teaspoon;
- cinnamon - 2 sticks;
- cloves - 2 things;
- water - 500 ml;
- honey to taste.
Sort and rinse the berries, chop with a crush. Transfer to a teapot with spices. Pour boiling water, leave for 5 minutes. Drink warm with honey.
To prepare sea buckthorn jam, you will need 1 cup of fresh berries. Crush them, transfer them to an enamel pan, add 1.5 cups of sugar there and mix. Boil the mass over low heat until you get a homogeneous consistency. Do not boil to maintain maximum vitamins. Store the finished sea buckthorn jam in the refrigerator.
To prepare the compote, prepare 400 g of fresh sea buckthorn berries, 100 g of sugar and 3 liters of water. You can also use the zest of one orange. Pour the berries with cold water, bring to a boil and cook for another 1 minute, without reducing the heat. Strain. Add sugar to the hot compote and mix well.
Sea buckthorn liqueur has a pronounced aroma and mild taste. For its preparation you will need 3 kg of fresh fruit. Sort through the raw materials thoroughly, but do not wash so that wild yeast remains on the surface. Mash the berries, transfer to a deep glass bowl, add 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water, mix. Tie the neck with gauze.
Place the container in a dark, dry place with room temperature (18–27 degrees) for 3 days. Stir the contents every 12 hours. When signs of fermentation appear, put a medical rubber glove on the container, making a small hole in it.
After 30-50 days, fermentation will stop. The glove will deflate, and the drink will become brighter. Then the liquid must be filtered and spilled on glass bottles, tightly closed. To improve the taste, it is advisable to withstand sea buckthorn in the refrigerator for 3-6 months.
Sea buckthorn pancakes to taste are not inferior to traditional apple. You will need the following products:
- sea buckthorn berries - 100 g;
- oat flour - 200 g;
- milk - a glass;
- soda - 5 g;
- bananas - 2 pcs.;
- cinnamon - 1/3 tsp.
Add banana slices, soda, cinnamon, milk to oatmeal. Whisk in a blender. Pour whole berries into the dough, mix. Bake pancakes over medium heat for 2 minutes on each side. Serve with honey, jam or butter.
Is it possible to give sea buckthorn to children?
Pediatricians are allowed to give compote and sea buckthorn juice diluted with water to children from 8–9 months. Since 2 years, berries are gradually introduced into the diet. But with a tendency to allergies, you should not give sea buckthorn to a child younger than 3 years old.
The product is very beneficial for children's health.It helps the body cope with viruses and germs, improves mental abilities, eliminates mood swings. True, a small child is unlikely to appreciate the taste of sour berries. You can offer him grated sea buckthorn with honey, compote, syrup or jam.
Thus, sea buckthorn is a healing product. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, which have a beneficial effect on immunity, appearance, and emotional background. From the berries you can prepare delicious drinks and desserts. However, before using sea buckthorn, again read the list of contraindications and precautions.